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  • Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @nexemis,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We’re sorry about the confusion and frustration you have experienced here.

    We understand that not being able to access or store form entries can be a major issue for your use case. In case it helps, though, there are a few things that I’d like to clarify.

    Entry Backups Feature

    Even though WPForms Lite does not have the entry storage feature (We do our best to make this clear from the beginning, and you can see where we mentioned this here:, we do offer an option to enable entry backups through our Lite Connect feature. To do this, go to WPForms ? Settings ? General settings and look for the “Enable Entry Backups” option. This will store all submitted entries even after you close this form, so if you decide to upgrade to a paid subscription later, you can easily restore your entries.

    Using Email Notification Feature

    Alternatively, you can still manage your form entries by setting up email notifications. With WPForms Lite, you can send one notification to as many different email addresses as you’d like. Just check out this tutorial for more details on how to set it up.

    We hope this helps clarify things! If you have any further questions or need additional support, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help and want to ensure you get the most out of WPForms.

    We hope this information is helpful, and we are here to assist you further if needed. Thank you for your continued engagement with WPForms.

    Thanks, and do have a great one.

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @bsmith100 and @giumagnani

    Thank you both for your feedback, and we’re sorry that this process has shed such a negative light on your experience with WPForms. We have passed this feedback to our team internally and we’ll keep working on improving this process.

    We take this type of feedback very seriously, as without it, we would have no idea how to make the product better to ensure that we retain our customer base, but at the same time, we are open to further optimizing the process because your feedback on the process itself is also important.

    Thanks, and have a great one.

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hey @fbarret!

    Thank you so much for sharing your feedback!

    Regarding your inability to customize WPForms completely, I’d love to hear what aspects might have been missing. In case it helps, we have a couple of options for styling your forms, which include using our Modern Markup feature or custom CSS. If there is anything that you would’ve liked to have access to, be sure to let us know and we’d be happy to add this to our roadmap. We greatly appreciate your feedback as this helps us to plan our direction.

    As for the placeholder, you can edit this by editing the field and going over to the Advanced tab. While there aren’t many options in the style editor to change the placeholder text, the following CSS should help with that:

    .wpforms-container ::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Chrome and Safari */
    color: red !important;

    .wpforms-container :-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */
    color: red !important;
    opacity: 1 !important;

    .wpforms-container ::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */
    color: red !important;
    opacity: 1 !important;

    .wpforms-container :-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10-11 */
    color: red !important;

    .wpforms-container ::-ms-input-placeholder { /* Microsoft Edge */
    color: red !important;

    .wpforms-container ::placeholder {
    color: red !important;

    Be sure to change the color to the color you need, and you may also change other parameters like font-family, font-size, etc.

    And in case it helps, here’s a detailed tutorial on how to add custom CSS like this to your site:

    If you have any other questions regarding this or any other options that you’re unable to edit, be sure to let us know by opening a support thread.

    Thanks, and do have a great one!

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @eiad!

    Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback!

    The Phone field in WPForms is considered to be a Fancy field which is available in the Basic or higher plans, but I’m happy to share that there is a free alternative.

    With the Lite version of WPForms, you can use the Single Line Text field along with the Custom Input Mask feature to create a field that collects phone numbers in the specific format that you want. For example, if your country uses the 123-456-7890 phone number scheme, then you can use 999-999-9999 in the input mask field and it will ensure that your phone numbers will always be accepted in that way.

    In case it helps, you can see more on how input masks work here.

    If you have any other questions about how to use the Custom Input Mask feature to create your own phone field (and many other different field types), pleae feel free to let us know!


    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hey @bloeise!

    Thank you so much for sharing your feedback with us, and we’re really sorry to hear that your experience of WPForms was tainted by the presence of spam.

    WPForms has a ton of free anti-spam features available with all versions of the plugin:

    1. Google’s free reCAPTCHA service
    2. hCaptcha
    3. CloudFlare Turnstile
    4. Akismet Anti-Spam Protection
    5. Country filter
    6. Keyword filter
    7. Block or allow specific email addresses

    All of these are included with WPForms to help you proactively and reactively prevent spam from being submitted through your forms. In essence, aside from the honeypot, the captchas are available so that you can pick the most effective one to prevent spam, and you can add the Akismet integration on top of that, but then if spam somehow comes through, you can allow or deny certain countries from making submissions (this is golden if you only accept entries from a specific area anyways), you can block certain keywords that might be synonymous with the type of spam you’ve been receiving, and if a certain email or domain has been spamming you, you can block a whole email address ([email protected]) a domain ( or an entire Top Level Domain (.xyz).

    If you’d like to read a bit more about each of these options we have a great guide?here.

    We’re cognizant of how important it is to keep spam at bay, and so we try to offer as many options as we can to help you to ensure that you have as low a chance of receiving spam as possible. If you have any specific feedback that could help us to improve this, or any insights regarding the type of spam that you received, that would be very helpful to us as we truly appreciate your feedback here and hope to make some improvements from this.

