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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenTickets Community Edition] Same QR code when buying 2 ticketsThe QR Code of the ticket is binded on the order. A customer buy 5 tickets in one order. It is totally insubstantial which QR Code of the 5 tickets you will scan. You can scan a ticket as many times as bought. The system only check how often the ticket is used. So coming back to the answer of the question, the QR Code ist unique for the order not for the ticket. For my opinion it is a security reason to create only an unique QR Code for the order and not for each ticket, but to prevent us for damage we print a note on each ticket that a ticket lose validity if we assert any attempt to defraud.
At the moment there is no option in the Backend to set a value that every Ticket has to be printed on its own sheet of paper. This is only possible if you change the code by yourself. Hardcoded it is no rocket sience. To build it into the Backend you have to dig a little bit deeper into code.
Think both issues are a good “nice to have” feature for the upcoming update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenTickets Community Edition] How to change time of existing eventOk. Great. Got it. Little bit tricky and uncomfortable, but more than nothing.
Thanks for your help.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenTickets Community Edition] Error 404 and wrong "Top Level Events" countThanks for replying this issue.
The Error 404 Problem is back. I turned off all PlugIns except WooCommerce and OpenTickets. Regardless the deactivating of all other PlugIns, the Error 404 came back. To resolve this i have to de- and activate OTCE. After a couple of hours the stored events ran into Error 404 again. Now WooCommerce schow in WP a note that i have to update my DB Tables. OK. Done. Note is gone. Tried to call the event. Error 404. De- and activate OTCE works. After a couple of hours, Error 404. Aaaargh. And the note is also back ????? Ok. DB broken? Incompatible? Installed WP on MySQL Version 5.5.48. WP want 5.6 but support my used Version. PHP Version is 5.6. Anyway, i decided to change the DB and PHP Versions on Monday.
But on Sunday the annoying issue grows up to a disaster. I received a couple of orders, cancelations and failed orders. Here some examples:
https://prntscr.com/ck4ruhAfter that i found new items under the categorie events in the backend. In WooCommerce under Products and in WP under articles. They were not visible in the frontend. But to late.
Some of our users got e-mails with addvertisements. Official originator, my website.Do you know something about this hack, exploit, overflow or whatever here went wrong with my install? I dont think that is only a problem with WP, OTCE, WooCommerce or my DB. I think it is a combination of all. For testing i turned off WooCommerce and OTCE, deleted all users to secure their data, and waited for a new attack. Nothing happend till now. So it seems there is a problem with my WooCommerce and OTCE install. On my WP install no user can post anything. No building of pages, articles or comments allowed. So the question is what was the door opener? For your information, i am not searching for a culprit, i only want to understand which issue is responsible for my problem and how to prevent the site against such attacks.
I will move my installation to MySQL 5.6.31 and PHP 7.
But is this enough?
Hope you can help me and others with similar problems.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenTickets Community Edition] Error 404 and wrong "Top Level Events" countSpooky. Error 404 is gone after deactivating Yoast SEO.
I try to reproduce the issue, but after activating Yoast SEO the error is still gone. Creating of new events is possible with no error 404.The Top level event count issue is still present.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenTickets Community Edition] Error 404 and wrong "Top Level Events" countDeinstall and new installation of otce does not solve the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenTickets Community Edition] Calendar is not using Time Date Format of WPDid you received the Pics and the Language-File on info Mail-Adress?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenTickets Community Edition] Calendar is not using Time Date Format of WPHi Loushou,
thanks for your response. I need the Datepicker and the Frontend Calendar in German Time and Date Format. All visual changes i made in my Test Enviroment worked more or less fine ?? So i set it back to normal.
I will be happy if you can tell me wich files i have to change.
I translated up to 90% of openticket into German but failed to change the calendar.
The biggest problem for me seems to change the datepicker. The visual things i think is only changing all “yyyy MM dd” and “hh:ia” to “dd MM yyyy” and HH:i” and so on.Holger
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenTickets Community Edition] Calendar is not using Time Date Format of WPSorry. Used 4.2.1. Now it ist 4.2.2 ??