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  • Upload, do a force refresh on your post edit page, and new images you insert will have classes instead of align attributes.

    I mispoke there. I meant to say “new images you insert will have classes as well as align attributes.”


    I found your solution (the fact that the problem exists is extremly stupid on the part of the tinyMCE developers).

    In tiny_mce.js, go to line 2697 (this)

    tinyMCE.setAttrib(this.imgElement, 'align', align);

    and ADD after it

    tinyMCE.setAttrib(this.imgElement, 'class', align);

    AND, replace line 2652 (looks like this)

    html += ' height="' + height + '" align="' + align + '" title="' + title + '" onmouseover="' + onmouseover + '" onmouseout="' + onmouseout + '" />';

    with this

    html += ' height="' + height + '" align="' + align + '" class="' + align + '" title="' + title + '" onmouseover="' + onmouseover + '" onmouseout="' + onmouseout + '" />';

    Upload, do a force refresh on your post edit page, and new images you insert will have classes instead of align attributes. Create CSS entries for
    .entry IMG .left
    .entry IMG .right
    and so on, and you’re good to go.

    Well it’s about time someone did something about that! Thanks, Viper.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Forcing lowercase?
    Thread Starter iamPariah


    Thanks, Kate, but I actually need the variables to be returned lowercase (as opposed to simply displaying lowercase) so I can use them in a function.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    I don’t think that’s it. I ran down the domains of the others above who are having the same problems, and we’re all using different hosting companies.

    My hosting provider is a good one (in my experience), and I’ve got all the features I need for this server.

    That said, I had entertained the idea of switching providers, but if the host is not the problem, I’ll be setting myself up for the same result with someone else. In fact, it could be worse; the current provider put my site on a “holding” server–it was still available to visitors while the provider’s network admins and I troubleshot. With another provider, my site might be shut down outright without warning.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    WP-Cache helps a LITTLE, but it’s not the solution.

    In the end, I had to upgrade my hosting to a new dedicated server (with my own CPUs that WP could max without harming any other sites) at a cost of over 500% of the virtual server I had been using.

    This is not a problem caused by the various bloggers/webmasters. It’s either some new form of spam attack, poorly coded search engine spider upgrades, or a newly found exploit in WP.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    You know, that’s pretty interesting that there are so far three of us with the exact same problem, beginning at about the same time, united only by a WordPress installation that apparently ran for months with exactly the same configuration. It’s also interesting that the timing of this is pretty close to the splog (spam blog) explosion.

    Buxx and Richard, do your sites have high search engine rankings? My site is a very high traffic, high-ranking site in its industry. It could be we were all targeted–manually or by a spam bot–and that’s at the heart of our issues.

    I wonder if they found a new WP exploit, and we’re patient 0.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    I’ve handled the problem by installing WP-Cache (plugin).

    I don’t believe I resolved the issue, just fixed the symptoms. That will keep my site from being shut off by the host, but I’d still like to track down the real cause.

    How did I track it down to WordPress? Well, the server CPU stats reported that the high usage was caused by PHP scripts. After I disabled everything else PHP on the site, WordPress was the only thing left and the CPU usage was the same.

    I don’t necessarily believe WordPress has a fault in it, just that WordPress (or some module of it) is the reason the CPU is maxing. It could be anything from increased traffic to the site (already ruled out) to poorly coded templates from the user (already ruled that out too).

    The real kicker is, the CPU shot up on a specific day and remained high since. I changed nothing in the site on that day or immediately before it. Normally my first troubleshooting step is to look for user (my) error. In this case, that wasn’t a factor–although I troubleshot for it anyway by using 3 month old backups, just in case I changed the templates or hacked the WP code without telling myself.

    Search engine traffic increased, but not a great deal. I did throttle the search engines back by telling bots through robot.text to wait 20 seconds between each page request. Still, 99% CPU after that.

    It’s perplexing. With WP-Cache I’ve been given breathing room to work on the problem without worrying that my business is going to go down. But, I still want to find the actual ailment instead of treating the symptoms.

    I’ll look into the .htaccess and mod_rewrite rules. Maybe I goofed it months ago, but it was only on 17 Oct (and later) that some other factor caused that mistake to become an issue.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    Hmm. Thanks FHT. I’ll have to check into the efficiency of my .htaccess files.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP-Cache

    Yeah, but it’s a shame that there’s no explanation of what LightPress is or how to use it.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    Yup! All fixed. Navigating the codex without search is decidely unfun. ??

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    As I said in my first post, I used <font> for testing only.

    It’s for both category archives and posts.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    While I appreciate your help, it doesn’t actually tell me how to make this work. I see that I’ve inadvertantly left in get_category_link, but to what should I change it to return the category ID instead?

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    What I’m trying to do is use templates with the proper names (category-#.php where # is the cat ID) to cover each of several categories, but also their child categories. Child categories have their own cat ID numbers, so I’m having trouble making a child use it’s parent template.

    For example:
    ID Name
    1 Mom Category
    2 — Little Billy Sub-Category
    5 — Little Suzi Sub-Category
    3 Dad Category
    4 — Baby Francis Sub-Category

    In the above circumstances, I want to create two category specific templates–category-1.php (Mom Category) and category-3.php (Dad Category). These will apply to Mom and Dad, respectively. However, I also need Mom’s category-1.php to apply to her children, Little Billy Sub-Category (cat ID 2) and Little Suzi Sub-Category (cat ID 5). Then Dad’s category-3.php template covers the Dad Category (cat ID 3) AND Baby Francis Sub-Category (cat ID 4).

    I’ve got multiple writers working on the system, each assigned to a parent cateogory. They will be adding and removing their sub-categories as needed, but must rely that their sub-categories and individual post pages will use the assets (template, graphics) of their main or parent category.

    Any help on making this one work?


    Thread Starter iamPariah


    Thanks, Unteins. I just tried that plug-in, though it doesn’t work on my site. Instead of a server 404 error I get a WP 404–which is progress, but not a solution yet. I’ll see if my message to the plug-in author gets me any help.

    I’m still in need of help with root install issues like the dashboard.

    Folks, the project I’m working on will be an ongoing and evolving project. I need launch help now, again, for which I’m happy to pay, but I’m also looking to build a relationship with a programmer who can help build new features and customize existing ones as my project moves along.

    I’ve been hacking my WP installations for years, but my skillset with WP, PHP, and Apache only extends so far. I need a professional backup to take on what I can’t to answer the immediate and occasional future needs of a for-profit, WP-based website.

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