Forum Replies Created
Any updates on this problem? Thanks a lot.
Could someone take a look of this problem? Thanks.
Could you take a look of my post here, and I explain it in this there. Thanks a lot.
I find the contents of two different tab are the same. Did you encounter this problem? Thanks a lot.
Hi Champ,
Thanks a lot for your reply. It now can show contents from two tabs, but the contents still the same. I cannot figure out why they show the same content. The content is
“echo “Hello World 1”;
echo “Hello World 1”; “
for both tab1 and tab2. I have no idea why is that.(I make some modifications, like remove one “}” from function um_test_tab and function um_test_tab2, and “global $ultimatemember;” in um_account_tab_tabtest and um_account_tab_tabtest2). Please take a look of my code.
/** Test Tab 1 **/ add_filter('um_account_page_default_tabs_hook', 'um_test_tab', 100 ); function um_test_tab( $tabs ) { $tabs[420]['tabtest']['icon'] = 'um-faicon-gear'; $tabs[420]['tabtest']['title'] = 'Tab Test 1'; $tabs[420]['tabtest']['custom'] = true; return $tabs; } add_action('um_account_tab__tabtest', 'um_account_tab_tabtest'); function um_account_tab_tabtest( $info ) { global $ultimatemember; $output = $ultimatemember->account->get_tab_output('tabtest'); if ( $output ) { ?> echo "Hello World 1"; <?php } } add_filter('um_account_content_hook_tabtest', 'um_account_content_hook_tabtest'); function um_account_content_hook_tabtest( $output ){ global $um_woocommerce; ob_start(); echo "tab test 1"; $output .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return do_shortcode( $output ); } /** Test Tab 2 **/ add_filter('um_account_page_default_tabs_hook', 'um_test_tab2', 100 ); function um_test_tab2( $tabs ) { $tabs[421]['tabtest']['icon'] = 'um-faicon-gear'; $tabs[421]['tabtest']['title'] = 'Tab Test 2'; $tabs[421]['tabtest']['custom'] = true; return $tabs; } add_action('um_account_tab__tabtest2', 'um_account_tab_tabtest2'); function um_account_tab_tabtest2( $info ) { global $ultimatemember; $output = $ultimatemember->account->get_tab_output('tabtest2'); if ( $output ) { ?> echo "Hello World 2"; <?php } } add_filter('um_account_content_hook_tabtest2', 'um_account_content_hook_tabtest2'); function um_account_content_hook_tabtest2( $output ){ ob_start(); echo "tab test 2"; $output .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return do_shortcode( $output ); }
Hello, I have the probably the same problem, and I post here.
Basically, I also cannot display the second tap’s content.
I tried above solution. Still, I can only see “Hello Tab 1” in first tap, but nothing in second tap. Could some one find the reason why is that? Thanks a lot. I really appreciate.
Hello all, I still did not figure the reason, could someone provide more detailed info. THanks a lot.