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  • @businesscloudinc Do you have the premium plugin? I don’t and hadn’t tried to email them, as it says at the top of their contact form that email support is only for premium clients.

    I don’t suppose you could share the custom CSS they gave you?

    I have sort of a similar problem with Divi, @businesscloudinc and I posed a question 6 months ago on this forum and never heard a response. I was trying to use Divi tabs, with the first tab being a combined calendar, and the rest being individuals of several. The active tab loads fine, switching to another tab loads the one with dots. Would be nice if someone would at least respond. I’m not going to buy premium just to get a response if it’s not going to work for me.

    I just had exactly the same thing happen. Updated to 0.6.0 and suddenly the box was gone. Had to revert to 0.5.0.

    Running WP 4.9.8, Extra Theme

    Also, to @papyrusdoc, I also use WP Accessibility and the only weirdness I’ve ever found is when I had skiplinks enabled in both plugins, the WebAIM accessibility checker flags an error due to duplicate skiplinks.

    Adding thanks to @mohsinrasool. Not sure what broke between 1.2.1 and 1.2.2, but that CSS fixed it!

    Sorry for the double-post, but I think the problem might be related to the jQuery (?) animations for when the events fill themselves in. I went back to look at the first window where I spotted the problem and it wasn’t even showing the three events I had. I refreshed several times and nothing. Then I cleared my cache and reloaded the page. I watched as green lines animated and grew into my event listings, but the space is still there.

    I have a somewhat related question, apologies if you’d have preferred I make a new thread.

    I am just for the first time today trying out Events Manager and WP FullCalendar together and seem to be running into a bug, that is only on Safari on MacOS, that I’ve found so far.

    I am on an iMac with OS X 10.10.5 using WordPress 4.2.4 with an ever-so-slightly modified version of the Sparkling Theme. In Chrome and Firefox, the calendar works fine. In Safari there is a MASSIVE amount of blank space in most lines on the calendar, as well as strange green vertical lines in the Tuesday and Wednesday columns.

    I suspect the green lines and extra space are related, because the first of the green lines is 343px high, and the fourth row of the calendar has a DIV inside the row’s first “fc-day-content” class DIV with CSS calling for it to be 343px high, and the second of the green lines is 943px high, and the fifth row similarly has a DIV with CSS calling for it to be 943px high.

    This is happening on two different Macs with the same version of Safari, and as I said, it does not happen on Chrome or Firefox at all. Any ideas?

    EDIT: FWIW, I just tested a different Mac running 10.9.5 and Safari 7.1.6. I don’t see the green lines, but the space is still there.

    Thread Starter HCOE-web



    I am still getting the wp-cron error message, exactly as above. However, the first backup scheduled for after the update, a database hourly that I set up before specifically to test wp-cron, worked fine.

    I did notice something that’s an issue for me, but probably won’t be an issue going forward for new Multisite users who are installing the plugin for the first time. Previously, I had the plugin network activated, rather than just activated for the main site, and had been running separate backups for each of my three sites (not realizing that all three of my “complete” backups were backing up the same files). One of my sites is still running its default-1 and default-2 backups, and I don’t have any way of canceling those, because I only have access to the main site schedules through the Network Dashboard.

    If I use WP-Crontrol to delete a scheduled cron event, will that cause any problems with BackupWP?

    Everything else works as far as I can tell. The “calculating the size…” problem seems to be fixed, and I am not getting any of the errors others have mentioned in relation to 3.0.3.

    (EDIT: Actually, may have spoken too soon. My complete site size is currently approx. 98MB. The Complete Weekly backup states that the site size is 1GB.)

    The only other thing, which you are likely already aware of: You’ll need to edit some of the FAQ info and plugin description info to reflect the different functionality on Multisite installs. (The Plugins page, for example, still says to go to Tools > Backups, whereas for Multisite installs it should say Network Dashboard > Settings > Backups.)



    Paul, I have a bit of an update. I just installed the latest version of BackupWP on a completely new installation, on a different server, running WP 4.0.1. The only things I have done to this site since installation are enable Multisite, install BackupWP, and activate it for only the main site.

    This new install is giving me the same problem I was having on my other site (on WP 3.9.3), where the backup schedule page is only accessible through Network Dashboard > Settings, not through Site Dashboard > Tools, and clicking on the “Settings” link on the backup scheduler gives me the same “You do not have sufficient permission to access this page’ message that I have been getting on my other site. Seems like the plugin has some kind of compatibility issue with Multisite.

    Edit: If I manually change the url that the “Settings” button sends me to from




    (adding the network subfolder and changing tools.php to settings.php) I can access the settings screen.



    Thanks Paul. For what it’s worth, wp-cron seems to be running properly. My scheduled backups are all firing as expected.

    You may have already seen it, but I sent an email yesterday evening to the support email address with more details about the issues I’ve been having.



    cmaudano, I had the same issue at first with one calendar, and found the weird HTML tags disappeared when I went and tweaked it so each conditional was all on one line. So if you changed

    <p>All Day[/if-all-day]


    <p>[if-all-day]All Day[/if-all-day] </p>

    it may clear that up.

    Do you use TinyMCE Advanced or some other plugin that forces WordPress to stop removing HTML p tags? I do and suspect it’s related to that.



    (I decided to start a new thread since this one is marked resolved. See




    I have just updated to 3.0.1 and am now receiving the following message:

    BackUpWordPress has detected a problem. wp-cron.php is returning a 200 OK response which could mean cron jobs aren’t getting fired properly. BackUpWordPress relies on wp-cron to run scheduled backups. See the FAQ for more details.

    The FAQ only seems to address when you’re not receiving a 200 OK response.

    I also am having the (calculating the size of your backup…) issue on my Complete Weekly but not my Database Daily tab.

    I tried to enable Support but got an error that I don’t have sufficient permission to access that page. Am using our company’s own servers to host, not a large hosting provider with cPanel or anything.

    EDIT: Hmm, now Backups isn’t even in my tools list. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the plugin?



    On the sites I had to fix this morning, the feed IDs had all changed, and the actual short code you put on the page is different now. For example, on one site I had three feeds, and their ids were simply 1, 2 and 3. The short codes I used before with version 0.7.2 would have been something like:

    [google-calendar-events id="2" type="list" title="" max="30"]

    Now, both the feed IDs and the actual short codes for the same feed are different, and the arguments can be set in the feed settings instead of as part of the short code. So now the same feed’s short code is just:

    [gcal id="132"]

    and the type and max arguments are defined in the feed settings. The short code for any given feed is listed in the feed settings. (This is now a separate entry on your main dashboard, “GCal Events” instead of having to go to Settings > Google Calendar Events like it was on version 0.7 of the plugin.)

    I think the feed IDs were assigned automatically by the plugin, and (someone correct me if I’m wrong) the high numbers may be due to the fact that most users are now under the universal API key.



    tobiasmurphy, have you gone in to try to tinker with the list settings? I had it do the same at first, but the lists were only displaying events in the next 5 days, and the particular calendar I was using didn’t have any events for something like 13 days.

    Also, while old short codes still somehow showed some of the results, it wasn’t until I began using the new short codes with new feed IDs that the changes I made in the feed settings began to make any difference.

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