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  • Thread Starter hot8


    No i did not. I had older version plugin files and uploaded it. Now i get lot of css errors but as a result at least it looks ok.

    I created user with administrator rights and cant see all the buttons in editor from new user account. Shift+alt+v? it is collapses view window in firefox. am i missing something?

    Thread Starter hot8


    To: esmi

    Url for “stripmail”


    I am confused about how to find element in PHP file which is responsible for generating data. In my case i want to remove from google calendar widget two elements. for instance:

    From here:
    Thursday, 30 April 2009
    * International Day * Korea
    remove this:
    9:00 AM by David Kadagishvili
    Korean cuisine as a national cuisine known today has evolved through centuries o

    I went over this code and removed each element at time. Spent hours on it and still could not find solution.

    		    Widget Functions
      function widgetWPNGCalendarInit() {
    			if(!function_exists('register_sidebar_widget')) { return; }
    			function widgetWPNGCalendar($args) {
    				if(!$options = get_option('wpng_cal_widget_options')) {
    					$options = array('wpng_cal_widget_list_size' => 5, 'wpng_cal_widget_title' => 'Upcoming Events');
    				echo $before_widget . $before_title . $options['wpng_cal_widget_title'] . $after_title;
    				<div id="wpng-cal-widget-events" style="display:none;"></div>
    				<div id="wpng-cal-load-widget" class="wpng-cal-loading">
    					<img class="wpng-cal-image" src='<?php bloginfo('wpurl') ?>/wp-content/plugins/wpng-calendar/images/loading_large.gif' alt="Loading" />
        <script type="text/javascript">
    					widgetListSize = <?php echo($options['wpng_cal_widget_list_size']) ?>;
    				echo $after_widget;
    			function widgetWPNGCalendarOptions()
    				if(!$options = get_option('wpng_cal_widget_options')) {
    					$options = array('wpng_cal_widget_list_size' => 5, 'wpng_cal_widget_title' => 'Upcoming Events');
    				if($_POST['updateWPNGWidgetSettings']) {
    					$options = array('wpng_cal_widget_list_size' => $_POST['evnt_cnt'], 'wpng_cal_widget_title' => $_POST['evnt_list_title']);
    					update_option('wpng_cal_widget_options', $options);
    				echo '<p>Sidebar title:<input type="text" name="evnt_list_title" value="'.$options['wpng_cal_widget_title'].'" id="evnt_list_title" /></p>';
    				echo '<p>Number of events to show:<input type="text" name="evnt_cnt" value="'.$options['wpng_cal_widget_list_size'].'" id="evnt_cnt" /></p>';
    				echo '<input type="hidden" id="updateWPNGWidgetSettings" name="updateWPNGWidgetSettings" value="1" />';
    			register_sidebar_widget('WPNG Calendar','widgetWPNGCalendar');
    			register_widget_control('WPNG Calendar','widgetWPNGCalendarOptions', 200, 200);

    which elements are responsible for it?

    In firebug how do you find javascript responsible for generating data? I know how to find css, html and edit them. My problem is figuring out which javascript is in charge for generating element.

    I wish there are more tutorials about firebug. Video tutorials ??

    Thread Starter hot8



    there is program “StripMail” i copied whole my text in it and cleaned up.

    Now everything look fine and HTML/CSS are valid.

    Only thing i need fix is Google maps page on IE and get rid of descriptions from upcoming events (on sidebar). Any suggestion how to make to show only titles?

    Sorry to asking so many questions and Thanks for your time

    Thread Starter hot8


    to esmi

    thanks a lot. I did not knew it is problem to paste from word. I have to go now and will work on it when come beck.

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter hot8


    more i try to validate it more errors i get. Yesterday at one point it was html valid but still pages were same looking.

    now i have 90 errors.

    Hired 5 people for this project logo designers, layout designers, coders and still having problems.

    i had DMSguestbook plugin running ok on it. Then update came out. Updated and it disappeared. Had to deactivate widget and whole plugin.

    Go to appearance >> widgets you see “current widgets” on the right.

    drug them up and down. Just move around.

    Thread Starter hot8


    I really need help with this crap.

    If i reinstall Windows is it going to help? ??

    So to remove page title here

    (i need to remove “about”) should i make custom page template and remove it from there?

    How really this WP thing works? ?? I know how to use firebug and locate it with it. Next i know how to remove it within firebug and looks fine. But, lastly i can’t find where is this thing stored in template directory.

    Where is it? page.php?

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