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  • Thread Starter hauruapai


    ?? Well, gWebmasters is happy so and I

    Thank you RavanH – I don’t care if a human can read it only G ??

    Thread Starter hauruapai


    Thank you for your replies – I checked the server and the files are in the right place but as you said we humans can not see them! *LOL*

    I checked the .htaccess file – there was just the wordpress rules in it but I did use another .htaccess from another site that I have that has a working sitemap just to test and that still did not allow me to view it.

    I am going to give the sitemap to G webmasters and it it does not complain I will be most happy and mark this ticket as solved.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter hauruapai


    Just done a full delete of the site then a clean install of WP – added the plugin and still get the same thing ??

    Thread Starter hauruapai




    404 Not Found

    for the microkids-related-posts.js file

    // This uses the JQuery library that comes with WordPress
    5 // Activate tabs
    7 current_tab = 1;
    8 $("#MRP_tabs .MRP_tab a").click(function() {
    9 $("#MRP_relatedposts .MRP_post_type").removeClass('MRP_current');
    10 $("#MRP_relatedposts .MRP_post_type").hide();
    11 $("#MRP_relatedposts .MRP_tab").removeClass('MRP_current_tab');
    12 tabToShowId = $(this).attr('rel');
    13 $(this).parent().addClass('MRP_current_tab');
    14 $('#'+tabToShowId).show();
    15 var parts = tabToShowId.split("-");
    16 current_tab = parts[parts.length-1];
    17 return false;
    18 });
    20 $(".MRP_search").bind( 'keydown', function(e){
    21 if( e.keyCode == 13 ){
    22 return false;
    23 }
    24 });
    26 var timer = 0;
    27 $(".MRP_search").bind( 'keyup', function(e){
    28 var id = $(this).attr('id');
    29 if( ( e.keyCode > 47 && e.keyCode < 91 ) || e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 13 ){
    30 clearTimeout( timer );
    31 timer = setTimeout( function() {
    32 MRP_search(id);
    33 }, 200 );
    34 }
    35 });
    37 $(".MRP_scope input").each( function() {
    38 $(this).change(function() {
    39 MRP_search($(this).attr('id'));
    40 });
    41 });
    43 function MRP_search(id) {
    44 var parts = id.split("-");
    45 var postTypeIndex = parts[parts.length-1];
    46 if( $("#MRP_search-"+postTypeIndex).val() != '' ) {
    47 var searchResults = "../wp-content/plugins/microkids-related-posts/mrp-search.php?mrp_s=" + encodeURIComponent( $("#MRP_search-"+postTypeIndex).val() );
    48 searchResults += "&mrp_scope=" + escape( $("input[name='MRP_scope-"+postTypeIndex+"']:checked").val() );
    49 searchResults += "&mrp_post_type=" + escape( $("#MRP_post_type_name-"+postTypeIndex).val() );
    50 if( $("#post_ID").val() ) {
    51 searchResults += "&mrp_id=" + escape( $("#post_ID").val() );
    52 }
    53 $("#MRP_loader-"+postTypeIndex).addClass("MRP_loader_active");
    54 $("#MRP_results-"+postTypeIndex).load( searchResults, '',
    55 function() { $("#MRP_results-"+postTypeIndex+" li .MRP_result").each(function(i) {
    56 $(this).click(function() {
    57 var postID =;
    58 var resultID = "related-post-" + postID;
    59 if( $("#"+resultID).text() == '' ) {
    60 $("#MRP_related_posts_replacement-"+postTypeIndex).hide();
    61 var newLI = document.createElement("li");
    62 $(newLI).attr('id', resultID);
    63 $(newLI).text($(this).text());
    64 $("#MRP_relatedposts_list-"+postTypeIndex).append( '<li id="'+resultID+'"><span>'+$(this).text()+'</span><span><a class="MRP_deletebtn" onclick="MRP_remove_relationship(\''+resultID+'\')">X</a></span><input type="hidden" name="MRP_related_posts[]" value="'+postID+'" /></li>' );
    65 $("#MRP_related_count-"+postTypeIndex).text( ( parseInt($("#MRP_related_count-"+postTypeIndex).text())+1 ) );
    66 }
    67 else {
    68 $("#"+resultID ).focus();
    69 $("#"+resultID ).css("color", "red");
    70 setTimeout('document.getElementById("'+resultID+'").style.color = "#000000";', 1350);
    71 }
    72 });
    73 });
    74 $("#MRP_loader-"+postTypeIndex).removeClass("MRP_loader_active");
    75 }
    76 );
    77 }
    78 else {
    79 $("#MRP_results-"+postTypeIndex).html("");
    80 }
    81 }
    84function MRP_remove_relationship( postID ) {
    85 jQuery(document).ready(function($){
    86 $("#"+postID).remove();
    87 $("#MRP_related_count-"+current_tab).text( ( parseInt($("#MRP_related_count-"+current_tab).text())-1 ) );
    88 if( $("#MRP_relatedposts_list-"+current_tab+" li").length < 2 ){
    89 $("#MRP_related_posts_replacement-"+current_tab).show();
    90 }
    91 });

