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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Iconic One] entry summeryHi thanks for your inputs. Actually I didn’t do much customs. I just moved all themes files to my computer and transferred back into child folder (I know only 2 files are needed for child themes, but I forgot which two). And then added widgets and ad. That’s it. After I created a child theme, it actually came out of the same name as “Iconic one” (without child) no matter what folder name I used. It seemed strange. I will try to do it again. I am afraid it will be the same result.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Iconic One] entry summeryForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to hide post imagesThank you. How did you find this .MarketGidComposite37262 :-)? I changed one of the php files to get this done.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to determine which php file for the siteHi, I still need some help on this. I used Firefox/chrome inspector to try to find the information. But I could only get the code (php file + database?), not the php file which was used to execute this code. I want to find the name of this php file. What should I do? The “what the file” plugin seems too simple, not much help. Also I saw a code like “
<a class="house" title="click here"></a>
“. Could you please remind me of where I can find “house” under “class”? I searched css files but not there. Thanks :-)!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to determine which php file for the siteyes, helpful. Thank you! I also googled it. And I liked a plugin called “what the file” from never5 :-).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-TopBar] How to use this pluginHi Bob, how to do these? Thanks.
1. load a background image?
2. change topbars based on day of wee/time of day?
3. My topbar is like: Hello visitor! Welcome to NewsBegin.COM how to change to Hello adm (or username)!….Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: where can I find this code?hehe, I found it also. What I did is exactly same as what you said :-). One question: I didn’t know what files were necessary so I actually added all themes files into the child folder. Is it OK? Thank you Colin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-TopBar] How to use this pluginBob, I moved the social buttons to the right. Looked good. I also added a login button on the top bar. Looked good2. I removed odd text by changing META. But I didn’t know why it came back again. Looked like an interaction between topbar and META. The Scroll Action was not what I wanted. I need a reversed effect. When scroll comes down, topbar disappears. Thank you :-)!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: why I can't open posts tagI am not sure if I can use other themes, because there is a huge amt of data in the database. Could you check it for me :-)? I can send you a link if you tell me your contact info. Thanks for the help! Happy New Year Digico!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: why I can't open posts tagYou are right. It’s Pinboard 2.4.9 By Themify I got it from a friend. When I installed it, I didn’t see an activate button either :-). What is 404 page? Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-TopBar] How to use this pluginThanks so much! Cool, I believe I can make my website look much better under your guidance :-)! Happy New Year Bob! I will do them later. Have something else in priority :-).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My website shows nothing but a blank white screenThanks for the help. I know this sounds wired :-). I transferred the same php file into 2 folders, and I did see the different displays.
public_html/contact.php (blank white screen. There are .htaccess, *.css, sitemap.xml.zip, etc under this root directory. And previously there was no problem with this contact php file.)
public_html/new folder/contact.php (looks fine, there is no other files in this new folder)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-TopBar] How to use this pluginThanks for your inputs.
1. I still couldn’t move the social buttons to the right side of the top bar. It was set to the “right” in tab, but they are still in the center;
2. I want to add a link button when I click this button, it can open a new webpage.
3. When I scroll down the website, I want the topbar disappear. When I loose my mouse, the topbar will come back automatically.How to do these :-)?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-TopBar] How to use this pluginThanks Bob. Sounds cool. Could you please tell me how to remove “Generate a second link with ….” in the first row of the topbar. Also how to add some menu buttons? And how to put social sharing logo on the right side of the top bar?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My website shows nothing but a blank white screenThanks JD. No, it’s a simple form php. Everything seems fine, but in the browser the content under <body> has been deleted.