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  • Ditto. I just came to the forum to post this same request. When it does indeed turn out to be a non-breaking change and everything is working fine and safely after the change, it would be great to be able to turn off the nag notification. Something like…

    ?? Yes, I swear, I have checked and the change did not break anything and everything is safe. Please turn off the reminder.

    Thread Starter hommealone


    Thanks for the quick reply. Much appreciated!

    Thread Starter hommealone


    I’ve disabled all plugins besides “For All”. In troubleshooting mode, I saw the overlay the first time I entered troubleshooting mode (with just “For All” enabled) but haven’t been able to see it again.

    I don’t see any recaptcha or cloudflare cookies. Oddly, I am getting cookies for hcaptcha! Although I have no hcaptcha plugin! I don’t know where those are coming from. I’ve cleared those, and all Google cookies.

    Although they are all disabled in troubleshooting mode, there are several different captcha plugins installed:

    CAPTCHA 4WP which we’ve used for years to protect logins page;
    ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7 which we’ve also used for years to protect our CF7 forms;
    Simple Cloudflare Turnstile which I only installed to test whether the problem was with our Cloudflare keys (no problem there anymore).

    I can’t figure out how to get the “For All” overlay to appear again so I can proceed with the troubleshooting by enabling other plugins one by one.

    Thread Starter hommealone


    In troubleshooting mode I disabled all themes and plugins, then enabled the reCaptcha for All plugin. I visited one of the pages in the list of pages to protect. And I did get the protection! To continue though, enabling any other plugin doesn’t help me to check. When I visit that page again, I no longer get the protection. I thought that this might be because the plugin set a cookie, so it would not get the overlay on subsequent page loads? But I tried removing any cookies that seemed like they might be connected, but I still can’t see the overlay again, even with ALL other plugins disable and “For All” enabled.

    Thread Starter hommealone


    OK, solved when I rotated the Turnstile secret key and entered the new key in the plugin settings.

    Thread Starter hommealone


    Even with Simple Cloudflare Turnstile deactivated, I see the console error message.

    Thanks for the heads up though. I’ve set the Simple Cloudflare Turnstile to not be added to the login form, at least until I straighten everything out.

    Regarding the keys:
    At first I was not able to get either plugin to validate the keys. I solved that by “rotating” the secret key in the Cloudflare account set-up, and substituting the new secret key. Now both of the plugins are able to validate the keys successfully in the settings page.

    Still no luck getting your plugin to protect a page though, ?? but I’m still working on further troubleshooting.

    Our organization is getting slammed with “donation spam”. We have a page with an embedded donation form (from a very reputable and popular CMS for non-profits) which already has a Google reCaptcha included in the form. (That firm has been no help in getting the problem solved!) I was hoping to protect the entire page with the addition of a Cloudflare turnstile for the page itself.

    Thread Starter hommealone


    Hi again Bill.

    I get this message in the console:

    [Cloudflare Turnstile] Unable to find onload callback 'onloadTurnstileCallback' after 1 second, expected 'function', got 'undefined'.
    h @ api.js?onload=onloadTurnstileCallback:1
    setTimeout (async)
    (anonymous) @ api.js?onload=onloadTurnstileCallback:1
    setTimeout (async)
    (anonymous) @ api.js?onload=onloadTurnstileCallback:1
    (anonymous) @ api.js?onload=onloadTurnstileCallback:1

    (We also have the Simple Cloudflare Turnstile plugin installed. The turnstile widget works in our forms when this plugin is active. But I get the console error even when I disable the Simple Cloudflare Turnstile plugin.)

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by hommealone.
    Thread Starter hommealone


    Thanks Bill! Sounds great, I’ll install it and give it a try.

    Thread Starter hommealone


    Thank you so much! It’s very generous of you to help me to understand this. Last question, I think… (no coding required!)

    Does the admin_init hook fire on front end pages? The idea is to force any visitor to use the WordPress login to view pages in the staging site. If they visit the URL of a front end page in the staging site (where the plugin might or might not already be active) and the Force Login plugin has not yet been activated by the above code, will the admin_init hook be fired at all?

    admin_init?is triggered before any other hook when a user accesses the admin area.
    Thread Starter hommealone


    Thanks so much Kevin! I hope that each of those options might be helpful to someone reading this thread in the future.

    I’ll check with my hosting provider regarding that mu-plugins option.

    Thanks for the improved code for the bypass option! Much appreciated.

    For me, the “deactivate plugin programmatically” option would only help if there were also an else which activated it when copying down from the production site (where it would be deactivated) to the staging site. Deactivate when copying up to production, activate when copying down to staging. ( I also think I should check to be sure the plugin is installed, no?) Something like:

    // Disable or enable 'Force Login' plugin for production or staging
    $force_login_plugin = '/wp-force-login/wp-force-login.php';
    // Make sure the plugin is installed
    $plugin_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . $force_login_plugin;
    $is_installed = file_exists( $plugin_file );
    if ( $is_installed && '' === $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && is_plugin_active( $force_login_plugin ) ) {
    	deactivate_plugins( $force_login_plugin );
    elseif ( $is_installed && '' === $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && is_plugin_inactive( $force_login_plugin ) ) {
    	activate_plugins( $force_login_plugin );

    Or for clarity, perhaps:

    // Disable or enable 'Force Login' plugin for production or staging
    // Conditions:
    // Where are we?
    $environment_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    // plugin is:
    $force_login_plugin = '/wp-force-login/wp-force-login.php';
    // Make sure the plugin is installed
    $plugin_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . $force_login_plugin;
    $is_installed = file_exists( $plugin_file );
    // Active state
    $is_active = is_plugin_active( $force_login_plugin );
    if ( '' === $environment_domain && $is_installed && $is_active ) {
    	deactivate_plugins( $force_login_plugin );
    elseif ( '' === $environment_domain && $is_installed && !$is_active  ) {
    	activate_plugins( $force_login_plugin );

    What problems do those present?

    That said, the bypass option seems much simpler than either of these. Are there any real advantages of using an activate/deactivate solution instead of a bypass solution?

    Thanks again for your help with this!

    Thanks. I took a different route, though your suggestion may be more suitable for some people!

    I used Recovery Mode to disable the plugin. (Which restored the admin and front end.) Hopefully that will allow the plugin to auto-update when a new version arrives, and I’ll turn it back on then. Everything basically works without it; the only thing different is that the index pages are now “paged” which is the default appearance. Not the end of the world, for our sites.

    On one of my sites, it seems to have crashed the front-end too.

    When it gets patched, can someone please note in this thread whether the updated/fixed version will be able to auto-update, or whether the malfunctioning admin area will prevent that? Thanks! I’m hoping that a fixed version will be available very soon, and that it will auto-update and basically repair itself, but perhaps that’s not possible.

    Do we think this is just a simple typo?

    An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 20 of the file [path]/wp-content/plugins/yith-infinite-scrolling/plugin-fw/yit-plugin.php. Error message: require_once(): Failed opening required 'includes/class-yit-metabox.php'

    Perhaps it should be “yith-plugin.php” and “yith-metabox.php”, instead of “yit-plugin.php” and “yit-metabox.php” like this:

    An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 20 of the file [path]/wp-content/plugins/yith-infinite-scrolling/plugin-fw/yith-plugin.php. Error message: require_once(): Failed opening required 'includes/class-yith-metabox.php'
    Thread Starter hommealone


    Maybe something like this?

     * Bypass Force Login to allow for exceptions.
     * @param bool $bypass Whether to disable Force Login. Default false.
     * @return bool
    function domain_based_forcelogin_bypass( $bypass ) {
        // Get visited domain
        $domain = get_site_url();
        // Bypass login on production, force login on staging
        if ( str_contains($domain, '') ) {
            $bypass = true;
        } elseif ( str_contains($domain, '') ) {
        	$bypass = false;
        return $bypass;
    add_filter( 'v_forcelogin_bypass', 'domain_based_forcelogin_bypass' );

    Would that work? Can you suggest improvements?

    Some thing like this would not short-circuit required login to access the WordPress admin area in any case, right?

    Thread Starter hommealone


    Alright, fixed, thanks. I’m including the details of what we did, in case it might help someone else…

    I did not need to add the shortcode to the front page template; when I tried that, I had double sets of icons. It was not being added to the homepage because it was the homepage (which, in SSS Placement settings I guess refers to when the blogrole is the homepage) but because it is a “page”. We use a static page as our homepage.

    But to remove the code from each excerpt there, I unchecked Homepage (which wasn’t enough), but I also needed to uncheck Post, and add the shortcode into the single post content template instead. Deselecting “Post” from the Placement options removed the SSS sharing icons from the code of each post excerpt on our homepage, and adding the shortcode to the template made the icons appear on single post pages, which is what we wanted.

    Now we have Pages as the only option selected in the Placement options, and use shortcodes to display them everywhere else on the site where we want them to appear.

    Thread Starter hommealone


    So sorry – too many tabs open! I mistakenly posted this in the wrong place. My apologies.

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