    I am not too sure what else you want as I have not done much in firebug apart from css stuff, so if I need to do anything else just let me know – with a howto as well! *LOL*

    Thread Starter hauruapai


    @microkid – already did the works when it worked ??

    @noelmoralde – glad the tip helped ??

    Thread Starter hauruapai


    The plugin “Activate Update Services” fixes this

    Thread Starter hauruapai


    Perfect – I installed the new one on the site, hit refreshed and all of the messed up payout is fixed ??

    Thank you so much for your time and effort – it is truly appreciated ??

    Thread Starter hauruapai


    Nope – that has not fixed my sample of the no related posts plugin:

    I hit refresh a few times
    F5 a few times
    Cleared the browser cache

    and still got the messed up layout ??

    Any other ideas? ??

    Thread Starter hauruapai


    @ noelmoralde
    I always keep backups of old plugins which is why I could upload an older working one. And yes, what you described as a layout mess is exactly what I got to – except you explained it better than me!

    @ microkid
    I went to upgrade the plugin again so I could get screenshots of what is happening for you and seems that the gremlin has moved out of the admin- it now displays properly. I also did a new post and added a related article and it was all good but when I did a new post with no related posts it messed up the layout again is where you can see the post without a related one and messed up layout as well as a post with a related post and no messed up layout

    Now that I see what the new layout in the admin for related posts is I will try and describe what it was like. (It is ok there now)

    There were no tabs for Posts and Pages – instead they were just listed under each other – hyperlinked

    It then said related without the box
    Under that Search Items – A little box and Title Content Both with the buttons

    Then that again. Here is an idea of what it was like:

    Posts (0)
    Pages (0)
    Search BOX HERE Title Content Both
    Search BOX HERE Title Content Both

    The only place where there were boxes was where I put BOX HERE above

    For posts that already had related posts it was as follows:

    Posts (2)
    PostTitle x PostTitle x
    Pages (0)
    Search BOX HERE Title Content Both
    Search BOX HERE Title Content Both

    Hope this helps ??

    Thread Starter hauruapai


    ahh – and no I see that while all of my tags are showing, I have lost all of the articles that link to them ??

    is there any error message above what you posted above? that is just the paths and it does not say “can not find” or “failed to open” or anything like that which will help us to help you ??

    Seeing as you are ok with a clean install try this:
    Download WP to your pc and unzip
    open wp-config.sample.php and make the changes in there for your site then save as wp-config.php – do not use word to do this, use notepad or something similar
    log on through ftp and make sure that the public_html folder has nothing in it
    transfer through ftp the files from wp that you downloaded – making sure that the wp-config.php file and all of those ones are put into the public_html folder – the rest will automatically be created as it is uploaded
    Then in your browser type where MYWEBSITE is your domain name and follow along.

    That is it in a nutshell but has more details if you need it ?? Good Luck!

    This is to do with the Permalink structure:

    Settings > Permalinks is where you will find how it has decided to write your urls for you.

    This is exactly what happened to one of my sites which inspired me blog the process in case the same thing happen again ?? You must use sub domains.

    Setting Up Multi Sites in WordPress – Part I – The Config File – you probably have already done this

    Setting Up Multi Sites in WordPress – Part II – Wildcard Subdomains – this will be the most important one for you to follow – it may seem daunting but I managed it and wrote it as I did each step and it worked. Initially I needed about 3 other sites to help me figure this out which is why I blogged it to save time looking again if needed.

    Setting Up Multi Sites in WordPress – Part III – Network Activation took me a while to figure out this step but once I got it working I blogged that too!

    Hope this works for you – it did for me – Good Luck!

    this sounds like your WP installation is not in your root directory for your site because if it was there you would not see the Index of information.

    If you have ftp log in and look in the public_html folder – that is where WP sould be and not in a direcory under that.

    Good luck ??

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