Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)
  • hey_suburbia


    He is referring to this:

    If you hit the get current location button you get a popup denying you access.


    I totally knew that…

    Thanks Farhan!

    I understand, I just don’t know what my single post div is…

    This is my main page:

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
    <div class="post">
         <div class="postop">
         <img src="" alt=""
         width="15" height="15" class="corner"
         style="display: none" />
    <h3 class="storytitle" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a> <?php the_date('','<span class="date">','</span>'); ?></h3>
    <div class="meta"><?php _e("Filed under:"); ?> <?php the_category(',') ?> — <?php the_author() ?> @ <?php the_time() ?> <?php edit_post_link(__('Edit This')); ?>
    <div class="storycontent">
    <?php the_content(__('(more...)')); ?>
    <br />
    <br />
    <span  STYLE="margin-left:  20px">
    <a href="" class="twitter-share-button"
    data-url="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"
    data-text="<?php the_title(); ?>"
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <br />
    <br />
    <span  STYLE="margin-left:  20px"><strong>Related Articles:</strong></span>
    <?php related_posts(); ?> 
    <div class="feedback">
    <?php comments_popup_link(__('Comments (0)'), __('Comments (1)'), __('Comments (%)')); ?>
    <br />
    <div class="postbottom">
    <img src="" alt="" width="15" height="15" class="corner" style="display: none" />
    <div id="comments-post">
    <?php comments_template(); // Get wp-comments.php template ?>
    </div><!-- end COMMENTS-POST -->
    <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    <p><h3><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.'); ?></h3></p>
    <img src="" alt="mario" />
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php wp_pagenavi(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I tried (no go…):

    if (navigator.platform == "iPad") return;
        jQuery("#storycontent img").lazyload({


    Thanks. I emailed him.

    Any chance you can post your solution here for others to see?

    I’m in the same boat, jupiter23.

    I just want the post images to load, not the sidebar or footer.

    I had a similar problem:

    WordPress Version: 3.0.1
    Disqus Comment System Version: Version 2.48

    I disabled the plugin and my site came back.

    Here is a query when the Disqus plug-in was enabled:

    4 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |   98 | Locked       | SELECT meta_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_parent_post_id' AND comment_id = 828696     |
    |  115 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |   97 | Locked       | SELECT meta_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_parent_post_id' AND comment_id = 828695     |
    |  168 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305662' LIM |
    |  169 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  104 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305662' LIM |
    |  172 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  112 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305662' LIM |
    |  173 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  101 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305659' LIM |
    |  249 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  113 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305651' LIM |
    |  250 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305651' LIM |
    |  265 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  114 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305651' LIM |
    |  367 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305647' LIM |
    |  370 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305647' LIM |
    |  422 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  114 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305642' LIM |
    |  426 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  107 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305642' LIM |
    |  474 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  115 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305636' LIM |
    |  478 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  106 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  479 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  110 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  480 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  110 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  481 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  108 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  482 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  115 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  483 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  111 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  484 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  104 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  485 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  111 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  583 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  107 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305634' LIM |
    |  584 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  589 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  104 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  588 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  592 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305634' LIM |
    |  705 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305634' LIM |
    |  704 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  106 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305634' LIM |
    |  709 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  107 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305637' LIM |
    |  712 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  117 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305634' LIM |
    |  713 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  104 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305634' LIM |
    |  714 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  112 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305634' LIM |
    |  715 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |    3 | Locked       | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305635' LIM |
    |  799 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  107 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305634' LIM |
    |  800 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  106 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305634' LIM |
    |  866 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  867 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  117 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  868 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  111 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305628' LIM |
    |  869 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305627' LIM |
    |  871 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  111 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  872 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  110 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  873 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  874 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  110 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  875 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  114 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  876 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  113 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  877 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  114 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  880 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  112 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305628' LIM |
    |  882 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  104 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  885 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  928 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  114 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    |  929 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    | 1012 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  107 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305628' LIM |
    | 1013 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  113 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    | 1014 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  104 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    | 1015 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  106 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    | 1016 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  106 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    | 1017 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  108 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    | 1085 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  112 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305629' LIM |
    | 1090 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  112 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305628' LIM |
    | 1160 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  102 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305623' LIM |
    | 1166 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305623' LIM |
    | 1167 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |    2 | Locked       | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305624' LIM |
    | 1170 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  120 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305623' LIM |
    | 1276 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  117 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305622' LIM |
    | 1281 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  124 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305622' LIM |
    | 1282 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  116 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305622' LIM |
    | 1284 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  104 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305623' LIM |
    | 1285 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  111 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305622' LIM |
    | 1371 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  106 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1448 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1457 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  111 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1460 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  114 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1468 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1469 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  105 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1470 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  113 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1545 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  107 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1549 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  104 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1548 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1547 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  113 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1546 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  106 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1553 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  107 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1552 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  104 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |
    | 1555 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305623' LIM |
    | 1556 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Query   |  103 | Sending data | SELECT comment_id FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'dsq_post_id' AND meta_value = '37305620' LIM |

    Now here is how your MySQL queries look (with the Disqus plugin Disabled):

    | Id  | User   | Host      | db                    | Command | Time | State | Info             |
    | 693 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Sleep   |    0 |       | NULL             |
    | 694 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Sleep   |    0 |       | NULL             |
    | 695 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Sleep   |    0 |       | NULL             |
    | 696 | mickey | localhost | wiinintendo_Wordpress | Sleep   |    0 |       | NULL             |
    | 697 | admin  | localhost | NULL                  | Query   |    0 | NULL  | show processlist |

    Same issue here.

    I rely heavily on this plugin to help my work-flow.

    Please post update ETA.

    Thank You.

    Thread Starter hey_suburbia


    Thanks a lot man!

    I’ll check that out.

    Thread Starter hey_suburbia


    Sorry to bump, just wanted to give this one more shot before I investigate elsewhere.

    Same here, I added a full path and no go.

    Upload goes successful, says it’s uploaded, but nothing is on the server…

    Thread Starter hey_suburbia


    Wow, wish I read that earlier.

    Have you heard of my issue being one of those bugs?

    I backed up everything, so I guess I’m going to downgrade…

    I’m looking for a horizontal theme as well, only found one “EnglishMan”, didn’t work too well…

    The horizontal way is not a WP theme, it’s just html,css, and js files

    Have you ever found a solution for this? I’m trying to do the same

    Thread Starter hey_suburbia


    Thanks, but the links they provide are to a site that uses JS, CSS, and html there is no WP Theme there.

    Are there any others? I’ve been searching here a while…


    Thread Starter hey_suburbia


    Here is the link to the css:

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)