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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] BASIC TEMPLATE SETTINGS NOT WORKINGHi Shelby,
I used your documentation and found out that I have a theme conflict. Thanks for sending me the Event Calendar documentation, it was really well written, easy to follow and understand for the regular old Jo like me. I do like your calendar a lot and that is why I really wanted it to work for me on my site with my theme’s page template. I purchased my theme recently so I will continue to bother the tech support until they (hopefully) fix the issue for me.
Thanks again, have a great day.
Hope Center
Here is the screenshot you requested. Yes, it is a clean theme, it is not a child theme, it doesn’t have any modifications and Business Directory Plugin is the ONLY plugin that is activated.
I was running a debugging test of my site so I had to make sure that everything was clean and there were no conflicts with the plugins to determine which one was causing the problem (theme or plugin).
Thank you for your response and your referrals. I am fairly confident that your plugin DOES have some bugs in it that you need to fix yourself. My reasoning for this is that I have SWITCHED THEMES to TWENTY SIXTEEN from WordPress AND deactivated ALL my plugins EXCEPT for the Business Directory plugin (then cleared my cache) . The Business Directory plugin STILL had 3 BUTTONS (View, Edit, and Delete) that didn’t inherit the Twenty Sixteen theme.
So to me, with this configuration test, it is either the Business Directory plugin that has a bug or the Twenty Sixteen theme. Can you kindly look into this issue some more and if you are able to recreate this issue then kindly update your plugin after you have solved the problem.
Thank you.
@businessdirectoryplugin — thank you for your response. I looked at the link you gave me. I am able to create a file called wpbdp_custom_style.css under wp-content/plugins on my site, but I don’t know anything about CSS at all.
I tried using Firebug, after I went to YouTube for a tutorial on how to find elements and stuff, but I still wasn’t able to make any sense of it. And there are so many buttons in the BD plugin.
Can you kindly provide me with the CSS I need to put into the wpbdp_custom_style.css file. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyForms Ultimate Member] BUTTONS Didn’t Inheriting My Theme@sven — thanks for your reply, unfortunately I don’t know anything about CSS coding. I was hoping you could give me the code to enter into the custom CSS area of my theme.
I also saw that there was an update to plugin that was released very recently. I was hoping that the update would resolve my issue — but it didn’t. Maybe in the next update the plugin will have some code to ensures that it inherits from the theme so that none techies like myself don’t have to struggle with it — if it doesn’t already have that feature.
@borisv — thank you for your post. I uninstalled the BuddyPress plugin. I saw the changes to my forum pages. Thank you, it fixed the issue I was having with the display on the forum main page. But the buttons are still not working on the forum pages and throughout my site.
Should I also uninstall bbPress. I deactivated it and lost the information on my forum page altogether so I put it back. I am guessing they work together.
I will take your word for it that UM is better than BuddyPress, I don’t have a preference and don’t know anything much about either one to make the call. What I did like about BuddyPress was that it had these features — activity streams, messaging, and notifications.
My community is very social. Right now we’re using WhatsApp (Group) notifications, there’s a lot of activity including media, links and private messaging. The problem with that is that messages get lost after a while and it’s not as searchable. A really good forum is needed.
Is there something besides the paid extensions of UM that can be used on my site to add these features?
Since I am still having the issues with buttons on my site, does that confirm that it is a problem with my theme. Or is there another potential conflict I am missing?
Thank you so much for your input.
@themesumo — thank you for replying to and sending me more CSS. I have applied them, even if it is a temporary solution, because I need to record a video tutorial (screencast) on how to use my site, I can’t do that until the buttons and everything on the page looks right. At least on the main pages that I will need to show in the screencast.
I have taken down all the custom CSS for now because I am trying to get KopaTheme (my theme’s author) to look at my site and fix it for me. I hope they respond.
@borisv, thank you for sending my that information on the conflict check procedures. I did step one – switched my theme to the WP Twenty Fifteen and found that the problems that I was having with the buttons, events calendar plugins and the forum plugin all went away. The plugins worked properly on Twenty Fifteen (with the exception of a couple buttons). So, I don’t think its the plugins.
Can you tell me which are the two community builders you are referring to? Should I remove one, which one should I remove?
