Forum Replies Created

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  • Follow this steps and you will be able access your account..

    1. Log into cPanel.
    2. Under Databases, click phpMyAdmin.
    3. Click on the WordPress database from the left panel list.
    4. Click wp_users from the left panel list.
    5. Under user_login you will see the list of registered users. Under the user whose password you wish to reset, click edit.
    6. Under the user_pass column, clear the value on the far right and replace with what you would like the password to be.
    7. In the Function drop-down menu, select MD5.
    8. At the bottom of the page, click GO.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: reconfig
    Thread Starter himanshu.kohli6


    yes i created,don’t know….

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: reconfig
    Thread Starter himanshu.kohli6


    when i fired restoration this happens:

    Import has been successfully finished, 10 queries executed. (techhurr_data.sql)
    — MySQL dump 10.11

    — Host: localhost Database: techhurr_data
    — ——————————————————
    — Server version 5.0.92-community

    /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).

    /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).

    /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).

    /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).

    /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).

    /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=’+00:00′ */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).

    /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).


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