Tom Finley
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clockwork SMS Notfications] Remove AT&T Wireless, USABUMP. I’ve sent direct support emails, and posted in your forum. Haven’t heard a word.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Mappress easy google maps. Search by city/ZIP code?It’s in development by the plugin author — one of his top 3 most requested features.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AgentPress Listings] Listings Page Displays Only 10 Listings@ron, we do appreciate your work on the plugin and the support as well. Our problem is simply this (and it’s not even a remotely debatable point):
Regardless of the plugin/child theme arrangement, the way AgentPress & AGL are being bundled and marketed is disingenuous. We know StudioPress makes good products and this feels like it was phoned it. I would like to see both the plugin and theme revised so that noobs and intermediate-level folks don’t have to go through the pains we have. That’s really the goal over there at CopyBlogger/StudioPress, right? To be friendly toward the experienced and inexperience alike, and augment the WordPress experience for the better.
@ryan, I tried to post on your blog, but every time I changed tabs to grab a link, my message got erased from the textarea. So I’m posting here first and will also post the info below for others over there.
I would build the following into your mods.
My boss found this pagination fix, which is a little different than yours, but I can verify it works:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AgentPress Listings] Listings Page Displays Only 10 ListingsThanks, but my above code still works in an entirely broken and undesirable manner. With that change AgentPress (theme or Listings, who knows?!?) displays every listing within the listing post type, instead of auto-detecting the slug and outputting only what belongs in that term archive. There are odd breaks in the way it deals with rows and columns once (in my case) the 50 or so listings I have render out, which seems to be an error with $toggle.
I’m trying to figure out the strange relationship between the theme template and the plugin and quite frankly it’s baffling. What is taxonomy.php relying on from the plugin in order to generate an archive of term listings? How does that taxonomy.php factor into search? What about pagination?
I don’t mean to be out of line, Ron, but I’ve wasted a ton of billable time and sanity trying to work around this to no avail, when it should really function more sensibly. If I tried to get my realtor/client to use this system as-is (like I was going to) he would have my head.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AgentPress Listings] Listings Page Displays Only 10 ListingsI’m going to chime in that this is a non-trivial issue that I’m currently wrestling with, amongst others.
While AgentPress Listings is a free plugin for Genesis users, which I am always appreciative of. However, it is not on the level of “premium” matching StudioPress’s templates and other plugins.
@russell: I’m not sure if you’re using the AgentPress theme as well, but I’m going to assume you are. It appears that taxonomy.php is the file you’ll need to edit, even though it is 99% identical to archive-listing.php — I don’t quite understand why that is.
To the point: I’ve found that taxonomy.php executes a custom loop that automagically gets the post type, taxonomy, and taxonomy term of the “page” that’s in your menu and spits out the results for listings that fall under that term (in my case the taxonomy is “property-type” and the terms are something like “retail-space”).
You’re trying to get more listings to show. I’m trying to only show 9 at a time, but paginate them, and get listings to show in order of title. This without a doubt requires modifying the custom loop. The code I used didn’t give me anything close to what either of us are asking here, but I’ll share it with you in hopes that you or someone else may see things from a different angle and provide a fix:
add_action( 'genesis_loop', 'agentpress_listing_archive_loop' ); /** * Custom loop for listing archive page */ function agentpress_listing_archive_loop() { $term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) ); $listingQuery = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'listing', //custom post type 'presets' => $term->slug, 'posts_per_page' => 9, // get all posts (from custom post type) 'orderby' => 'title', //sort by my meta_key (following next) 'order' => 'ASC', /*order, starting from smallest to biggest */ 'paged' => $paged ) ); $toggle = ''; if ($listingQuery->have_posts() ) : while ( $listingQuery->have_posts() ) : $listingQuery->the_post(); $loop = ''; // init $loop .= sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), genesis_get_image( array( 'size' => 'properties' ) ) ); $loop .= sprintf( '<span class="listing-price">%s</span>', genesis_get_custom_field( '_listing_price' ) ); $loop .= sprintf( '<span class="listing-text">%s</span>', genesis_get_custom_field( '_listing_text' ) ); $loop .= sprintf( '<span class="listing-address">%s</span>', genesis_get_custom_field( '_listing_address' ) ); $loop .= sprintf( '<span class="listing-city-state-zip">%s, %s %s</span>', genesis_get_custom_field( '_listing_city' ), genesis_get_custom_field( '_listing_state' ), genesis_get_custom_field('_listing_zip' ) ); $loop .= sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="more-link">%s</a>', get_permalink(), __( 'View Listing', 'agentpress' ) ); $toggle = $toggle == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'; /** wrap in post class div, and output **/ printf( '<div class="%s"><div class="widget-wrap"><div class="listing-wrap">%s</div></div></div>', join( ' ', get_post_class( $toggle ) ), $loop ); endwhile; endif; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin] Import Does Nothing, Appears To Hang@egyart: There are more constructive ways to ask for assistance. Everyone is in a rush to fix what the need working on their sites.
