15 years ago
Add this to your stylesheet:
.postmetadata { text-align: left; }
If you look for this in your stylesheet (about line 65):
#content img, #contentwide img { border:1px solid #D0D0D0; float:left; margin:3px 10px 3px 0; }
Change it to this:
#content img, #contentwide img { float:left; margin:3px 10px 3px 0; }
Try this:
<?php $cat = (empty($_GET['cat'])) ? 'introduction' : $_GET['cat']; ?>;
Of course you should also probably check that if the category is entered that it exists.
No problem, I’m off to be now though as it’s 3:35am here!
You should have double quotes otherwise $cat will be interpreted literally.
<?php $cat = $_GET['cat']; query_posts("post_type=post&order=asc&category_name=$cat"); ?>
Where did you get the theme from?
I guess you could try passing in like you’ve got there and then change the query_posts
It won’t work unless you use code tags. Highlight the code you want to insert and click the ‘code’ button on the toolbar above the edit box.
Put this in code tags.
Having read these usage notes, I think you have the wrong type of theme for what you’re trying to achieve.
This is very straight forward and being over complicated. Can you provide me with the id’s of the posts.
It should be as straight forward as using either the the_date() or the the_time() template tags inside the loop.
For more info, see the Template Tags page
I have some bad news for you. That template isn’t a wordpress template, which is why you’re having trouble.
Some of the templates on that site are, but that one isn’t it’s just a plain CSS template
Layermo is what you’re after.
You could just use the ‘more’ tag in the post editor?
See this page in the codex for more info.
This may seem like a silly question, but why aren’t you using the RSS feed to get the data?