Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Automatic MailI did some searching and added some code to the plugin that works for me. It’s not ideal, but I need this functionality for my client.
At the end of create_new_user() (line 133 in class-wp-temporary-login-without-password-common) I used wp_mail() to send a custom mail to the newly created user containing the necessary information.
Using wp_send_new_notifications() or wp_new_user_notification() didn’t send after the meta was updated with the generated link.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] no redirection happeningAlready resolved. Had to have a little bit more patience with cache and Cloudflare.
For reference I used the following regex-redirection for the posts.
^(\/[0-9]{4}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/.*)$ => https://helenagwyn.blog/$1Ok then, good for you, not for me so much, not even in Firefox.
At least the lightboxhijack got solved.
Thank you.Ok, in chrome it shows up, in Firefox it says ‘No Video with Supported Format and MIME type found’ and Safari says the same in the inspector.
Sorry, I can’t get it to load and play, in no lightbox at all.
How long did you wait?Ok, apparently the Plausible Analytics plugin hijacked this. I will contact them.
The only thing left not working is playing video.On the page following page you can see an image and a video.
When you click the image, it jumps to the url of the photo.
When you click the video, it doens’t play.https://beta.sint-filippus.be/fotos/album/?photonic_gallery=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&photonic_gallery_title=L6%20got%20talent
There is no lightbox in Astra.
I will try to setup a testingarea that is public.
I’ll get back to you.And the layout worked, thank you.
I didn’t do anything special or using special interfering plugins. Just Astra theme and photonic.
Maybe you can answer the second question “how do you control the layout of a page when using popup=’page’?”.
Ok, so then I’m stuck and have to search for another plugin since I can’t share username and password or publish the unfinished website.
Can I contact you privately. It’s a website in development so you need basic logininfo to be able to see it.