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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Media Library showing as blankI’m using a version of thematic for my theme (customized heavily)
Removing the contents of the function file restores the media library – so I guess it’s the theme that’s out of date. ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] How create a double job category?is there any way to enable an ‘and’ filter request for categories in the [jobs] shortcode generated jobboard?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Dropdown twenty eleven menus don't work on tablets (android)This isn’t a specific wordpress issue, its the same for any dropdown menu that has a link attached to the dropdown trigger – It’s a quirk of android specifically – the link in the top of the menu opens as you tap – obviously there’s no hover state as on a desktop device and unlike ios, you don’t get a double tap option – if you hold down your finger on the menu you want to open you get a little dialog box pop up in android – this gives enough time for the dropdown to open without opening the link from the top item, so it’s not that the dropdown dosn’t work, just that the trigger for the dropdown can’t have a link attached to it. It woks differently in chrome on ios (double tap) so its an android issue – not a chrome issue.
There’s got to be a workaround for it – I’ve heard someone mention using HoverIntent instead of OnMouseOver for example.
The problem with wordpress is it’s hard to construct an automatically generated menu that doesn’t have a link attached to the dropdown the menu item triggers, the only way is to build the menu manually without top level inks in the menu bar and add php to the content of each dropdown to generate the links automatically.
perfect – worked for me – after I removed the other set of rewrite rules I had above the boilerplate code!
Just switch off ‘show icons’ in the widget settings and update the code below with the following for standard list format (lines 561 – 563 of eg-attachments-public.inc.php)
$output .= '<li class="attachments attachments-'.$tags.'">'. implode('<br />', $caption_list). '</li>';
– then just use css to replace the bullet point style with an image.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [Plugin: EG-Attachments] Tags AND vs. Tags ORsorted
Just switch off ‘show icons’ in the widget settings and update the code below with the following for standard list format (lines 561 – 563 of eg-attachments-public.inc.php)
$output .= '<li class="attachments attachments-'.$tags.'">'. implode('<br />', $caption_list). '</li>';
– then just use css to replace the bullet point style with an image.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [Plugin: EG-Attachments] Tags AND vs. Tags ORPart of the way there – I’ve managed to pass the relevant document tag into the dt icon class by changing
<dt class="icon">
to<dt class="icon-'.$tags.'">
on line 552 of eg-attachments-public.inc.phpmight have to change dt to li so I can change the bullet icon for each class.
Part of the way there – I’ve managed to pass the relevent document tag into the dt icon class by changing
<dt class="icon">
to<dt class="icon-'.$tags.'">
on line 552 of eg-attachments-public.inc.phpmight have to change dt to li so I can change the bullet icon for each class.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [Plugin: EG-Attachments] Tags AND vs. Tags ORI’m struggling with it… I’ve tried a plugin that claims to add a class to a widget – not ideal solution, but it would have worked. however it broke the site…
I have classes based on tags in my main menus but they’re calling the tag based on the wordpress default code and as the media tag option is part of this plugin (and not standard), I’m not it’s going to work, or sure how to proceed.
I’ve started a thread on it…. Any takers?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [Plugin: EG-Attachments] Tags AND vs. Tags ORHave you got any idea how to pass the tags into the link url in the widget – I’d like to customize the icon based on the tag.
The appears to be very good – a bit like ‘All-in-one-SEO’ but with title rewriting etc (in a bulk list interface or per-page)
I needed to write specific title tags for post and pages, this is easy to install and works well.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: "Error establishing a database connection" adding new siteI had the same problem connecting to database for all sub domain sites, the fix came from removing www. from the main site url in WP admin, but also switching off www. prefix in my domain configuration panel on the server (plesk), then it all worked fine.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multi-site common users; media upload problemI had to create both the folders for each subdomain via ftp in the end and set privileges to 777 for both, then uploads worked fine. eventually ‘2’ was being created by wp, but not ‘files’
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multi-site common users; media upload problemgreat, I understand the usual permission problems for standard installs (and settings required to sort tme out) but neither I or our server tech support can see anything that’s obviously wrong with the set up of the folders for this multi site install…
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multi-site common users; media upload problemshouldn’t the folders ‘2’ and ‘files’ be created by the system? apache has ownership of the folders and the server is set to do this for all new sub folders….