@vinull et al: Still having issues with the Channel-based imports but playlists work. Not sure what’s going on with that, but for the time being we’re OK with playlists.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin] Import Does Nothing, Appears To HangI think the error I mentioned above may have occurred due to a line return I either copied or inadvertently added at to top of the parse.php file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin] Import Does Nothing, Appears To HangWe appreciate this magnificent plugin and understand the risk of using free software for commercial sites. Hopefully mpraetzel sees this and merges it into the plugin core — it would be nice if we could reliably provide this to clients without fear of angry phone calls :/
EDIT: @vinull After adding your fixes to parse.php, I started getting errors all over the place with the text below — client info omitted for security reasons.
“Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by” & “/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quotes Collection] Error in WidgetSeeing the same issue, but not with this plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JRWDEV Daily Specials] Specials Rotating in Strange SequenceOk, some how Post Types Order can remedy the sorting issue, but the problem with the cycle still exists. This is on multiple sites, all using Genesis parent and child themes.
Thanks for the reply, James. I mostly get what you were saying.
This explanation perplexes me, though:
If you’re using a pre-made theme this may prove difficult, so you may find it easier to simply display those links with the DTS functions instead of the DTS widgets.
As an aside, at one point WordPress Mobile Pack had a feature where you actually could specify the widgets that you wanted to pull from the desktop theme into the mobile. At present, that feature is broken and WMP looks like it’s at abandonware stage.
Thanks for providing the community with a simple, free, and extremely useful plugin! Please don’t give up on your baby anytime soon.
Has support for this plugin been abandoned? Would the author/anyone else be willing to fork it? I haven’t been able to find the issue but I can see that this plugin is reliant on some pretty old scripts.
In our case, we just ended up removing everything from the price field, but it’s leaving a big gap where the price area has a fixed height (maybe that’s a CSS override I implemented).
The current “Price” fields only works assuming that the deal being offered is a fixed price. However, if the offer encompasses menu items that are variably priced as is the case with many restaurants, then “Price” becomes invalid. Case in point — the restaurant I implemented your plugin for offers 1/3rd off all bottles of wine on Thursdays. Not all bottles are the same price.
Sure, I put all the offer info in the description area, but now I’ve got no easy way to call it out via CSS and still have the client manage it later down the road. I think options to specify percentage off, and discounts (ex: $5 off) as opposed to just a fixed price would make this plugin infinitely more useful, as well as the ability to turn all three of those off completely if a client wanted. Ok, maybe now I’m just throwing in the kitchen sink. Hell, just should just stick all those features in a premium upgrade instead ??
Regardless, good job, and thank you for your awesome development work.
Also, the ability to duplicate menus would be a smart enhancement.
I got this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_field() in / on line 62
Thanks for the quick response, but I can’t believe you went and bought Genesis! Unfortunately, I’m actively developing the site right now and need to turn off the debugging and DS plugin pretty soon so that I can crank out work. I’ll leave everything on until 2:30 EST. PM with the URL sent through your site’s contact form.