2 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I encountered the same error when using JupiterX theme. The error occurs when I try to edit the tagline of the site. When I deactivate Elementor I can edit the tagline normally.
Hi, I would appreciate it too, as it clutters the console unnecessarily. Appreciate you and your work!
2 years, 11 months ago
Hi, thank you for the answer. Will version 3 also be compatible with Polylang and others?
I just want to note: it’s not the price of WPML that is unattractive but rather that it is bloated und user unfriendly in my opinion.
For anyone coming accros this:
Adding ‘author’ to all arrays where the plugin checks for user role which is set to ‘administrator’ only in most cases, solved it.
4 years, 7 months ago
I have this too on a couple of client sites.
It looks like WPCF7 doesn’t work well with WP 5.5…