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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)] Admin Dashboard overheadMaybe this is a workaround:
Install the plugin “Plugin Logic” and set all backend only plugins to ‘Dashbord’ “no”, and ‘Activate On’ to “/wp-admin/”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)] Admin Dashboard overheadAs far as I knew, the best thing at the moment is to scan in manual mode by visiting your website in an extra browser.
I would be nice if “Stop Scan” would work after logging out form the dashbord – testing in extra browser – relogin into dashbord to press “Stop Scan”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin] Dropbox uploads fails:I don’t completely understand that.
All(!) backup-files has been made by updraft. The problem only occurs at the transfer to Dropbox. Some Backup-Files of a single run, are transfered to Dropbox and then they are deleted locally at my website. The other Backup-Files of a single run failed to be moved to Dropbox and they are still there on my website AND they has NOT been deleted!!! And all these backup-files are listed within Updraft-Plugin.
What ever “database dropped” means, in that situation it is obvious, that the rest of the files should be moved to Dropbox. A error message to the webmaster would be fine.
However, I can’t rely on a Backup that fails in getting my Backup to a secure place.
By the way: At the Backup-Listing within the Plugin, I didn’t find a way to find out what files are locally stored and what files are at the Dropbox.
For my opinion it is absolutely necessary to indicate that on that place. I don’t want to check that via FTP and Dropbox!!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin] Dropbox uploads fails:80% of my Backups run into that error. 20% are OK.
The main Problem are the huge amount of Backup Files left on the website.
Couldn’t your plugin try to move that files at a later time?
That error
**ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_commentmeta</code> ( <code>meta_id</code> bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL A...]
is still there.
Will it be fixed some day?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP MyBackup] Activation failsWP Version 4.3.1–de_DE
Version 5.5.8Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] how to improfe the performanceThe alternative by Sergej Müller
seems to have no measurable impact.I do my measurements with I found that posting:
It was just the
in the text.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Styles: TwentyFourteen] Each page on site being fetched twice from serverThanks. Removing just “url()” did the job.
I worked with exporting the options (wp options importer), editing the JSON file and reimporting the result.
I could break down the problem to:
If I remove.styles #page #masthead{background:#fff url()}.
from that entry then the second loading of the html disapears.If I import just that:
{ "version": 5, "options": { "storm-styles-twentyfourteen": "", "storm-styles-twentyfourteen-css": ".styles #page #masthead{background:#fff url()}" }, "no_autoload": [ "moderation_keys", "recently_edited", "blacklist_keys", "uninstall_plugins", "storm-styles-twentyfourteen" ] }
then I get that problem.
Unfortunately we need that setting, because our page would look awesome.
I found the wp options importer plugin in a post here in this forum.
I’ve exported my setting and imported them in a fresh clean wordpress and I got my problem:
the html section of a webpage is loading a second time.After a Styles PLugin RESET, that effect is gone!
I had the same problems with a copy of my site. I’ve tried a lot of things, but at last only a RESET of the Styls Plugin settings removed the problem.
What stetting could case such a double load of the html?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackUpWordPress] archives bigger than 64MByte are not createdUpdate done.
trying a manual file backup …for my opinion it seems to stuck by
“calculating the size of your backup”Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackUpWordPress] archives bigger than 64MByte are not created“Great” tool. It’s trying to backup my testside now for 4 days, without finishing, aborting, producing error messages or log-files …
.. welcome to the new “standards” in coding a programm or application …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackUpWordPress] archives bigger than 64MByte are not created64*1024*1024? That’s funny.
I know a lot of backup plugins with problems creating bigger zip archives.
A workaround would be creating different backups for the bigger directorys e.g. one for wp-content/uploads, one for wp-content/plugins and exclude the bigger ones in then “main”-backup.
As far as I know the updraftplus plugin makes automatically that split into multiple archives.