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  • Thread Starter hj


    Hi John,

    Yes, the information is very helpful.

    Great support, thanks very much.


    Thread Starter hj



    Excellent, just how it should be! Many thanks.

    Out of interest, I assume the

    .simcal-default-calendar .simcal-nav-button:disabled {
    visibility: hidden;
    is effectively disabling buttons for months where there are no calendar entries?

    I admit I quickly looked in the file default-calendar-grid.min.css (under assets/generated). Is this where the code you sent me should normally live?


    Thread Starter hj


    Hi John, thanks for reply.

    Well…partial success! The new CSS displayed a black FORWARD arrow (next month) on the September page – that’s good!

    But on the October page it failed to show a black BACK arrow (last month) – that’s not so good ??

    The October page also displays a black FORWARD arrow….but it’s null because there are no calendar entries for November. Similarly the September page also show a black BACK arrow, which again is null because there are no August entries (the calendar was created 9th Sept)

    So some improvement….but still things missing!


    Thread Starter hj


    16. How do I publish posts automatically on form submission ?

    The default behaviour is to save post to ‘draft’ status. If you wish to change this, you can use the filter ‘cf7_2_post_status_{$post_type}’ and return a valid post status. See the Filters & Hooks section of this documentation for more information.

    That’s developer stuff – I’m not a developer…that’s why I use a plugin ??

    Also the link to ‘valid post status’ in that FAQ section is a 403 ‘forbidden’


    Thread Starter hj



    that’s odd, but I am glad you guessed it right and managed to bypass the problem by putting in your post type.

    How did you create your CPT?

    Link here to a couple of screenshots showing the Post Type selection issue…two post type boxes:

    The CPT was created using the plugin ‘WCK Custom Fields & Custom Post Types Creator’ –

    Thread Starter hj


    Hi Andrea, thanks for reply.

    Yes, I will try and test on other browsers – I thought it was the plugin at first, but now I suspect that it is is something to do with my system and some of its older apps. Most things work fine, I’ve never come across an issue like that before in all my time using WordPress! But times change ??

    Keep up the good work.


    Thread Starter hj


    Hi Tobias,

    Apologies, but your custom explanation was way over my head – I’m not a coder!

    However, I think if you cast your mind back to 2018/19 you may find a solution that was offered to you:

    I came across that link by googling for a solution, and I have since downloaded the plugin and achieved a very nice result of Pods data in a TablePress table.

    It’s built precisely for TablePress to work with Pods, and it seems to do exactly what it says on the tin – I have not encountered any glitches. I would highly recommend it as a TP extension, which you might publish on your site? I believe the author has an updated version of the plugin.

    Best regards

    It might be some influence by the theme, for example.

    It’s avery simple theme, kai12 – but I’ll try with another, like twenty-twelve.

    I’d really need to see the page with the table for that, so that I can check the code.

    Sorry but it’s all on localhost. No worries, though!

    Alternatively, you could maybe try adding a top border to the second row of your table.

    Nice idea! ??

    Thread Starter hj


    For sure, I will. For your information, I tried 5 different table plugins – TablePress was the only one to successfully import a (very simple) CSV and immediately present it as a usable table.

    If I might make one suggestions about my ‘suggestion’… Put that ‘shift-click in cell’ (and any other keyboard shortcuts you have) into the Documentation/FAQ. It’s very useful to know these things to speed up working!

    Best regards

    Thread Starter hj


    Damn…. and I thought I’d made a really useful suggestion. LOL ??

    Thanks, Tobias, you’ve thought of everything ??

    Yes, thanks Tobias, I found that – I amended my earlier post to delete some of my entry!

    However, the table header styling doesn’t respond in an expected manner to adding a border-bottom:1px, for example. If you add a 1px bottom border, no change is visible at all. You will only get a bottom border if your property specifies 5px or above – a 5px bottom border will result in what looks like a 1px bottom border!

    margin-bottom or padding-bottom properties have no effect on the table header.


    Hi Tobias,

    I seem to have the same problem as pat07 – well, partially!

    I added some simple CSS rules according to your FAQ guidance – the CSS for row 2 seems to work, but the CSS for row 1, the header column titles, has no effect? Are the header row/column titles fixed style or something?

    I can’t show you link as I’m developing on localhost, but screenshot of CSS and its effect here:

    UPDATE: I hadn’t read the FAQ properly!…there was a separate entry for changing style of header row! Sorry.

    Interesting, though; adding a border-bottom:5px rule to the header results in a border of about 1px. Anything less than 5px and you won’t see a border…as though some other rule is ‘hiding’ the bottom border, unless you specify over 5px?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by hj.
    Thread Starter hj


    Hi Jory,

    Well, Pods told me that if I clicked the ‘enable archive page’, in the advanced options of the Edit Pod UI, it would “create an archive page with a list of items of this custom post type”.

    So I enabled that (checked the box) and saved the pod. The archive page created had this shortcode on it:

    `[pods field=”post_title”]<br />’

    When the page is viewed, it just says ‘Pod not found’. ???

    THAT is why I tried to creat my own list using magic tags.


    In other news (!) I have created a dropdown for my mountain areas ?? Created a taxonomy ‘mountain’ and then created new mountain area (x4). I then created a new field in the Nests pod and related it to (relationship) ‘mountain’.

    Frankly I don’t know if I’ve done the right thing, but I have got the dropdown! Whether these dropdown items represent searchable categories or sub-categories I have absolutely no idea!


    Thread Starter hj


    Hi Jory,

    Well, you’re right in a way. But on the other hand there’s only so much time I can devote to ‘understanding WordPress architecture’. It’s not my job and I’ve plenty of work to do.

    I have experimented a bit. I’ve not solved the mountain thing yet, but I have set up a custom post type with fields – it allows me to make entries and I have made three test entries. As individual records (viewed via the permalink shown in the admin) each entry displays just fine. I then tried to make a ‘list’ page where all records could be listed – for this I made a new page called ‘Nest List’ and created a small thml table which included the Pods tags…

    <table style="border: 1px solid #d51a2b;">
    <tr style="background-color: #e4f0f5; font-size: +2; padding-left: 15px;">
    <th style="padding-left: 15px;" rowspan="4"><strong>Nest Site</strong></th>
    <th rowspan="2"><strong>Mountain</strong></th>
    <th rowspan="2">Location</th>
    <th rowspan="2">Altitude</th>
    <tr style="padding-left: 15px;">
    <th style="padding-left: 15px;" scope="row">{@post_title}</td>

    I can call my Nest List page and it displays the html table, no problem. But none of the data is displayed – each row is just filled with the tag code..@post_type, @location etc etc. It’s not pulling the data from the custom posts, despite these custom posts existing and displaying fine on their own.

    Mystified? You bet!


    Thread Starter hj


    Hi Caseproof,

    THanks for coming back.

    1. Understood that Pods may not be your expereince. I fear that if I reach out to Pods they will say that they have no experience with Members! I guess you can see where that would leave me.. ??

    2. I get what you’re saying about capabilities, sounds spot on. I followed that link you supplied but was almost immediately in over mu head – I’m not a coder and didn’t even understand the terminology! Ooops…

    Nothing is as simple as it first appears with WordPress!


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