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  • Thread Starter homelesshenry


    I have figured out the issue.

    A maintenance mode plugin updated and changed the way it handles things, now creating a static maintenance page as the homepage only for logged out users.

    Yoast was detecting that.

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Rebooting the server allowed access to site B again.

    However, now neither site can connect to Redis.

    I had already asked my hosting company to install Redis, and everything was working smoothly on Site A; that is, until I enabled the Redis plugin additionally on site B, giving me the aforementioned redirect problem.

    Now neither site can connect to Redis via the plugin. Do you know how to fix this?

    Status: Not connected
    Client: PhpRedis (v5.3.7)
    Drop-in: Valid
    Disabled: No
    Connection Exception: Connection refused (RedisException)
    Errors: [
        "Connection refused"
    PhpRedis: 5.3.7
    Relay: Not loaded
    Predis: Not loaded
    Credis: Not loaded
    PHP Version: 7.4.30
    Plugin Version: 2.0.25
    Redis Version: Unknown
    Multisite: No
    Metrics: Disabled
    Metrics recorded: null
    Filesystem: Working
    Global Prefix: "wpse_"
    Blog Prefix: "wpse_"
    Global Groups: [
    Ignored Groups: [
    Unflushable Groups: []
    Drop-ins: [
        "Redis Object Cache Drop-In v2.0.25 by Till Krüss"
    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Seems like the Redis server was down and this solved the problem.

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Hi Thomas,

    I hadn’t thought it through much, but that was my initial thought as well.

    Element A has been scrolled past out of sight, the checkpoint/Element B is reached and Element A then appears fixed to scroll at the top.

    Because sometimes you want a widget or ad to appear and then stick only near the end of the article/page.

    Healthline is sort of doing something similar, although it’s with several sticky widgets that appear to be using height yet its dynamically spaced apart throughout the page:

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Actually looks like I figured that out as well.

    Great plugin, you guys had a lot of foresight.

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Thanks Nebu,

    I had actually just figured it out prior to your message.

    If I could ask something else, what I’m wondering is whether the form can log the page/post it was submitted on by the user?

    My plan was to output the form via shortcode in either the sidebar or at end of post, and was hoping to be able to have the recorded response also show the page it was recorded from.

    Essentially, I’m trying to capture feedback on each post I make, but I need to know which post/page the feedback was sent from.

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Thanks for the reply.

    I am using WC Vendors; in this case, the user is simply uploading a video in the Woocommerce product description via a standard WP editor container + insert media button, which opens the media modal:

    View post on

    View post on

    After a user uploads and adds the video to the product description, the FV player displays it and works great!

    Although my worry is when the iPhone user uploads a video after being recorded in a format other than MP4, such as MOV/HEVC or, as you said, the odd times when MP4 doesn’t play well on iOS.

    Hence, I was hoping for something that offered encoding/transcoding.

    I tried out Bunny Stream and it works but unfortunately it requires use of the FV Button that is only present on the backend WP Editor; the FV Button to add videos doesn’t display on the front-end WP Editor I have.

    I figure Coconut would have the same issue.

    Unless there is another way, I am wondering if it’s possible to have the FV Button or the Coconut/ Bunnystream tabs show up in the media modal that I have on the WP Editor on the front end?

    If there’s no built-in way to achieve this, it can probably be done by outputting the function in the same way it’s being outputted to the backend WP editor, but to the associated PHP file/function for the front-end WP editor that I have? Or perhaps it’s not that easy?

    The WP editor on front-end that I’m using is being rendered in its respective page template via:

    wp_editor( $product_short_description, ‘post_excerpt’ );

    Thread Starter homelesshenry



    Hey, thanks a lot! That actually solved the issue for me.

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Thanks for the reply.

    I did what you said and it didn’t work.

    Initially, I thought it would have been my theme, but I changed it to WordPress theme and Storefront to test, along with disabling virtually every plugin except woocommerce as well as any custom code. Unfortunately, the problem still remained.

    Next, I followed your url and performed some of the error checks:

    Firefox > Ctrl+Shift+J:

    Issue #1 was prevalent the entire time, regardless of theme, plugins, etc. Some of the other issues appearing in console or from debug were inconsistent.

    Issue #1:

    Blocked https://localhost/test1/shop/?pr_onsale=1 in page https://localhost/test1/shop/?pr_onsale=1 from extracting canvas data because no user input was detected. https://localhost/test1/shop/?pr_onsale=1:25.

    Clicking through on the error:

    /*! jQuery Migrate v1.4.1 | (c) jQuery Foundation and other contributors | */
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    ISSUE #2

    "Handler function threw an exception: TypeError: this.transport is null
    Stack: send@resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js -> resource://devtools/server/main.js:1483:5
    addSecurityInfo@resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js -> resource://devtools/server/actors/webconsole.js:2332:5
    NetworkResponseListener.prototype._getSecurityInfo<@resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js -> resource://devtools/shared/webconsole/network-monitor.js:521:5
    exports.makeInfallible/<@resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js -> resource://devtools/shared/ThreadSafeDevToolsUtils.js:109:14
    onStartRequest@resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js -> resource://devtools/shared/webconsole/network-monitor.js:441:5
    Line: 1483, column: 5"

    When clicked highlights line:


    Code Context:

     * Utility function for getting the values from an object as an array
     * @param object Object
     *        The object to iterate over
    exports.values = function values(object) {
      return Object.keys(object).map(k => object[k]);
     * This is overridden in DevToolsUtils for the main thread, where we have the
     * Cu object available.
    exports.isCPOW = function () {
      return false;
     * Report that |who| threw an exception, |exception|.
    exports.reportException = function reportException(who, exception) {
      const msg = <code>${who} threw an exception: ${exports.safeErrorString(exception)}</code>;
      dump(msg + "\n");
      if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console && console.error) {

    Issue #3

    This site appears to use a scroll-linked positioning effect. This may not work well with asynchronous panning; see for further details and to join the discussion on related tools and features!