    Thanks, and have a great one!

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Thank you so much for sharing your feedback, and we apologize for the confusion!

    In case it helps to mention, while the WPForms Lite plugin does not have the ability to store entries, you can still?receive entries via email?at no additional charge. Additionally, you have the option to back up your entries via?Lite Connect?if you plan on upgrading to a paid license in the future.

    On the topic of upgrading, it is worth mentioning that “Pro” in this context does not only refer to the Pro level WPForms license, but all four of our paid license levels as a category compared to WPForms Lite. So the entry storage feature is available across all of our paid licenses from Basic to Elite.

    For reference, though, I’d like to share a bit more details on how you can use WPForms Lite and efficiently receive and view your entries:

    Using the Email notification feature:

    If you opt to stick with the free version, it is recommended that you leverage the Email notification feature so that entries can be managed via email. You can set up form notification emails in WPForms Lite so that you receive the entries submitted by your users. Here’s the?tutorial with all the details. With WPForms Lite, you’re able to set up one notification email — however, you can send this one notification to as many different email addresses as you’d like.

    Entry storage feature:

    The?Lite Connect?feature activates when you enable the “Enable Entry Backups” option under?WPForms ? Settings ? General?settings. Here’s a?screenshot of the setting?for your reference. Enabling the Lite Connect option will back up the entries submitted through your forms for the future. This means that if you decide to upgrade to WPForms paid subscriptions, you can restore your entries and have instant access to reports.

    For additional support with potential email delivery issues or general use of WPForms Lite, please feel free to post in our WPForms Lite support forum.
    I hope that this was helpful, and if you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. We greatly appreciate the feedback that you share with us.

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @gomidefabio,

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on WPForms! We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your honest and constructive feedback with us.

    To make sure your feedback is properly received on our side, we’d love to hear a bit more on how the restrictions go beyond your expectations as well as any thoughts you may have on how we could improve WPForms Lite in that (or those) regard(s) going forward.

    While we’re very happy to hear from someone with so much experience in the space that WPForms Lite is well built, we understand that improvement is always on the horizon, so your feedback is truly important to us and we’re looking forward to further discussing potential areas for improvement!


    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hey @aspleniastudios,
    Thank you so much for sharing your feedback!

    I’m glad to hear that WPForms worked for you, and thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback.

    We appreciate your input on our Basic package features. It’s great to know what works well, but we always strive to improve and tailor our offerings to meet the needs of our customers. If you have any specific suggestions on which features you think are extra additions that might not be necessary for a Basic user, please let us know!

    Also, I completely understand your frustration with our cancellation process and I’m sorry that you found it longer than expected.

    We very much value all insights and feedback, especially things we need to improve and this is one of the reasons that made you find the cancellation process longer. As you noted, on each step, we are trying to gather feedback and suggest possible solutions for any problems that you might have encountered in an effort to show you that we are committed to giving you the best value for your WPForms license. We are also happy to cancel your subscription in case you get stuck and reach out to us.

    We appreciate and would love to hear any additional thoughts you may have on how we can improve this process or anything else that’s on your mind. Your input is invaluable to us!

    Thanks, and do have a great one!

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @berkaymutlu,

    First off, I must apologize for the frustration you’ve faced here. It is never our intention for customers to be frustrated with WPForms, however, your feedback means a lot to us and we hope to learn from it.

    I’d love to help with clarifying how viewing entries work with WPForms Lite. While the Entry Storage feature is not available in WPForms, we do offer the option to set up email notifications for each form submission. This way, you can receive all submitted entries directly to your email inbox. We understand it’s not as intuitive as having a built-in entry storage feature, and for that inconvenience, we apologize.

    We have a guide here that walks you through how to configure notifications so that you never miss another entry. With WPForms Lite, you can set up one email, but you can send this email to as many email addresses as you need.

    In addition to that, we have a feature called Lite Connect, which takes a back up your entries for future access. So, if you ever decide to upgrade to WPForms Pro, you’ll have the option to restore your entries and access detailed reports.

    We’re truly sorry for any confusion or inconveniences here, and your feedback is greatly appreciated, and we will take this opportunity to further improve WPForms to serve you better.

    Have a great one!

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @badgerous,

    First off, we greatly appreciate your feedback here, and I’m truly sorry that this is the impression you got.

    We offer an introductory discount of 50% to every user who decides to purchase the plugin so that they can experience WPForms at a lower price for an entire year. We’re not trying to scam anyone here, but rather provide good value to new users.

    Regarding the inconsistency of entries count in WPForms Lite vs emails, we understand how this can look, however, if it helps to explain, the weekly summary email keeps a tally of how many submissions are made, and we make mention of the fact that entries aren’t stored on your website while using WPForms Lite. We show this info on the Entries page of the Lite plugin, where you can enable Lite Connect if you wish. You can see the screenshot ( for reference.

