5 years, 1 month ago
I’m having the same issues with V2 but changes the reCaptcha usage already. Do you have any other ideas on what might cause this and how to fix it?
5 years, 11 months ago
Thank you Jarret – works well ??
After emptying my cache – The footer text is white but reverts back to blue when visited. The social icons are barely visable (look closely to right of footer, they are meant to be white too)
6 years ago
I appreciate your patience .. unfortunately that hasn’t made a difference
Do you have any other suggestions?
<use xlink:href=”‘ . esc_url( get_stylesheet_directory_uri(__FILE__) . ‘/images/houzz.svg#social-houzz’ ) . ‘”></use>
Do I need to edit the code here at all? As I have added it added to my theme images now but not seeing a difference
@susannelson I’m getting a similar problem when trying to do a custom icon for Houzz. Can you take a look at where I may have gone wrong?
Hi Kartik
Thanks for getting back to me, to confirm :
I have added the SVG to public_html > wp-content > plugins > simple-social-icons > icons > svg as houzz.svg
Is this correct or is it meant to be somewhere else?