Forum Replies Created
Thanks for your speedy reply. Yes, it is confusing to include reference to the old templates… especially as all of my customers (I’m a website designer) want captions so I have no choice but to use that template without getting into custom code. I’ll check out the NextGEN Pro options again tho I’m pretty sure I didn’t see reference to captions before when I looked.
Hi Cais,
Thanks for your reply! Are there plans in the NextGen queue to make a caption template that’s responsive? Because if I turn off that template, the thumbnnails adjust to one column on a phone, so it’s odd to me that just adding a line or two of text would make them display the way they’re displaying.
Also, when I visit the NextGen site, it claims that all included galleries are responsive (see https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/wordpress-gallery-plugin/ ) so it’s a bit confusing.
Great. Thanks again. I appreciate your input.
Hi Scott! That was a fast reply and is very helpful.
If I may ask another question – when someone creates a blog post, does that content go right into the MySQL DB and therefore no files in wp-admin, wp-content, or wp-includes should show as being touched, aside from any graphics they may add to the post which would be in wp-content/uploads?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: nextgen gallery captions for albums?A great find! Thanks for posting that URL. It’s odd that your galleries wouldn’t render w/my workaround above, but maybe it has something to do with other theme settings, too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: nextgen gallery captions for albums?I was just reading Kim Woodbridge’s post on customizing NextGen (https://www.kimwoodbridge.com/nextgen-custom-fields-plugin-add-more-information-about-an-image-in-the-nextgen-gallery/ ) and noticed she referenced these two files:
nextgen-gallery/view/gallery-caption.phpThe only difference I could see bet the two was that gallery-caption.php had some code for calling in the captions, so after first making backup copies of these files, I deleted gallery.php, and renamed gallery-caption.php to gallery.php and I am now seeing captions under my gallery thumbs inside an album.
What I am not clear on, tho, is how to preserve this code change if I upgrade the NextGen plugin. I’m sure it’ll get overwritten, and I’m not sure if I just move it to my child theme’s folder if that will store it and if WordPress will know to find it there and not use the default files in the NextGen plugin folder…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: nextgen gallery captions for albums?Coincidentally, I am having the same problem! I love the “template=caption” for galleries, but I’m using this to call an album on a page:
[album id=1 template=compact]And wish I could also add “template=caption” at the end before the end bracket to bring them both in!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: shopping carts with WordPressShane, thanks for your response. The 2 you suggested I look into are 2 of the ones who seem to have wildly varying reviews.
Emptymindfilms, thanks for your input, too. I can certainly understand your frustration and I definitely do not have 8 months of energy to devote to bugs! Your site looks nice, and FYI, viewing it here in Firefox 3.6.3, when I mouseover the lower left corner of your main top header photo, a mysterious dropdown menu appears listing Checkout, Shipping Rates, etc. I then saw another dropdown appear to the right of it. I say “mysterious” because I don’t see a navigation bar at the bottom of your large header photo, so I didn’t expect to see a dropdown appear. If you’d like me to send you a screenshot of how I’m seeing it, I’d be happy to – post your email address.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: multiple WordPress installations?Thanks for your fast response! I looked at the link you provided and am lost on the fact that I need multiple MySQL databases. I used my hosting company’s automated WordPress installation feature to install my first blog – did none of the installation myself as I’m not a heavy duty programmer. Would I be able to run their auto install process on a different folder in order to have this database be created automatically in multiple locations?