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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Google Maps] [Plugin: XML Google Maps] Fatal error – /usr/share/pearHeya, I tried to figure out where I changed it but unfortunately I’ve got no clue… Sorry for the incomplete solution, hope you find out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Facebook Connect] [Plugin: Simple Facebook Connect] SFC CommentsWondered if you may overlooked the issue. enter the page, use the connect with Facebook button, enter some text but after submitting the comment I receive:
“Error: please fill the required fields (name, email).”After connecting to FB I don’t even have the possibility to enter the requested fields as I wrapped the code with
<div id="comment-user-details"> <?php do_action('alt_comment_login'); ?> </div>
Please advice.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blip Slideshow] Blip Slideshow won't show upHey Jason,
when we setup the blog anew with WP 3.2.1 Blip initially worked fine but at some point, just recently, it stopped working.
You will find a example of Bip usage on this permanent page pageWP debug mode returns:
Notice: Undefined index: PATH_INFO in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 757
Which says:
if(substr($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], 0, 5) == "/rss/" && class_exists("Blip_Slideshow_Rss_Reader")) {
At the position where blip shoud be displayed it says (for the line with semicolon):
Notice: Undefined variable: output in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 300$output .= '<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ ';
And a few more after the body…
Notice: Undefined index: flash in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 195Notice: Undefined index: fold in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 200
Notice: Undefined index: kenburns in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 205
Notice: Undefined index: push in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 210
We’ve done quiet some work in the last days so it’s hard do locate the exact issue, are there any known in
I removed all other plugins to make it’s not related but receive the same warnings.
Could you please advise what might be causing the issue?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Anyfeed Slideshow] [Plugin: Anyfeed Slideshow] Picasa feed stopped workingHey jfreake, now that you mentioned it I noticed that it seems to be broken again :S
I checked that both fixes are applied, removed the plugin and inserted it again, as well as I deactivated all other plugins so there might be another issue that causes the problem.
It’s quiet a bugger for I haven’t done anything to! The only thing that changed are the vhost settings since I moved the domain from one to another provider.
Probably I will let go of the idea to get it to work properly.Also I coulnd’t get WP-Shadowbox to work on the Picasa Widget, I thought it might be sufficient to place a rel=”lightbox” in the $item[‘link’] as I failed to implement it in any of the three href lines.
$rss = fetch_rss("".$options['username']."?kind=album&alt=rss&hl=en_US&access=public&max-results=".$maxres); if (is_array($rss->items)) { $i = 0; foreach($rss->items as $item) { $titlu = $item['title']; $titlu = str_replace("'","",$titlu); $titlu = str_replace('"',"",$titlu); $link = $item['link']; if($varianta==1) $result .= "<li><a href=".$item['link']." target=_blank>".$titlu."</a></li><p>"; if (count($albums)!=0 && !in_array($item['title'],$albums)) continue; preg_match('/.*src="(.*?)".*/',$item['description'],$sub); $path = $sub[1]; $path = str_replace("s160-","s".$options['width']."-",$path); if($varianta==2){ $result .= "<a href=".$link." target=_blank><img src=".$path." class=picasa-widget-img hspace=".$space." vspace=".$space." style='border:".$border."px ".($bcolor==""?"":"solid ".$bcolor)."' alt='$titlu' title='$titlu'></a>"; if($catecoloane!=1 ) if(($i+1) % $catecoloane==0) $result .= "<br>"; else $result .= ""; else $result .= "<br>"; } if($varianta==3){ if($i==$aleator){ if($options['stitle']) $result .= "".$titlu."<br>"; $rss2 = fetch_rss(str_replace("entry","feed",$item['guid'])."&kind=photo"); if (!$rss2) continue; $j=0; foreach($rss2->items as $item2) { $titlu = $item2['title']; $titlu = str_replace("'","",$titlu); $titlu = str_replace('"',"",$titlu); preg_match('/.*src="(.*?)".*/',$item2['description'],$sub); $path = $sub[1]; $path = str_replace("s288","s".$options['width'].(picasa_widget_square($options['width'])?"-c":""),$path); $pozele[$j++] = "<a href=".$item2['link']." target=_blank><img src=".$path." class=picasa-widget-img hspace=".$space." vspace=".$space." style='border:".$border."px ".($bcolor==""?"":"solid ".$bcolor)."' alt='$titlu' title='$titlu'></a>";
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Facebook Connect] [Plugin: Simple Facebook Connect] SFC CommentsThanks Otto, I exchanged the files and checked in the two options:
Allow FB Login to Comment (for non-registered users)
Integrate FB Comments (needs automatic publishing enabled)Still I encounter the same error code, haven’t debugged yet but error message on settings page vanished.
PS: What means “automatic publishing enabled”?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Excerpt] inline ellipsis@zandercent: Did you find a work around?
I encounter the same issue: Sometimes it diplays the ellipsis on a new line, normally it doesn’t :/
Also for one post it doesn’t display the excerpt but the content – every other post if fine…After I read fr33think3r’s post I believeed that he was using custom types without any issues. come to a conclusion I just added to the $args array after line 30: ‘post type’ => ‘any’,
foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) { $catIDs[] = $category->cat_ID; } $args = array( "numberposts" => -1, 'post_type' => 'any', "category" => implode(',',$catIDs), "orderby" => "date", "order" => "DESC" );
Now it works fine! Simple solution ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Anyfeed Slideshow] [Plugin: Anyfeed Slideshow] Picasa feed stopped workingI’ve put both plugins in the home sidebar.
https://ondetours.comYou can see WP-Slimbox in use at the bottom of this post:
Click on a slide and it’s display full size, unfortunately I couldn’t get navigation (like in a gallery) working on it, maybe it’s just technically not possible.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Anyfeed Slideshow] [Plugin: Anyfeed Slideshow] Picasa feed stopped workingWey, awesome, worked for me as well. Thank you!
Do you happen to know if ít’s possible to resize the images?
As a workaround and / or cherry topping I wondered if one could open the pictures from the stream via WP-Slimbox2. In combination with other plugins (like Blip-Slideshow) you add the ref=lightbox tag or activate auto Picasa link support to be able to show them full size.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Anyfeed Slideshow] [Plugin: Anyfeed Slideshow] Picasa feed stopped workingI’ve encoutered the same problem, used the mentioned workaround before and that worked fine, but know I can’t get it back to work ??
Is this plugin still supported?
Does anyone know another plugin to use with Picasa feeds?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Google Maps] [Plugin: XML Google Maps] Fatal error – /usr/share/pearWorked it out, somehow the global directory variable wasn’t assigned right so WP started looking for something, which wasn’t there.
I agree, would be awesome – no possibility?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Google Maps] [Plugin: XML Google Maps] Fatal error – /usr/share/pearI just confirmed that in the mentioned dir (/usr/share/pear) the PEAR library is present and correctly installed.