I need to redirect my uploads to a different folder.
I found a forum that says to go to the Admin Panel options->misc
After reading the this forum I see that doesn’t exist
but I also can’t find wp-admin/includes/misc.php
This is what I am trying to do:
1. Create a new file called path.php and paste the following code in it :
$p = getcwd();
echo $p;
2. Upload it in the folder of your webserver (remember to use the folder where you want the images/files to be uploaded).
3. Open the file in webbrowser for e.g. https://www.example.com/images/path.php
4. Copy the path : this path is the absolute path of the images folder.
5. On WordPress Admin panel; go to Options->Misc
6. Paste the copied path in the text box and save the changes.
From now on whenever you’ll use WordPress admin or if you’ll use any blogging client then it will upload the images in the desired directory and not wp-content/uploads
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated