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  • Thread Starter hnuecke


    Bin heute wieder in die Falle getappt ??
    Ich wollte die “privacy settings” testen und hatte Cookies disabled.
    Um dies wieder rückg?ngig zu machen, habe ich alle Cookies der website gel?scht.
    Beim folgenden Versuch, eine ?nderung im Plugin zu speichern, erhielt ich wieder die Meldung:
    “REST API not available!”

    Diesmal brachte allerdings auch ein Abmelden von WP und wieder Anmelden nichts.
    Ich habe dann stat Chrome Firefox genutzt, und damit klappte dann das Speicher der ?nderungen.

    Thread Starter hnuecke


    Ich habe noch einmal in meinem “Logbuch” nachgeschaut und diese Anmerkungen gefunden:

    • L?scht man w?hrend einer WP Sitzung die Cookies (right click im ?secure“ Feld links von der Adresszeile), dann findet das Plugin ein Cookie nicht mehr (nennt das zwar ?NONCE“, gemeint ist wohl NONE was zu dem Fehler führt).

      L?sung: Aus wp-admin aus- und wieder einloggen

    • Ist kein image/png Mime Type deklariert, kann es beim Speichern der Plugin Settings zu einer weiteren REST API Fehlermeldung kommen

      L?sung: MIME Type image/png deklarieren; am einfachsten mit einem Plugin (WP add mime type)

    Ich hatte dann keine Probleme mehr (habe allerdings keine weiteren ?nderungen mehr machen müssen, aber eben noch einem einen kurzen Versuch gemacht, der erfolgreich war).

    Viel Erfolg

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by hnuecke. Reason: layout

    Actually I am using “Google Analytics Germanized”; very nice Plugin and handling Cookies also. And promising to not enable GA Tracking before the Cookoe acceptance.
    The “Germanized” does not mean the plugin is not supporting English; it just indicates the default settings comply with German lwa (as far as I understood).

    I actually used the option which only informs the visitor about the need of having cookies enabled. This only offers the option to accept – or to leave.

    To my knowledge WP needs Cookies enabled, and the opt-out function also sets a cookie to block GA.

    I had two minor problems:

    png was not declared as valid MIME type (image/png). Which resulted in a JS error and probably stopping the plugin to work.
    I added that definition (there are plugins available for that) and got rid of that error.
    Another problem was after deleting all Cookies for my site. I assume a plugin variable has a typo in its name: something with REST API problem, xxx_NONCE_ not defined popped up. Probably _NONE_ was the correct spelling.
    Or it simply was that no cookies were defined any longer.
    Here the solution was to logout/login from WP backend.

    I intend giving GWDWP another try later; having access to reports in the dashboard is a nice thing. which is not supported by the other plugin.

    Hopefully this helps!

    I had a similar effect (could not save, error message about REST API).
    My problem was: I deleted cookies, and obviously the plugin didnot accept that ??
    I looged out of my WP account and logged in again… And everything worked.

    Thread Starter hnuecke


    Thank you all for your guidance and help!

    Thread Starter hnuecke


    Thanks for the hint.
    I’m (now) using v5.3.3 and do not see the JS error any longer.

    Thread Starter hnuecke


    Update: I think I found the culprit (at the end it was me ;-):

    I am using Privacy Badger, and that one blocked all access. Sorry for wasting your time with something that I should have considered and remembered earlier!!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by hnuecke.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by hnuecke.
    Thread Starter hnuecke


    Jeff, thanks for the fast response!

    I did what you said and deleted all cookies (google and application).
    But that did not change anything.

    Additonal information about how I use your plugin:
    I added a little script in the header before your code:
    var gaProperty =’UA-xxxxxxxxx-1′; // xxxxxxxxx used here for demo purposes
    var disableStr = ‘ga-disable-‘ + gaProperty;
    if (document.cookie.indexOf(disableStr + ‘=true’) > -1) {
    window[disableStr] = true;
    function gaOptout() {
    document.cookie = disableStr + ‘=true; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2099 23:59:59 UTC; path=/’;
    window[disableStr] = true;
    alert(‘Tracking by Google Analytics was disabled for your browser Browser on this website.’);

    The gaOptout function is called, when the user clicks the “disable tracking” link in the privacy notice (you might have heard about GDPR becoming effective May 25 ??

    Checking with the JS Console (breakpoint after reading the cookie) proves there is no “windows” property ‘ga-disable-UA-xxxxxxxxx-1’ defined in ‘windows’, which proves the cookie was reset.

    Nevertheless the same effect:
    The asyc call does not work because ‘js?id=UA-104766607-1’ in ‘’ results in “failed to load response data”. I’m not sure if this simply means the promise as result of the ascny call returns -1 or if the statement is not accepted/executed at all. What might result in not tracking anything at all, even if the user did not opted out.

    I might have to go back to the alternative “old” tracking method; unless you have an idea and can help.

    Sorry for all those details, but I wanted to provide everything I found out so far ??


    It did not do the trick for me ;-(

    I changed to https:// and get the same response:
    The address (may WP installation)/(page with short code)/?restore=40&_wpnonce=d0e5b50d05

    points to that empty page with the message:
    Failed security check, expired Activation Link due to duplication or date.

    • I refreshed permalinks
    • I re-saved all clean login pages and even re-saved the site’s permalink address
    • I cleaned the browser cache
    • I de-activated / re-activated clean-login

    To no avail…

    My solution was to copy the address of the “restpre password” link of the email (a one time link, see here and here).
    And then open that page in a browser where I was NOT logged in.

    Looks like the one time link does a (one-time) login and expects that to happen in the same browser the password reset was triggered.
    In my case I could not request the password reset in my default browser (since I was looged in as admin on that site), so I used another browser. But following the link in the email with a click opened the (other) browser where I was logged in.

    That at least was my explanation and solution.

    Thanks Jeremy,
    I “played around” a bit more (deactivated/activated Jetpack and other plugins, deleted and re-installed, …).
    I had problems with Firefox reporting an unsecure certificate and rebuilt the .htacess.

    Finally I could link/register and accept the suggested settings – and it is working now.
    I do not know what finally helped, but I’m fine now ??

    Did not work for me…
    I saved all single setting, not just the permalink on; to no avail.
    Trying to activate the caroussel still results in the JSON error and that feature is not available

    I checked my webiste (it was updated to WP 3.7.1 recently) and my links still work; without the need to change function.php again.
    Did you update your theme?
    Then check your Theme’s “function.php” and add the “add_filter” line if missing.

    I can confirm this solved my problem also (Compatibility message of Jetpack in the frontend only).

    Obviously a new developer is taking over work on this plugin:
    John Ogg

    I have a compatibility problem of “WP Gallery Custom Links” with the Jetpack Gallery.
    Strangely the first gallery in a list of posts works, but the following galleries tell me that the “Jetpack Caroussel was deactivated due to another plugin or theme overwriting the [gallery] shortcode”.
    That warning goes away when I deactivate the WP Gallery Custom Links Plugin, but of course I loose my link capability.

    Since this only doesn’t work when I’m logged in to the backend, this is not a severe problem; it obviously is working without error messages for my users.
    Nevertheless, it is nasty because is slows down my workflow.

    Any help/update would be great!

    If more details are needed, please let me know how I can help!

    Just after writing this post I found another post that helped solving this issue:
    Add Filter to functions.php

    The solution is to add the following line to the functions.php file of your active theme (e.g. located for the WP Theme TwentyFifteen in the folder “wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen” of your WP installation):
    add_filter( 'jp_carousel_force_enable', '__return_true' );

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by hnuecke.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by hnuecke.
    Thread Starter hnuecke


    Update 2:
    After writing this post, which helped me to digest things better, and with some more tests and thoughts I found the reason and solution:

    The “pages” that are included in a Layout MUST NOT have that Layout assigned. I know, afterwards it sounds all so logical; kind of endless loop…

    I assigned the default (blog) Layout to those pages (I will use an empty one next) and only assigned the complex “one-page” layout to an empty page.

    I have to find out if this is the correct approach creating a single page layout, but at least I found one solution ??

    Hopefully this helps other Ultimatum beginners to save some time ??

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