Forum Replies Created
Finally, this corrects the issue with the icons being too high:
.ccpw_icon {
vertical-align: -6px !important;
}also need this as for some reason my up arrow is red when it should be green:
i.fa-arrow-up {
color: green; !important;
}OK, I’ve come up with the following solution which I think is hard to improve on. I share it here in case anyone has the same issue, going forward. (Of course, it could just be a CSS conflict with the ColorMag Pro theme from ThemeGrill.)
.fa-arrow-down {
margin-right: -35%; !important;
}.fa-arrow-down {
margin-left: -30%; !important;
}.fa-arrow-up {
margin-right: -35%; !important;
}.fa-arrow-up {
margin-left: -30%; !important;
}.ticker-symbol {
margin-right: 5px; !important;
}further to my earlier post I have checked the source HTML in my browser and located class .fa. It seems that if I designate a minus number for the up/down arrow CSS margin then I can force the excess space to reduce. I’ll update this post with further developments later but if you have any suggestions let me know. I may need to call two CSS classes together as some coins seem to need more/less space reduction than others so I can’t just adjust them with a one-size-fits-all approach. Pity I can’t attach screenshots here so you could see how things were before I started modifying the CSS. I have screenshots I could email you though. Thanks. Peter.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by heddois.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [affilinet Performance Ads] Problems after affilinet Performance Ads update?My Managed WordPress provider doesn’t allow ads.txt to be added into the root folder, even though I telephoned them about it. I’ll have to look for an alternative affiliate plugin, I suppose. Thanks for getting back to me though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [affilinet Performance Ads] Problems after affilinet Performance Ads update?My entire /wp-admin/ access has been prevented due to this error, which is still ongoing this morning, despite the update mentioned above. Because I cannot get into the backend to update this due to this error I am in a Catch 22. Going to have to ask my managed WordPress provider/hosting team to remove the whole thing. It is ridiculous that something like this can crash an entire website:
Warning: file_put_contents(/homepages/29/d722683450/htdocs/app722684076//ads.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /homepages/29/d722683450/htdocs/app722684076/wp-content/plugins/affilinet-performance-module/classes/Plugin.php on line 288
It even appears on the client side at the top too: