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  • it sounds like your are trying to create a custom widget.. something i would say definitely needs to happen in the raw code rather than through the dashboard..

    where is the data being pulled from? an online resource? posts? if it is somewhere other than data that is on your own WP installation you are going to need to pipe the information in.. either via json, rss, xml or ajax..

    i know i just threw a lot of jargon at you ?? but what you are attempting to do isnt really in the realm of ‘beginner’ unless you can find a plugin someone else has created..

    it sounds like your permalinks in your settings havent been set properly.. have you also made sure that the reading section of your settings has your homepage set to the static page you want.. and your posts page set to your blog page?

    try changing your permalinks to

    does it even need to be a table?

    looks like you could do that with floating list items in an unordered list quite easily..

    i personally hate coding tables.. so i fire up dreamweaver.. go to design view.. insert->table.. fill in your details and boom your done.. copy and paste back into wordpress..

    Here is one that i made for you..

    <table width="446" border="0">
        <th scope="col">Column1 Header</th>
        <th scope="col">Column2 Header</th>
    Thread Starter haxxxton



    currently i have had to find a work around where i just enter in the same encoded password as one that i know the password is set to ‘temp’ which encodes to “$P$BBa.0My8FtpBIC5efFaueJy7ojkx35/”.. this way i can tell the new users that they have a temporary password and they should log in and change it..

    it is NOT the ideal solution.. and im still not sure how to generate an email to be sent to the user to let them know their new account details


    you will need to do two things…

    firstly query your database with this code

    $your_city = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT post_id from <code>wp_postmeta</code> WHERE meta_key='your_city' AND meta_value='Delhi'");

    then create a post query based upon that

    query_posts(array('p' => $your_city));

    what this is doing so looking for all of the posts that have Delhi as the value in custom field your_city.. and then telling wordpress to get only these posts in your post loop

    i can only think to do it by doing away with the wp_list_pages call and using several $wpdb calls to generate arrays of your page lists and their children..

    i do this with all my pages as it gives me a MUCH greater control over what gets displayed and how..

    $nav_item = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT post_title FROM <code>wp_posts</code> WHERE post_type='page' AND post_status ='publish' AND post_parent =0");
                $nav_link = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT post_name FROM <code>wp_posts</code> WHERE post_type='page' AND post_status ='publish' AND post_parent =0");
                        for($i = 0; $i < count($nav_item); $i++){
                            if($nav_link[$i] != 'checkout' && $nav_link[$i] != 'callback' && $nav_link[$i] != 'my-account' && $nav_link[$i] != 'admin-options' && $nav_link[$i] != 'privacy' && $nav_link[$i] != 'terms' && $nav_link[$i] != 'home' && $nav_link[$i] != 'my-profile'){
    							echo "<li><a href=\"";
    							echo "/".strtolower($nav_link[$i])."\" title=\"".strtoupper($nav_item[$i])."\"><div class=\"nav_left\"></div><div class=\"nav_link\">".strtoupper($nav_item[$i])."</div><div class=\"nav_right\"></div></a>";
    							echo "</li>";	

    ive been using something like above to add curved corners to the edges of my nav items..

    youd want something like

    $sub_nav_link = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT post_name FROM <code>wp_posts</code> WHERE post_type='page' AND post_status ='publish' AND post_parent !=0");

    to get your child page names and then you just check if the post parent of that post is equal to the current list item.. and then start another ul inside that li..

    hope that helps

    Thread Starter haxxxton


    ok so i figured out how to display things based upon user roles

    <?php global $user_ID; get_currentuserinfo();
    $admins = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT user_id FROM <code>wp_usermeta</code> WHERE meta_key='wp_user_level' AND meta_value='10'");
    if( in_array($user_ID, $admins)){ ?>
       //things admins see	
    <?php } ?>

    all you have to do is change out the the meta_value to select which user level you want to select

    Thread Starter haxxxton


    argh OF COURSE

    silly me assumed it loads the global $wpdb call early in the function calls already..

    thanks Rahul ??

    Thread Starter haxxxton


    as much as possible id like to stay away from relying on plugins.. i did see Role Scoper when was looking at user roles.. ill have a go installing it and seeing if the conditional tags it comes with like is_restricted_rs and is_teaser_rs could be of use..

    ps. conditional tags page added to favourites bar ??

    Thread Starter haxxxton


    ?? wow 2 hours of searching and you solve my problem in 10 minutes.. zoonini THANKS ?? ??

    if anyone else knows how to determine based on user level..

    perhaps a combination of this and something that finds the users role?

    if( is_user_logged_in() && get_user_role('contributor' == true)){
         echo "THE PRICES";
    }elseif( is_user_logged_in() && get_user_role('author' == true)){

    Thank you again zoonini

    Thread Starter haxxxton


    I get this issue even using hotmail as the provider.. The register plus solution is working for me fine though and the clients happy.. Won’t rock the boat.. Thanks for all the replies

    Thread Starter haxxxton



    In order to get around the problem I installed the Register Plus plug-in that allows users to set their own passwords. However, it still does not send new users their account details…

    bit frustrating but at least its useable now

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