Forum Replies Created
Hello @collizo4sky
I have to update my previous message because the problem is with Elementor PRO 3.8
When I activate it to edit the pages created by your plugin it breake the website
This issue don’t happen with Elementor free version
This issue don’t happen with other pages or posts
Thank you
Best Regards
Hello @collizo4sky
Thank you for your reply
I have installed first time your plugin.
I have checked again, but I have changed the theme and disabled WP hide pro. That was the problem.
Unfortunately I didn’t find the widgets (login,sign up, etc. ) for elementor in your plugin.
But the plugin is awesome
Thank you
Best Regards
Hello @wfpeter
Thank you for your reply
As this page see only the users after violating the rules and also a possible hacker then by showing Wordfence logo, you give the important informations.
1. That this is a WordPress website
I use the plugins to hide all wordpress plugins and urls but with this message everyone understand that this is a WordPress website.
2. Firewall
You also show to hackers that I use Wordfence firewall. This is also important information and as we know the Wordfence has vulnerability in 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 versions then why give this information to hackers ?
3 White-label
I understand you need to promote your plugin but by showing the Wordfence logo to hackers or when they are blocking will not help to promote your plugin. They are not the audience that you need to show.
If you disable any information that can show that the website use Wordfence firewall to any users that will improve the security of the websites.
Thank you for your awesome plugin and for your support ??
Best regards
Hello @israelaz
Thank you for your reply
The server use PHP 7.4
Elementor version 3.7.6
The website has not any other plugins
screenshot URL:
Hello theme is already activated
screenshot URL:
I have regenerated CSS from elementor > Tools > Regenerate CSS
screenshot URL:
Nothing help because this is an issue in the last version of Elementor (same problem I have on 3.7.5). I have already checked the same thing on Namecheap hosting also (there is the same problem)
There was not this issue on Elementor 3.6.8
I want to repport this issue that Elementor Team know about it.
Thank you
Best Regards
Hello @israelaz
I have created the fresh demo website where you can see that the container’s background image custom size 50% does not work on mobile version on 3.7.6 version
I can send you the admin credentials to look from Elementor editor. The container’s background image custom size work only Elementor editor
Can you please check this issue on the last version of ELementor ?
Thank you
Best Regards
Hello @israelaz
Thanks for your reply
Can I send the URL by email please ?
I have noticed that my message was not correct. I have a problem with section’s (containter) background image custom size and not juste with image widget custom size.
You can try to add any image on section’s background and change the image size on mobile version using pixels or % and you will see that it does not work on mobile version (only on elementor editor)
Best Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP] Error 502Hello @unicorn03
I have updated the plugin to last version on every websites and I have not any issue now
Even the websites on IONOS has not problem with security Headers anymore
This last update of the plugin has resolved all problems
Thank you again
Best Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP] Error 502Hello @unicorn03
Thank you again for your help
Some web hostings like IONOS have an issue with security headers. The Serpworx does not show that the security headers work on the website and only with your plugin it work but sometimes not.
And for additional information I have the issue on all my websites that are hosted on Namecheap (but not on other hosting servers). I have added custom security headers rules for them and suddenly yesterday all the websites had the problem with security headers rules (but they worked fine before)
I have installed your new version of the plugin and they work fine.
Are you sure that there was an issue in the plugin ? because I think that the problem may coming from Namecheap server updates.
What do you think ?
Best Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPS Hide Login] Issue with security headers rulesHello @seinomedia
Thanks for your reply
I use WPS Hide Login with White Label CMS plugin to customize login page.
Maybe the issue is with this plugin ?
For me it show loading icon on the custom login url
Thank you for WPS Hide Login plugin. I always use it on every website
Best Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP] Error 502Hello @unicorn03
Thanks for your reply
The plugin didn’t give 502 error with new update. You have resolved the problem very fast. I appreciate it very much
There is a some issue that I want to show.
Screenshot URL:
What do you think why does not recognise the security headers rules added by the plugin. I have checked that plugin correctly has added the rules but…
Best Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP] Error 502Hello @unicorn03 and @unicorn07
Thank you for your reply
The hosting server is Litespeed
I’am not sur which version was last 5.0.02 or 5.0.03 but I have not this issue before
I have seen this problem 1 or 2 days after updates. The website suddenly show 502 error. I Use 5.0.04 version now
The first thing that could give this problem is the hosting server. The support service of Namecheap has said that the server works correctly. They have done a test to check it.
Then I was sure that this problem comes from .htacces file
I have disabled all rules and serurity plugins and the website start to work.
I have started to check at first the security plugins, but the 502 show even if I deactivate them
The second thing I have disabled Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP and 502 error was gone. I could see the website only when I was connected as admin but for guest the website shows 502 errors
That is why I can say that last version of the plugin has an issue
—- For additional information
I use now custom rules that I have added them myself for Security Headers and there is not any problem on the websitei can send you the code to see how I did it but your plugin add little different code in .htacces
I’am not an expert to say which is more correct but the website has 100% security protection with this
I hope you can resolve this problem because I love Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP
Thank you
Best Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Frontend Admin by DynamiApps] Erreur de nonceFor additional information
I use dynamic ID. It show correctly in the page, but when I add dynamic ID in selected ID field it show me error de nonce when I try to update the user
It show me the correct meta fields of selected user by ID but it does not work when I try to update the profil
There is a problem
Best Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Frontend Admin by DynamiApps] Erreur de nonceHello @shabti
Thanks for your reply
I know but it does not edit the user with the selected ID anymore. Before there was not this problem.
I can say 100% that the ID of the user is correct. It show me Erreur de nonce.
This problem happen recently.
It still work if I chose post author. But this option is not what I need.
Can you please check this problem ?
Best Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Frontend Admin by DynamiApps] Erreur de nonceThis issue happens when I try to edit user profile by selecting user ID. This option doesn’t work.
It works fine only if I chose post author
Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Propovoice: All-in-One Client Management System] French TranslationHello @propovoice
Thank you very much
I have purchased the Agency plan but there is an issue with licence activation. It does not work
Can you please check this problem ?
Best Regards