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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Email Notifications Not Being Sent Via WordPress SiteThere probably isn’t wrong with your current SMTP setup. WordPress uses a particular method of sending out emails and this may be falling foul of the authentication and security settings that your mail server uses. This happens a lot with Google Apps and Office 365 as I mentioned, but quite often you’ll find that emails that WordPress sends out end up as junk or not delivered at all because they don’t appear to have come from an authorised source.
Plug-ins like WP-SMTP stop WordPress from using its usual method of sending email and starts using SMTP to send emails just like your own normal email programs do. You tell it the correct mail servers, user names and passwords and it acts like any other email client from then on. If you’re using Google Apps you might get an alert about it the first time asking you to confirm that it’s ok for your website to send emails in this way but after that it’s plain sailing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Email Notifications Not Being Sent Via WordPress SiteYou might have more luck if you try using an SMTP plug-in to take over the sending of emails rather than the WordPress built-in approach.
We often use WP-SMTP but there are other options available in the plug-in repository.
These problems happen especially if you’re using Google Apps for Business or Office 365 for your email but it can happen with other types of email accounts as well.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Favicon help pleaseThere’s a plug-in that takes away the little irritations that come with getting favicons to work. Take a look at
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New post not showing on homepageThis sort of problem is almost always caused by caching plug-ins. What happens is that the caching plug-in carries on showing an older, cached version of the home page not realising that a newly published post cause it to clear out the old cached version of the home page and make a new one.
You can solve this manually by clearing the cache yourself when you edit a post, or if you’re lucky there will be a setting somewhere in your caching plug-in that will let you tell it to recreate the home page whenever posts are published. W3TC has this option, but I’m afraid I’m not certain if the caching plug-in that you use has it.
Caching plug-ins don’t usually serve cached pages to logged-in users, which is why it looks ok to you when you’re looking at the site when logged in as admin (you’re seeing a freshly-made, uncached version), but not when you’re visiting as a normal web visitor.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving header imageMy pleasure.
By the way, the ‘text-align: left;’ in your CSS for .header-image isn’t doing anything useful.
If you wanted to tell it to put the header on the left, you would use ‘float: left;’. But in your theme it will do this anyway so there’s no need to add it.
You might be wondering how overcome the ‘text-align: left;’ in a child theme now that you have been advised not to edit parent theme files and so you can’t delete the original line. Using ‘text-align: inherit;’ in a child theme would over-rule the setting from the parent theme to say ‘use the same text-align setting as the element that I’m in’
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving header imageThe CSS for your header image is as follows:
clear: both;
text-align: left;
}The ‘clear: both;’ is forcing the header image to be below the menu. ‘clear: both;’ means ‘don’t allow any floating elements to the right or left of this’.
Replacing ‘clear: both;’ with ‘clear: none;’ will solve your problem. The menu will then be allowed to float to the right of the header image.
It’s best to work with Child Themes rather than edit the original parent theme files.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using iframe in wordpressOne of our customers had a good experience using a plug-in called Advanced iFrame.
They used it to incorporate property listings on an Estate Agency site (British English for ‘realtor’).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I broke my site but know what I didThis will help:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Make Posts in Summary formHello herryscary. You’ll love how easy it is to add categories to the menu. In Appearance. Menus you’ll see a block labelled ‘Categories’. You just have to select the Category you want and press Add to Menu.
You can learn all about menus in the official documentation
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Creating a slideshow from a category?Doesn’t Nivo Slider do most of what you describe?
There are other, commercially available, sliders that do this too.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Make Posts in Summary formGlad that helped.
There are plug-ins that can convert pages to posts and vice versa. In fact one is actually called vice versa.
If you’re just starting out and it’s only three or four pages I would probably just cut and paste from the unwanted pages into a new posts for each one. Don’t forget to set your category. If you want to get your new posts to show up in the correct order you might also want to amend the ‘publish’ date.
By the way, @alchymyth was quite right to add to my comment earlier – one should always edit child themes, and people using the coding-based solution would need to use is_home() to get it to work on the page that’s set as the blog page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Make Posts in Summary formOne way to do this would be to make use the ‘more tag’ in the post editor. Inserting a more tag into a post means that when the post is displayed in a list of posts like in your ‘Articles’ page, only the bit of the post up to the more tag is displayed, followed by a ‘Continue Reading’ link.
To insert a more tag n the visual editor, press the button in the top row next to the left of the ‘ABC’ spellchecker button. It has two rectangles with a dashed line between them. When using the text editor you can put <!–more–> to do the same thing. The big advantage of this approach, besides keeping it all in the editor, is that you get to decide exactly where the break point in your content goes.
I appreciate that you’re not keen on editing code, but in case other readers are interested, an alternative approach on Twenty Twelve would be to edit ‘content.php’ and change this line:
<?php if ( is_search() ) : // Only display Excerpts for Search ?>
<?php if ( is_search() || is_archive() ) : // Only display Excerpts for Search or Archives ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Choose-Your-Own-Adventure section of WP siteYou can add pages to WordPress sites without adding them to the menu.
Why not think of the ‘choose your own adventure’ as a sort of survey or questionnaire with branching logic?
There are many survey, polling and questionnaire plug-ins for WordPress. Doing things this way would allow you to collect information about the choices that visitors make, which may be useful to you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Email field not styled like other form fieldsWe noticed this happening on a couple of customer sites as well. I think that a recent Contact Form 7 update changed the input type of the email box from input[type=”text”] to input[type=”email”] but some theme developers haven’t updated their style sheets with it.
You just have to add .wpcf7 input[type=”email”] to the styling for it to work as breeze76 has done.
It’s a good thing that this has changed because tablet and phone keyboards change to suit the input type. With type=”email” the ‘@’ is made easier to find on the keyboard.
Now, having typed this, I realise I must go and fix my own personal site…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to delete grey box. PLEASE HELP!Sorry glennyg I made a mistake with copying and pasting for the postheader. I expect it should have been
background-image: none;
}But I guess from what you have written that you worked that out yourself.