I am not in the web design or computer field. So, I don’t know how to read or write CSS, I only know basic HTML. I downloaded Firefox and Firebug to inspect the page like was suggested to me. I tried to figure out how to find things on Firebug by watching a tutorial on YouTube. But I can’t figure it out. That’s why I was hoping the people on the forum could help me out.
LOL, I tried to pick very popular, well established and supported plugin from the WordPress Plugin directory to avoid any potential conflicts — what to do.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: BBPress / Forums and BuddyForms buttons do not match themeHi @themesumo, I tried what you gave me but sadly, it didn’t work. The only thing that changed was the pointer. Thank you for that helpful tidbit, it will definitely help users figure out what’s clickable.
About the inspect element and FireBug thing, I am able to open the inspect element window but I can’t understand ANYTHING I see there. I am by no means qualified to do anything except for fiddling around with a WordPress blog and installing plugins. I am just another stay-at-home mom with a blog. ??
Thanks so much for all of your help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Updated to WP 4.6.1 – How to Get Older Version BackHi @sven,
Yes, I can switch from Visual/Text. I wish I could show you a screen shot of my text editor. I don’t know how else to explain it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: BBPress / Forums and BuddyForms buttons do not match themeOh my gosh @themesumo, I could cry, I am so happy! Thank you so much for helping me. ?? Things are looking soooo much better now. The Ask Us page button is just perfect, thank you.
The Events page buttons is good too, the theme buttons are supposed to be a regular rectangle shape (no rounded corners) but it’s close enough.
The Forum Topics page SUBMIT button did NOT change. ??
https://www.thehopecntr.com/forums/forum/homeschool/The Buddy Forms, BuddyPress and Ultimate Members buttons didn’t change, I am guessing you couldn’t see those because they are in the members area. But I am having the same issue with those buttons too.
Most of the Directory buttons changed and are perfect too. The EDIT and DELETE buttons on that page have not changed though.
The Community Groups (Forum) Search button is perfect, but the little circle bullet looking things that are in front of every item are not supposed to be there, if you could fix that that would be wonderful.
What you have done is really great, I was so frustrated with the plugins not working properly. Now thanks to you, I am that much closer to launching the new site. I am so excited!
Have a great day.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: BBPress / Forums and BuddyForms buttons do not match themeHi @themesumo,
Thank you for your response and the CSS code. I tried the code in my Custom CSS area, thanks it worked on my Events page. However it did fix the other pages that I listed.
So does that mean that I should only leave the CSS for the Submit button in the Custom CSS area?
#add-an-event.bf-submit.btn.btn-primary {
background: #3FB0AC !important
}and remove the other part? Or are both needed for it to work?
Looking forward to your response. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: BBPress / Forums and BuddyForms buttons do not match themeForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: BBPress / Forums and BuddyForms buttons do not match themeHi Sven,
Thanks for responding to my post. Sorry, I didn’t know we could post links to our website here. :O Here are the links to the pages that are giving me problems. I’d really appreciate it if you were able to help me. Thank you.
Here is the BB Forum
https://www.thehopecntr.com/groups/The BuddyForm is a the bottom of the page:
https://www.thehopecntr.com/events/Business Directory Plugin buttons:
https://www.thehopecntr.com/directory/Ask Us Form buttons
https://www.thehopecntr.com/ask-us/Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Updated to WP 4.6.1 – How to Get Older Version BackHi, thanks for your reply. I issue doesn’t have anything to do with the plugins. I just to like the way the text appears in the text box. It looks like CSS coding language or something. Before it was just a plain text box where you can see the HTML code. I understanding basic HTML, but working with this new editor confuses me with the colour coding and the numbers down the side.
My maid issue with the editor is that I don’t know how to force a new paragraph when the visual editor refuses to cooperate. (I use to do that). I don’t know if there is a significant difference between the new and the old versions, I am just not familiar with this new look.
But if I can’t get it back, or if it will mess up my website then I will just have to learn to deal with in. Thanks for responding.
One a side note, I posted a thread about the BB Forum plugin not inheriting the theme from my site, do you know how to fit that problem? Any advise you could give would be great. Thank you.