We are experiencing the same issue.
Github issue here: https://github.com/jepser/typeform/issues/9
Classic editor v1.4
Yoast: v11.1
Typeform v 0.7.5
I also tried v 0.8.0 by downloading the zip from this repo and installing by hand. Same result.
Typeform with Classic Editor works fine.
Yoast with Classic Editor works fine.
Enabling Typeform and Yoast leads to a broken editor.
Seeing this in the devtools console when attempting to switch from visual to text mode in the editor.
This js file is throwing a 404:
VM6922 editor.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSelection' of undefined at q (VM6922 editor.min.js:1) at e (VM6922 editor.min.js:1) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (VM6922 editor.min.js:1) at C (VM6820 tinymce.min.js:2) at HTMLDocument.d (VM6820 tinymce.min.js:2)