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  • Thread Starter iamPariah


    “Do the Dashboard and permalinks work properly if you install WordPress into a subdirectory?”

    Yes. For this project, a root install is important.

    “Have you successfully installed an older version to root?”

    No. This was my first attempt. Well, I installed, then upgraded within an hour to 1.5.2. Both worked with the default and initial auto-post except for the Dashboard.

    BTW, this is my third WP blog project, and I’ve been using WP for a couple of years now.

    In another issue, I can’t get %category% to work in permalinks on Apache 1.3.3. And that is critical to my project.

    I’m willing to pay for someone to get/hack WP to resolve my two issues–running from root and using %category% in permalinks–if they can be resolved within a week.

    Micke, you’re going to get spammed like crazy by posting your e-mail address in the open on such a highly ranked site.

    Hi, Cool Momo.

    Getting notifications is easy. First, make sure you have an e-mail address entered in your user profile (on the Users tab). Then, under Options / Discussion, check the boxes in the “E-mail me whenever” section.

    “Awaiting Moderation” means the comments are stored in your database, but not visible to the public until you approve them on the Manage / Comments page.

    I’m having the same problem–no dashboard, permalinks don’t work, but plugins and themes do work.

    It’s been 5 months since the above. Has anyone found a fix?

    In WP 1.5, open \wp-includes\functions-formatting.php and look for the below lines:

    $curl = str_replace('---', '& #8212;', $curl);
    $curl = str_replace(' -- ', ' & #8212; ', $curl);
    $curl = str_replace('--', '& #8211;', $curl);

    Replace with:

    $curl = str_replace('--', '& #8212;', $curl);
    $curl = str_replace(' -- ', ' & #8212; ', $curl);
    $curl = str_replace('---', '& #8211;', $curl);

    Remember to take out the space between & and # in each of the above; the space was necessary to make it display the code here.

    8212 is the entity for em dashes, 8211 the entity for en dashes. I changed my ens to a triple-hyphen, but you may want something else (for example, all hyphens).`

    I’m a little late to this discussion, but I wholly agree with Marky. Em dashes indicate related but separate thoughts and clauses from the surrounding sentence. The space-em-space convention is a copywriting device popular online because it allows the sentence to wrap at the em placement if needed–which, of course, makes it useful but not grammatically correct.

    I too am annoyed by WordPress making the assumption that a double-hyphen should be an en dash and a triple-hyphen an em dash. Who types that way?

    I’m going to troll around and play with the code to see if I can find where to fix this erroneous text replacement implementation.

    I tried several of your CG plugins. Even after fixing the font/echo error, InBetween refused to display new inbetweens or even edits of existing inbetweens. I tried inserting Adsense code, but nothing happened. It only displayed the default in betweens.

    After trying AntiSpam I spent just under an hour restoring all 413 comments on my blog instantly marked as spam and hidden by the plugin. I’m grateful for two things: First, I test installed it on a blog only 4 months old, and, second, that I knew about CJD Spam Nuke and its ability to restore (one at a time) comments that ill-behaving scripts like CG AntiSpam hide.

    You might want to warn people that if CG AntiSpam wipes clean every single one of their comments, they can restore them with a significant time investment and CJD Spam Nuke.

    These are the only two plugins I’ve tried of yours–I downloaded several to test, but I’m very leery about even activating them, to be honest.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    Thanks very much for the compliments!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Comment Spam

    Instead of deleting wp-comments-post.php after changing the name to something else, you could actually use it to be pro-active.
    Use the above technique of making a new, renamed copy of your wp-comments-post.php. Then edit the original wp-comments-post.php to redirect spambots away from your site. It’ll end the 404 barrage and, if the spambots work like a search engine bot (most research suggests they PROBABLY do), then they may learn to never come back to your site.
    1. Follow the above procedure from macmanx, but don’t delete wp-comments-post.php.
    2. Edit wp-comments-post.php to include ONLY the below, nothing else:
    header(“HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently”);
    3. Upload to your server as wp-comments-post.php.
    What happens? When a spambot goes looking for wp-comments-post.php it will find it, but the 301 redirect rule tells the bot that the page has moved PERMANENTLY to Thus the bot will follow the redirect, winding up on and leaving your WP blog alone.
    Of course you can change the redirect location to any valid location–if it isn’t valid, you’ll cause your server troubles. I used CNN rather than some kind of anti-spam organization for two reasons: First, such organizations are usually small and can’t handle the extra bandwidth, however little it may be; besides, I certainly don’t want to risk them having a WP blog. And, second, spambots might have internal protections against being redirected to known dangerous targets or URIs with certain words in them.
    Want to see how it works? Visit here:

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