Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the help. I haven’t messed with my website for a little because it was hacked, but now i’m checking it.
Did editing your style.css file like that also affect the pages you create? They seem to have odd sidebars now. Also, I’ve tried doing this now and testing out the posts to see if they are full-width but it just go to a blank white page.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Plugin: Custom Post Template] Gallery Theme, Full-width ThemeForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Plugin: Custom Post Template] Gallery Theme, Full-width ThemeAny thoughts anyone? I hate to be a nuisance, but I have yet to solve the problem.
Here is a copy of the fullwidth-post.php file. It looks like there is still a side bar, but also that possibly plugins like “sharethis” might override and place things on the side anyhow. Not really sure how all that works.
<?php /* Template Name Posts: Fullwidth */ // calling the header.php get_header(); // action hook for placing content above #container thematic_abovecontainer(); ?> <div id="container"> <?php thematic_abovecontent(); ?> <div id="content"> <?php // calling the widget area 'page-top' get_sidebar('page-top'); the_post(); thematic_abovepost(); ?> <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); echo '" '; if (!(THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_POST_CLASS)) { post_class(); echo '>'; } else { echo 'class="'; thematic_post_class(); echo '">'; } // creating the post header thematic_postheader(); ?> <div class="entry-content"> <?php the_content(); wp_link_pages("\t\t\t\t\t<div class='page-link'>".__('Pages: ', 'thematic'), "</div>\n", 'number'); edit_post_link(__('Edit', 'thematic'),'<span class="edit-link">','</span>') ?> </div> </div><!-- .post --> <?php thematic_belowpost(); // calling the comments template thematic_comments_template(); // calling the widget area 'page-bottom' get_sidebar('page-bottom'); ?> </div><!-- #content --> <?php thematic_belowcontent(); ?> </div><!-- #container --> <?php // action hook for placing content below #container thematic_belowcontainer(); // calling footer.php get_footer(); ?>
Under themes it is titled Gallery 1.5.3 by Chris Wallace for UpThemes, but I do see a folder titled thematicsamplechildtheme. So im not sure if it is considered a child theme. There are two root folders associated with this theme “gallery” and “thematic” and I originally placed it in gallery. I moved the .php file to the thematic folder and the drop down box now appears.
There is still a side bar on the right just like the pages have. When I post an image I use the box “Path to Full-Size Image (500×375)” and put the file location, but nothing appears on the site. I can still upload/insert in the big text box, but it puts the image into the side bar.
Im going to mess around with it a little and make sure I did some things correctly. I copied the fullwidthpage over to the fullwidth-post just like it was mentioned.
Any thoughts? Thanks for previous post as well.