Hyyan Abo Fakher
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Duplicated search result@ankur Prem OK +1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Duplicated search result@ankur Perm the problem does not happens on my local server , it may be my server only , but I’ve could you please do the following and tell me if that helped :
from polylang settings page disable the following options :
Detect browser language
Hide URL language information for default languageForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Duplicated search result@ankur Prem I am afraid you are write , it is not a complete solution and some extra works need to be done here , the problem with search query in general I will try to solve this tomorrow.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Works great!You are welcome and thank for your support
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] ExcellentThanks for support
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Duplicated search result@ankur Prem I belive the Search By Product tag – for Woocommerce plugin is your problem here , cause it modifies the search query , please try the solution first , to see if it worked for you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Duplicated search result@ankur Prem I think I’ve got your point here , so let’s break it up :
1 – woocommerce search widget
The widget uses the wordpress functions to display products and that’s what allowed polylang to display the correct products according to active langauge , and that’s what we expect , so as you said It is OK
2 – Search By Product tag – for Woocommerce plugin
I’ve just installed the plugin and made some tests , as it seems the plugin is using its own query to achive its goal , here is a snippet :
$query = " select p.ID as post_id from $wpdb->terms t join $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id join $wpdb->term_relationships tr on tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id join $wpdb->posts p on p.ID = tr.object_id join $wpdb->postmeta visibility on p.ID = visibility.post_id and visibility.meta_key = '_visibility' and visibility.meta_value <> 'hidden' ";
thats make it impossible for polylang or WooPoly to to correct the results plus it does not provider any filter for its query to add support ,
But guess what I still have the solution but you have add a two or three lines to the plugin , here is the modified version :
<?php /* Plugin Name: Search By Product tag - for Woocommerce Plugin URI: https://www.mattyl.co.uk/2012/12/14/woocommerce-wordpress-plugin-to-search-for-products-by-tag/ Description: The search functionality in woocommerce doesn't search by product tags by default. This simple plugin adds this functionality to both the admin site and regular search Author: Matthew Lawson Version: 0.3.1 Author URI: https://www.mattyl.co.uk/ */ add_filter('the_posts', 'search_by_product_tag'); function search_by_product_tag($posts, $query = false) { if (is_search()) { //get_search_query does sanitization $tags = explode(',', get_search_query()); //var_dump($tags); foreach($tags as $tag) { //Ignore already found posts from query.. $ignoreIds = array(0); foreach($posts as $post) { $ignoreIds[] = $post->ID; } $matchedTags = get_post_by_tag(trim($tag), $ignoreIds); //var_dump($ignoreIds,$matchedTags); //die(); if ($matchedTags) { foreach($matchedTags as $product_id) { $posts[] = get_post($product_id->post_id); } } } //var_dump($posts); return $posts; } return $posts; } function get_post_by_tag($tag, $ignoreIds) { //Check for global $wpdb, $wp_query; //$ordering_args = WC()->query->get_catalog_ordering_args( $orderby, $order ); /** * Special code for removing duplicates if WPML plugin is installed * Its popular translation plugin that causes lots of product duplicate products that have different product ids * We need to check the wpml meta data of the product to work out the duplicates */ $wmplEnabled = false; if(defined('WPML_TM_VERSION') && defined('WPML_ST_VERSION') && class_exists("woocommerce_wpml")){ $wmplEnabled = true; //What language should we search for... $languageCode = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE; } // $wmplEnabled = false; $ignoreIdsForMySql = implode(",", $ignoreIds); //var_dump($ignoreIdsForMySql); global $polylang; $join = $polylang->model->join_clause('post'); $where = $polylang->model->where_clause($lang, 'post'); $query = " select p.ID as post_id from $wpdb->terms t join $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt on t.term_id = tt.term_id join $wpdb->term_relationships tr on tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id join $wpdb->posts p on p.ID = tr.object_id join $wpdb->postmeta visibility on p.ID = visibility.post_id and visibility.meta_key = '_visibility' and visibility.meta_value <> 'hidden' {$join} "; //IF WPML Plugin is enabled join and get correct language product. if($wmplEnabled) { $query .= "join ".$wpdb->prefix."icl_translations trans on trans.element_id = p.ID and trans.element_type = 'post_product' and trans.language_code = '$languageCode'"; ; } $query .= " WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'product_tag' and t.name LIKE '%$tag%' and p.post_status = 'publish' and p.post_type = 'product' and (p.post_parent = 0 or p.post_parent is null) and p.ID not in ($ignoreIdsForMySql) group by p.ID {$where} ; "; //Search for the sku of a variation and return the parent. $matchedProducts = $wpdb->get_results($query) ; //var_dump($matchedProducts); if(is_array($matchedProducts) && !empty($matchedProducts)) { //var_dump($matchedProducts); $wp_query->found_posts += sizeof($matchedProducts); //var_dump($wp_query->found_posts, sizeof($matchedProducts)); return $matchedProducts; } //return get_post($product_id); return null; } ?>
please note that I am not adding support for my plugin here but a support for polylang in general , maybe you can ask the plugin author to add support for polylang as it is really easy .
3 – user getting redirected for an english version
That is the default behavior for woocommerce when there is only one result for your search terms .
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Parse error@ewape thanks for sharing , the plugin requires PHP5.3 at least
@ewape Are you really using wordpress 4.2.2 , cause the error is really strange , the class is already defined here in wordpress under the following path :
maybe your are facing plugin conflict , deactivate all your plugins and keep this plugin with woocommerce and polylang only . and see if the problem still exists.Although I think it is not the plugin issue here , cause the class issue is only constructed when new Email’s order is being sent.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Parse error@ewape Good for your , I am happy you solved the problem , before I even look at it .
could you please explain your issue a little and how you have solved , in order to let people who are using this plugin know how you did in case they are facing the same issueForum: Reviews
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Great plugin!@leemon , thanks a lot for your review , I am happy cause you find this plugin useful. that encourages me to keep updating .
@king-a-s you are welcome ??
@pino_nl thank you for your help , I am surprised , something went wrong with my deploy step I think.
The file is not missing in the Github Repo Here :
https://github.com/hyyan/woo-poly-integration/tree/0.18/src/Hyyan/WPIAnyway I’ve solved the problem , you can re install the plugin safely now
Thanks again for feedback
@king-a-s am not sure what the problem might be , I need some feedbacks here.
can you please add the following lines to your config.php file :define('SAVEQUERIES', true); define('WP_DEBUG', true); define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
if you still getting a blank screen check the
in your wp-content folder .then paste the result here please.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Translation of emails@ksawery , Yes my first name is Hyyan ??
to answers your questions :
[1] So that means that if someone orders with the french ‘tag’, he will get the email “Thank you for your order” in french?
You are correct
[2] Will we have the possibility to translate each version of the email, or is that automatic?
It will be automatic
[3] You said ‘will’, do you know how much time before the plugin can do it?
Instantly , whenevery woocommerce fires its actions for emailsAt this time , I dont have a way to accept any donation , but I will keep adding new features in the long terms , I have big plans for this plugin.
But given me a star on Github or WordPress Repo will make day ??
Thank you for your questions