    As a workaround for this, we make entries available via email notifications, which you can configure to get these details sent to an email address of your choosing. We have a helpful guide for this which can be found here:

    As for your concerns with refunds, we proudly stand by the 14-day refund policy that is stated on our website, and in some cases, we even go beyond that in the name of fighting for our customers’ success because we understand that not every situation is the same.

    Once again, it means a lot to us that you took the time to give us your feedback here, and the trust of our customers is our top priority, so transparency is very important to us. We have no intentions of misleading anyone here, we just want to ensure that you get the best form builder possible, full stop.

    Finally, if you have any suggestions on how we could improve this, feel free to let us know, we’re always open to feedback!

    Thanks, and have a great one.

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @makigo

    Thank you so much for your feedback on WPForms.

    I must first apologize that the experience was not to our intended standard. It is never our intention for customers to face issues, however, it is an occurrence that we simply must accept, but hope to make it right by offering our assistance.

    At the moment, email delivery issues are not a reported bug with WPForms so we can confirm that this is not the normal operation, and you should be receiving emails if your WPForms notifications and your SMTP are both configured correctly. With that said, if you have any interest in continuing to use WPForms, we would be more than happy to assist with resolving this issue.

    If you would like us to help, be sure to re-install WPForms and open a new topic here ( so that we can further assist with resolving your issue. For quick reference, for best results, you can check your notification settings against our setup here: and you should be using any of the available mailers (if you’re using the PHP or Other SMTP options, you can still face some delivery issues) to make the best of WP Mail SMTP.

    I look forward to us resolving your issue!

    Thanks, and have a great one!

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hey @provisuell,

    Firstly, thank you so much for the feedback. We greatly appreciate when customers let us know where we could do better.

    This ties in perfectly with the reasoning behind why the cancellation process is as long as it is. We place a significant amount of effort into making a solid product, but if we have a good product and customers are canceling, then that means we could do better.

    Because of that, we place massive importance on collecting feedback from users who wish to cancel, because feedback from someone who no longer wants to use our product is feedback in practice, and if we know why they cancel and try to improve on this, then users are usually less likely to cancel.

    To cut a long story short, we really just want to have a good idea of why you wish to cancel so that we can learn from it and try to be better.

    Reasoning aside, I want to apologize for the inconvenience that it has caused, and if you do wish to cancel and haven’t already done so, be sure to reach out to our support team by creating a ticket ( and we would be happy to help out there by doing the cancellation for you.

    I hope this helps, and thank you for giving us a shot!

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @craftygenesindonesia,

    Thank you so much for sharing your feedback. As a Pro user we would love to help you to resolve this issue, so I would recommend reaching out to our support team via email at this link:

    Typically, PayPal related issues usually come up with PayPal Commerce, so be sure to confirm with PayPal support that you have PPCP (PayPal Commerce Platform) support enabled and share with us any error messages that you’re seeing via the support channel so that we can help you to get going with PayPal.

    We look forward to helping you!

    Thanks, and have a great one.

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @stoskri,

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on WPForms. We truly appreciate it. We are also really sorry to hear that WPForms was not a good fit for you, and we are happy that you have found a solution that best suits your needs for free.

    While WPForms Lite does not have the ability to store entries, the plugin does allow users to have their entries sent to them via email, at no additional charge. We do allow users the option to back up their entries via Lite Connect if they intend to upgrade to a paid license, however, if a user doesn’t wish to upgrade, they typically don’t have to, and there are approximately 5 million users who have decided not to upgrade because that’s fine for them. We definitely hear you, though, and this feedback regarding entry storage will be discussed internally.

    As for SMTP, if we had the option to make it easier, we 100% would, however, SMTP requires you to link your website to a third-party source, and because of that, the WP Mail SMTP plugin has to rely on the third-party’s setup process to make the connection. For this reason, we have integrations with 11 different companies, 8 of which are available for no additional charge from us, so that users can choose the one that’s easiest for them. We’re truly sorry that your experience was difficult, and we’d love to hear which of the mailers you had this issue with, so that we can explore our options for making this easier.

    Again, we truly appreciate the feedback, we’re really sorry that WPForms ended up not being a good fit, and any additional feedback you could share that will help to make WPForms Lite better is very valuable to us.

    Thank you so much, all the best, and have an awesome day.

    Plugin Support Tajay Quest


    Hi @1note4u,

    It has been a pleasure!

    While we would’ve preferred to have you use WPFroms, it’s completely understandable if you find an option that suits you better, and we’re happy you have!

    We’ll definitely be going back to the drawing board here to see what we could do to make WPForms Lite better, and if you have any other bits of information that you could share that we could benefit from, please always feel free to let us know, we truly appreciate the feedback!

    Thanks, and all the best!

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