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  • Thread Starter i3ant0n


    Ok, I can do the above except for the .htaccess as there is one on the domain root but haven’t seen another in any of the wp folders. There are about 20 sqls there according to phpmyadmin, some not in use.

    I’ll wait for a reply on this before I start trying to sort it. Thx for the reply esmi.

    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    Hi esmi. This time, doing this made the blog load as a blank white screen. Tried it on ie and gchrome, same result. Ie refused to load the page again after renaming back too. Closing and reloading the browser fixed that though. Also, tried closing browser between renaming the folder, same thing.

    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    Bumped because I am still stuck with this.

    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    As I said above, the small percentage is succesfully allowed in but that is always on sites that get no traffic.

    I consider trying to go against the idea of something, somewhat hacking it. I don’t follow dictated meaning, all the time. If a blog is about ‘cheese and wine’ and someone is attempting to display porn on there…..

    A plug in issue solved the problem, then it turned out there is another problem.

    All I can say at the moment is it can be done. I have done it before but it was a good while ago and have to remember how to do it again. I remember playing with the header.php and the style sheet but cannot remember which it was to edit it succesfully.

    This is how I prevented messing it all up…

    Make a back up of everything, open the file you wish to edit TWICE and as a further back up, copy the contents to a notepad file. Then you can safely play with the contents.

    That said, if you are not as brave (dangerously stupid lol) as I was, you might want to wait until someone has a more concrete answer.

    Get hosting elsewhere, is my suggestion. It’s been a while since I need free hosting but there were many willing to give it for nothing without banners. Not sure if I can post links here but : is one I have used in the past.

    Main FeaturesFTP account and File Manager
    Control Panel and Automatic Script Installer
    MySQL databases & PHP Support
    Free tech support
    Addon domain, Parked Domains, Sub-Domains
    Free Community Access (Forums)
    Clustered Servers
    No ads!

    Sorry to wordpress for the link. Not sure if it is allowed.

    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    Sadly I have had to remark this unresolved as I cannot login to the admin at all. I seem to be logged in if I go back to any of the pages but clicking Site Admin or trying to login, gives Internal Server Error. That said, after logging in and browsing a few pages, it seems to have forgotten I am logged in and clicking login, does give the opportunity to login. Again, then the ISerror comes up.

    I have no idea what can be done now. Can anyone help ?

    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    keesiemeijer, it worked. Amazing stuff…. thanks. I started replacing the plugins back (very nice how you can just move them to take them off lol) and the first one I put back broke it again. However, the rest have gone back in fine and all seem to be working.

    Still using IE so will have to close it to make it forget the cache I guess. GChrome and Safari are now working.
    Below is the plugin detail from its readme txt
    Thanks to you and artbycrunk for taking the time to reply. Problem cured, I will try to pass on something to the plugin author just incase it is a current/valid issue.

    EDIT ~~~~~ (posted on authors blog)
    EDIT ~~~~~ Topic marked resolved. Thanks WP and all who help out here. You are the stuff of genius.
    === Plugin Name ===
    Contributors: eriksef
    Donate link:
    Tags: counter, widget, instantcounter, seo, statistic, counter, count
    Requires at least: 2.0.0
    Tested up to: 2.8.6
    Stable tag: 1.1

    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    oops – meant to add, I’m not sure how to disable the plugins since I can only go to one page on any browser, signing in gives a 406/404 error, viewing any further page after the initial page visit, does the same thing. however, if i clean cookies, it works, but the same thing then happens again.


    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    Thanks for the replies ??

    I have the back up done and just managed a brief chat with a friend who says I can export parts of that sql and import them into the new one I have made.
    I’m nto entirely sure what version it is as it was broken for a while but haven’t had the chance to jump on it and get it sorted.

    I would dearly love to know what nailed it as such.
    I also read just now to disable all the plugins and enable them one by one, which might show the cause.

    We added a few new posts to get content started back up and him running again so he will be delighted if we can somehow add back with more ease than one post at a time lol.

    htacess – I’m told there is only one htaccess in the domain root and see it on the ftp. I am aware I can and indeed have edited it and reset it. Not sure what you mean about installing a new version of wordpress and that also making a new htaccess file though. The domain hosts quite a few wordpress sites.

    Again, thanks for the replies. Your help is invaluable and much appreciated.

    If you are in need to remove it, if you know how to edit the sql through phpmyadmin, you can try removing content, that way. Maybe seek some advice on this method first as I am not qualified as such to guide you, still in early learning here.

    I recommend you try to find out why though. Maybe create a post/page and save it as draft to recreate the error for testing/solving if you do indeed remove it via the sql.


    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    hi ipstenu

    After trying to login and failing, the login page also appears on the left in the table under the header.
    Forums._._._._._._._._._._._._._._(right align) [username][password] {}(forgot?) (Register)
    WordPress ? Support ? Log in

    Log in Failed

    Username [______]
    This username does not exist. Register it?
    Password {______]
    Remember me []

    Password Recovery
    To recover your password, enter your information below.

    Username: [______]
    (Recover Password)

    As I say above, I think after trying the new password, I moved to the top right login and it then let me in.

    Thanks for the reply ??

    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    Thx for the reply, I should have made it clearer above. I tried that after reading various times but like I think one poster on here, it didn’t solve the problem.

    Could really do with some help to save having to copy content from the sql tables.

    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    hi esmi, thanks for the reply

    Support Forums

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