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  • Thread Starter Horizonz


    Interesting thread about the issue here.!topic/analytics/_C2M4pZ9sEI

    It appears I may need to wait for another ~5 hours for a full 24 hour cycle to be sure it isn’t working.

    Google will also withhold demographics info if there is a possibility that it may reveal an individual’s private information (age, race, etc.) — though that doesn’t appear to be an issue with my site.

    I was concerned the plugin wasn’t working because I received an error from google stating: “Your Analytics tracking code does not include the necessary support for the Demographics and Interest reports.”, but it seems like this has been confirmed as a validation issue on Google’s end and that the current solution is simply to select “skip validation” and wait a full 24 hours.

    Edit: Also, for anyone who may read this in the future, check and make sure you don’t have more than one google analytics tracker running on your website. The thread linked above goes in to much greater depth (and shows solutions), but basically if you have more than one tracker running simultaneously, none of them will work.

    If I continue to have the issue later tonight I’ll update this post, but as of the moment I’m going to assume that demographics information simply hasn’t been updated in my analytics profile yet.

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    I found a widget called Count All that works almost perfectly… I just wish I could use shortcode, as I’m using the Vantage theme with Pagebuilder and it would be nice to embed the output in existing text instead of having to create a row/column specifically for the counter. ??

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    Found the issue. I hadn’t enabled modrewrite in httpd.config. Here for more info: under “Fixing perlinks problems” #4.

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    Found the issue. I hadn’t enabled modrewrite in httpd.config. Here for more info: under “Fixing perlinks problems” #4.

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    Alright, so I’ve managed to get my site semi-functional in WAMP. Basically, I used Duplicator (the plugin) to create a backup. I unzipped the backup straight into my WAMP’s WordPress folder and let it overwrite all of the previous contents. Then I used phpadmin to create a new database and import the database that was unzipped with the rest of the Duplicator files. Then I modified my wp-config.php file to point it to the correct Database name.

    I can view my home page and make changes in my dashboard, but I can’t view any of my other pages (404 errors). I’ve tried changing my permalinks settings to default and saving (and changing them back to where I had them and saving as well) — neither fixed the issue. What am I missing?

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    Reconstructing it is, then… :/

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    Alright, Solution found (for the most part, I just can’t get it centered, but meh.. no biggy. :p).

    The Plugin is called WP Pagenavi, after installed you can throw in this code:
    <div class="alignleft"><?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } ?></div>

    between this code:

    <div class="alignleft"><?php next_posts_link('&laquo; Older Entries') ?></div>
    <div class="alignright"><?php previous_posts_link('Newer Entries &raquo;') ?></div>

    on your index.php page.

    After installed, the plugin has an option to change to a drop-down box under ‘settings -> pagenavi’ in your admin page.

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    After looking at the source of that page, I managed to find this code:

    <div align="center"><div class="wp-pagenavi">
    <form action="/index.php" method="get">
    <select size="1" onchange="document.location.href = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
    <option value="" selected="selected" class="current">1</option>
    <option value="">2</option>
    <option value="">3</option>
    <option value="">4</option>
    <option value="">5</option>
    <option value="">6</option>
    <option value="">7</option>
    <option value="">8</option>
    <option value="">9</option>
    <option value="">10</option>

    I’m assuming there’s a function somewhere accompanying that? Any Idea how I’d get that function?

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    Thanks for the reply!

    Granted it may not be a plugin, I thought about that. Am I wrong in assuming there would be a plugin for something as simple/essential as this though? ?? I appreciate the link to the js. ?? I’ll look into that..

    URL of that site is:

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    Well, if you visit my site you’ll notice that just by the nature of the site I end up putting up a swarm of small posts quickly instead of longer posts occasionally. Because of this it’d be nice to give my visitors the ability to skip between pages quickly using the drop down box instead of being forced to navigate a single page at a time. Even being able to select from the most recent 10 pages or so would be fine.

    Older content on the site will be for the most part ignored. It’s the recent content that matters more to occasional visitors with a site like mine.

    I know the plugin exists because that screenshot is actually from a website I frequent that uses it. I’m just not sure what the plugin is called. I ran into a plugin that seemed right for what I wanted, but couldn’t get it operational. I can only assume it’s old and doesn’t work with WP 2.8 or something.

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    fixed problem with header.. (the edit button disappeared on me or I’d erase the above post). Gunna expiriment with this some more…

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    I think I may have accidentally deleted a bit of code in the header while I was trying to figure this out… Pixel theme (under popular)… anyone mind taking a look and telling me what I did? x.x

    <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="header">
    <h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
    <span><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></span>
    <div id="topright">
      <?php wp_list_pages('depth=1&title_li=0&sort_column=menu_order'); ?>
      <li><a href="#searchform">search</a></li>
      <li><a href="#main">skip to content &darr;</a></li>
    <div class="cleared"></div>
    </div> <!-- Closes header -->
    <div id="catnav">
    <div id="toprss"><a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/rss-trans.png" alt="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>" width="65" height="24" /></a></div> <!-- Closes toprss -->
    <ul id="nav">
      <li><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>">Home</a></li>
      <?php wp_list_categories('sort_column=name&title_li=&depth=2'); ?>
    </div> <!-- Closes catnav -->
    <div class="cleared"></div>

    You can see the affect it had on the template here: :/

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    Alright, thanks a lot Maestro. ?? Any idea what kinda tags I’d be using? The problem with my website’s header is the title is a small flash animation which might complicate things. I’d also like to keep the link bar there too, and have the rest of the blog content below the link bar. I don’t mind leaving out the sidebar if it’s gunna be too much of a hastle (though it’d be nice to keep it :p).

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    Read the entire post/related posts, and looked up a little info on google. I have a very basic understanding of WP now, but I’m still having trouble understanding how I’d place the whole theme inside of a new header/sidebar. I just don’t understand the php all that well.

    From what I do understand now.. I’ll probably be adding to index.php and adding to the style sheets somehow.

    Could I place the majority of the php/java code inside of the content table area of my original website code? Would something like that work since my site is coded mainly in HTML (and uses some javascript/flash)?

    Any ideas/examples would be appreciated. ??

    Thanks again in advance!

    Thread Starter Horizonz


    broken post?

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