Forum Replies Created
Yeah I think that feature request as you described it would be great.
My guess is there’s probably an issue on file already.
But otherwise, plugin developers definitely need this feature.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Syntax] Example with PHP doesn't workI give up.
tags in WordPress is dangerous. WordPress messes it all up.The plugin should use shortcodes instead.
I’m switching to
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-reCAPTCHA] Does Not Work for MultisiteFor those who don’t want to touch the code, you can download the entire patched plugin at:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-reCAPTCHA] Doesn't save keys for WordPress 3..05For those who don’t want to touch the code, you can download the entire patched plugin at:
I don’t think there’s a bug in WordPress. It’s just that WordPress hasn’t implemented an interface for site-wide options that is similar to per-blog options. It’s more a lack of a feature.
It looks like the author of wp-recaptcha intended to use *both* site-wide options and *per-blog* options, with per-blog options overriding any site-wide options, if any.
What this means is that it’s not just a matter of detecting multisite and using update_site_option instead of update_option; it’s a matter of having two sets of options pages: one in the Network Admin which uses update_site_option (if multisite) and one under the regular Settings menu which uses update_option (for both multisite and non-multisite). But update_option vs. update_site_option is only part of the story. The CGI form interface for site settings is what’s really missing from WordPress.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Syntax] [Plugin: WP-Syntax] Broken with Twenty Ten themeThanks Mark for a detailed article (maybe a bit too detailed ?? ).
I was able to hack wp-syntax.css’s styles to try to get it back to normal. Almost there.
There still remains a column width problem: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Footnotes] [Plugin: WP-Footnotes] Referencing doesn't workOther sensible defaults:
– content priority should be 1, so that it’s ahead of all other plugins. After all, footnotes are pretty much part of the content while other plugins just add buttons.
– This should be displayed before the footnotes:<div class="footnotes" style="clear:both"> Footnotes: </div>
ol.footnotes, div.footnotes {font-size:0.8em; color:#666666;}
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Footnotes] [Plugin: WP-Footnotes] Referencing doesn't workOops, my bad, apparently it’s an option: combine identical notes.
That really should be the default.In the meantime, I’m using a forked version of Sharedaddy (part of Jetpack, by the Automattic folks) to have the +1 button.
You can see it on my page: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Footnotes] [Plugin: WP-Footnotes] Footnotes are positioned too lateSilly me, it’s a simple fix: they already have an option called priority.
Change the default 11 to 1, and you’re set.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Footnotes] [Plugin: WP-Footnotes] Choose where to put footnotes on pageSilly me, it’s a simple fix: they already have an option called priority.
Change the default 11 to 1, and you’re set.This is just for the YARPP options page.
You still get:
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin Options 3.3.1
by mitcho (Michael 芳貴 Erlewine)and the two sidebar widgets “Contact” and “Upgrade to BlogGlue”
But the rest of the page is blank, and because of the JS problem, the menus on the left don’t toggle open-close.
@mattyrob To be honest, I haven’t used Subscribe2 enough lately to fully understand what you’re saying. I used it years ago and I haven’t gotten around to start using it again on my new wordpress installation. So I can’t really confirm your suggestions. I can only say that the link is broken on multisite and that POST should probably replace GET. I hope that’s helpful, anyway. Sorry I can’t confirm your plans.
Great, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Footnotes] [Plugin: WP-Footnotes] Choose where to put footnotes on pageThere seems to be enough demand that I should take a look at the code.