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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP RSS DFirefoxI get this error message:
Warning: fopen(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/.milkyheater/poffutt/ on line 22
Warning: fopen( failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/.milkyheater/poffutt/ on line 22
Error al leer los datos del feed.I have yet to get any of the Firefox download counters to work. Must be bad karma.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin: Fuzzy recent postsThat’s what I thought. But was afraid to because of references earlier up the code. I have seen far too many parse errors and other oopsy lines lately after mucking with plugins that my eyes were beginning to hurt.
Anyway, it worked. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin: Fuzzy recent postsDude, how to take the RSS feed thing off the output? I tried taking out the inside parts of (‘RSS Feed’) but got an error.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Existing contents prior to installOkay, got the new database set up. Now to finish the other ‘stuff’ then install. I am going to do it manually vs the one-click. I’ll probably regret it but then again, maybe not.
I want to have it all set then do it within one night so the site is not off line for long.
Thanks for the quick replies! I’ll let ya know how it goes.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Existing contents prior to installI want to do a second install in the same domain. One is there now ( and I want to do one in the main (
The Blog is for, well, blogging. The other will be for website layout. I don’t want everyone to *have* to go to the blog first but rather use a static front page. That is what I am doing with the HR site, breaking all the toys there before I muck with the PO site.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme: Semiologic theme and CMSYeah, I use Firefox too. I usually run the final version through Mozilla, IE, and Netscape. I also have a friend who runs them with her various sized screens.
I set the sidebar to 20%, thinking that would mean % of the page. No, it meant 20% of the sidebar! I think I finally have it the size I need though. Thanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme: Semiologic theme and CMSDenis:
I’m in love with this theme. Just what I was looking for! I am redesigning one of my sites that is more CMS (I guess that’s the term) than blog which means I’d like better control over pages than posts.
I’d like to make the whole thing wider but I can’t seem to find the right place. I like to use % rather than px.
Assuming this is made under the canvas.css:
To make the space where the posts/pages are placed, that is the tablecanvas?If so, then what is main and mainspacer?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade 1.5 > 1.5.1DianeV:
That was it. In the left sidebar I had a ‘get_posts’ command that appearantly was doing too good a job of it! The post links (vs the page links) were a mess! Took it out and viola, the site works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade 1.5 > 1.5.1Did two upgrades. The first one went smooth as proverbial silk.
Thought Patterns
The site is running just as gooder as before! ??The second… not so smooth.
HolyRoller.orgNo matter what link I click, I get sent to the most recent post.
Everything is pages except for ‘update’ posts. I guess I am using it more for CMS and website template than as an authentic blog.
Anyway, the original install (a DreamHost one-click) never seemed to work right anyway. There’s an odd stripe across the header and a few other things.
Both setups are using the same theme (lazy? yes) so its not a theme issue.
I turned off all plugins before doing the upgrade (btw, I have rollbacked and re-upgraded 3x now, same problem) then turned them on one at a time to see if one of them was the problem. Nope.1- how to fix the links? What have I done wrong or what is not coded right in 1.5.1?
2 – if I decide to start over (new install of just the 1.5.1 vs the one-click), after remaking the CSS changes and whatnot, the pages and posts will still be there because they are in the database, right? And it should look the same as it does now, except it will work?
Much thanks in advance. – PaulaO
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to put comments option a pageThat was far too easy.
I put <?php comments_template(); ?> after the ‘endwhile’ and viola.
Should have known it was something as simple as that. I was already to hack code more than simple cut and paste and rename.
Thank you so much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with wp_list_pages()I agree!!
Thanks for the fix!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Theme Switcher header issueThat’s where it was, macmanx.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Theme Switcher header issueWhich ones have you done?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Theme Switcher header issueI just checked the line 3 of the ‘main’ index.php (vs the index.php in Gila or any other theme) and it is the end of referrer-karma:
check_referrer(); ?>So I took out all the r-k lines, made sure that no blank spaces were before the first <? and…
theme switcher now works.
Any ideas why?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Theme Switcher header issueOkay, looked at the sidebar. If the <?php is the first, then it puts the themes outside the sidebar and on the screen all by themselves between the header and the body.
Error message now is directing back to theme-switcher.php lines 41 and 42. If I counted right, this is the offending section, starting with line 40:
select name=”themeswitcher” onchange=”location.href=\”.get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/index.php?wptheme=\’ + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;”>’.”\n” ;
foreach ($theme_names as $theme_name) {this is beyond my grasp of understanding. I am a Southern Blond Female. ??