Below is the code for my blog patrol counter…when I try to put that in, it messes things up and gives me errors. I’m not sure the javascripting is working too well…going to test an html code next.
<script language=”javascript”>
var data, p;
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if((location.href.substr(0,6)==’https:’)||(location.href.substr(0,6)==’HTTPS:’)) {p=’https’;}
data = ‘&r=’ + escape(document.referrer) + ‘&n=’ + escape(navigator.userAgent) + ‘&p=’ + escape(navigator.userAgent) + ‘&g=’ + escape(document.location.href);
if(navigator.userAgent.substring(0,1)>’3′) {data = data + ‘&sd=’ + screen.colorDepth + ‘&sw=’ + escape(screen.width+ ‘x’+screen.height)};document.write(‘‘);
document.write(‘<img border=0 hspace=0 ‘+’vspace=0 src=”’ + data + ‘”>’);