    WP Debug Logs:

    This was appearing for a bit but then went away:

    Undefined index: post_type in \wp-content\plugins\woo-product-filter\modules\woofilters\mod.php on line 94

    These next issues are theme-related, but probably unrelated as the “on sale” issue persisted when using Storefront/Wordpress theme:

    Warning: Creating default object from empty value in D:\xampptest1\htdocs\test1\wp-content\themes\onesocial\buddyboss-inc\buddyboss-framework\admin\ReduxCore\inc\class.redux_filesystem.php on line 29

    Deprecated: Unparenthesizeda ? b : c ? d : eis deprecated. Use either(a ? b : c) ? d : eora ? b : (c ? d : e)in D:\xampptest1\htdocs\test1\wp-content\themes\onesocial\buddyboss-inc\buddyboss-widgets\custom-widgets.php on line 52

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Thanks for the reply.

    If I could ask a few more things:

    1) So if I wanted to offload the videos with that S3 plugin without any hassle, it should work provided I do not have encoding and thumbnail generation? If so, would I have to have no thumbnail displayed at all or would the option you have for a thumbnail placeholder/default image work?

    2) I’m allowing users to upload videos on my site, so I’d prefer to actually keep encoding disabled to ease off on the server.

    I’m wondering what video file formats are accepted and can be played without any encoding? Is it only MP4 or also MOV? The reason is because I would assume the overwhelming majority will be uploading videos in MP4 (Android) and MOV or HEVC (Apple). Also, do they play properly across the general browsers (Chrome, FF, Safari, Android, Iphone)?

    3) I noticed you have options for disabling encoding based on user role, which I thought was a great option. I was just wondering if there was the option or any code snippets laying around that allow disabling the entire functionality of the plugin based on user role?

    Sorry for all the questions.

    Their update has done this to a lot of people’s sites. Surprised you didn’t get the “that’s not supposed to happen answer”.

    Unfortunately, it seems AIOSEO’s updates are not tested well or thought out well before release, destroying people’s sites and becoming an SEO destroyer rather than helper.

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Except that is exactly what it did.

    It seems at some point through an auto update, custom SERP titles set in AIOSEO that may or may not have exceeded 60 characters were automatically removed and replaced with the +Page title variable.

    I found two other posts to this case, so you are going to have a hard time denying it:

    The site in question for me is very bare-bones plugin wise, and no other plugin would be capable of deleting a field of text (the SERP title) from AIOSEO settings and then inserting the +Page Title variable. In other words, this has to be yet another update eff up from the AIOSEO team.

    Honestly, this is asinine.

    Realistically, SEO plugins do not have much control over SEO, but of the things they can do, one of the most crucial is SERP titles. And to have SERP titles be rewritten/reset to +Page Title is disastrous.

    There could potentially be millions of sites who had all of their SERP page titles rewritten.

    This plugin is just one eff up after another. Is there not quality control whatsoever?

    3 years ago this plugin bricks websites on certain popular used versions of php; 2 years later its acquired by a new company and the eff ups continue: in one update AIOSEO forces automatic updates without notifying the user, in another it has a fairly severe security exploit, and now I find it’s stripped my SERP title that has been there for 4 years and replaces it with +Page Title.

    You have no right in labeling yourselves as the “Best WordPress SEO Plugin”.

    Hang up your hat and move onto something else. Gambling with people’s livelihoods and tanking their websites should be just as serious as any of the charlatans or ponzi schemers that equally ruin peoples lives.

    Unlike brick and mortar business, there is no degrees required for the building blocks and services that make-up an online business, so it allows clearly incompetent fools like the AIOSEO team to eff up over again and ruin business after business without repercussion.

    Get out.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by homelesshenry.
    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Yes, you are correct I am using Woocommerce.

    Ok, thanks, that makes sense.

    What I actually want is to show the specific Yoast “SEO Title” I’ve set for that particular Product Category page in the SERPs. And since you’ve stated whatever is written in the SEO Title field overrides the default snippet variable set in Search Appearance, that’s great.

    Although in the interest of completely understanding snippet variables, you said:

    The %%title%% variable returns what is set for the SEO Title for that specific product, not the product category is is part of.

    If what is set for the SEO Title for that specific product/product category overrides the default snippet variables set in Search Appearance, isn’t %%title%% useless? Since it requires an SEO Title to pull the data from, but the existence of an SEO Title will override it anyway.

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Awesome Robin, thanks a lot. It does seem to be working perfectly now ??

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Tested further and the problem is actually much simpler now to explain:

    So, fresh install of your plugin:

    1. Assign user role to group x (via “Assign user role” tab)

    2. Assign group x to forum a (via “User Management” tab).

    This works. Forum a is now only being shown to group x users. Perfect.

    Unfortunately, all other forums (and any new forums I create) set to visibility hidden in BBPress are being shown publicly, despite them still being set to hidden (even shown under “hidden” forum tab in BBpress forum admin screen).

    When I deactivate your plugin, the hidden forums are hidden again. And when I reactivate your plugin, they’re shown publicly again.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by homelesshenry.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)