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Hmm, I just published a test post and the URL instead of Post Title issue doesn’t look resolved (and image doesn’t appear), though everything looks good through the debugger. The debugger actually detects the image, though it doesn’t display it. When you hover over it and click it appears… thoughts on the Post Title piece? Also, I’m curious as to why everything worked great for awhile in 2.3, then back to this problem in 2.3.1? Thanks!
Thanks Richard. I deactivated the “FaceBook Share (New)” plugin and ran the URL through the debugger again. That cleared up the complaint of multiple og:url values, but it’s now complaining that the image is too small and defaulting to an unrelated image…
It’s a step in the right direction, but I’m guessing there’s no way around the image size issue? We’re pulling images from elsewhere and can’t do much about the size.
Hi, I am having a related issue. When using Jetpack Sharing v2.2.9 and v2.3.1, posts that were publicized to Facebook were coming through without an image or the post title, just a link. This issue seemed to be fixed in v2.3, I wasn’t experiencing that same problem.
Most posts have an image added directly in the post, although the image is often hosted elsewhere.
Here are two website and Facebook page examples: help would be appreciated. Let me know if I can provide more info. Thank you!
I’m having the same issue. Additionally, I was stuck in a loop for about 20 minutes where I couldn’t disconnect from Facebook on the “Sharing” page. Whenever I clicked on “Sharing” or clicked on the “x” to disconnect, I got the “You have successfully connected your blog to Facebook” dialogue box. Fortunately, that just stopped!
OK, I manually inserted the link into the HTML above the shortcode on the contact page. I edited the version to 2.0.4.
<link id=”grunion.css-css” media=”all” type=”text/css” href=”″ rel=”stylesheet”>
It works, but I don’t think it’s a great fix!
I can see what’s happening here, in the previous version, this link was in the HTML:
<link id=”grunion.css-css” media=”all” type=”text/css” href=”″ rel=”stylesheet”>
.textwidget input[type=’text’], .textwidget input[type=’email’], .textwidget textarea { width: 100% !important; }
.contact-form .clear-form { clear: both; }
.contact-form input[type=’text’], .contact-form input[type=’email’] { width: 300px; margin-bottom: 13px; }
.contact-form select { margin-bottom: 13px; }
.contact-form textarea { height: 200px; width: 80%; float: none; margin-bottom: 13px; }
.contact-form input[type=’radio’], .contact-form input[type=’checkbox’] { float: none; margin-bottom: 13px; }
.contact-form label { margin-bottom: 3px; float: none; font-weight: bold; display: block; }
.contact-form label.checkbox, .contact-form { margin-bottom: 3px; float: none; font-weight: bold; display: inline-block; }
.contact-form label span { color: #AAA; margin-left: 4px; font-weight: normal; }
.form-errors .form-error-message { color: red; }
</link>That link to the CSS is missing from 2.0.4 Any help getting that back? I don’t want to go back to plugins!
Did anyone ever find a fix for this? Or how to downgrade to the previous version of Jetpack? Thanks.