mapp0.getPoi(0).open(); scroll to first POI and open the info box.
mapp0.getPoi(1).center(true); scroll second POI with auto zoom
mapp0.getPoi(2).center(10); scroll to third POI with zoom (0 to 21)
U can call it with onclick or href.
<a href='#' onclick='mapp0.getPoi(0).open(true); return false;'>Click me!</a>
<a href='javascript: mapp0.getPoi(0).open(true);'>Click me!</a>
<a href="javascript: mapp0.closeInfoWindow(); mapp0.autoCenter(true);">show all POIs</a>
<a href="javascript: javascript: mapp0.getPoi(0).open();">open first POI</a>
<a href="javascript: javascript: mapp0.getPoi(1).open();">open second POI</a>
But the POIs are not in same order of my declaration.
Oh, the POIs are really alphabetically by title.
If, however, you can manually sort the POIs in the editor, it would have been handy if they were sorted based on this position.