T remove the white space under the slideshow you can use media queries to control the height. It’s not pretty but it works. Note that the image will be croped to a fixed height.
Start with the smallest devices and for example add this code in your css file. You can use either min width or max width.
@media screen and (min-width: 320px) {
.slideshow_container {height: 130px !important;}
Now every screen size above 320px will have a height of 130px. To increase the height you add a new media querie.
@media screen and (min-width: 520px) {
.slideshow_container {height: 210px !important;}
You also need to change the following in the plugin css or add it to your own css file. The code crops the image.
.slideshow_container {overflow-y: hidden; }
I like this plugin and I’m looking forward to the update.