I tried page speed, but they say..
“Timed out while importing key resources. Make sure the page loads in your browser and try again.”
I use pre tier on the AWS.
There are inactive plugins; Akismet Anti-Spam, Simple Custom CSS and P3(Plugin Performance Profiler)
Also activated Final Tiles Grid Gallery – Image Gallery, Real-Time Find and Replace now.
Use Gallery plugin cause my website is just portfolio for now.
There are only 2 menus; Home and work.
and I’m using theme – Twenty Sixteen.
With Real-time Find and Replace plugin, I changed the footage for copyright section and with remove the bitnami banner at Appearance-Customize-Additional CSS.
I think these are all I did to make my site.
So.. the most important point for me is about What makes me can access to my site only with my home-wifi environment..