Hi Swayam,
Thanks for your answer. Off course, I spend 1 hour on this page ! and I really don’t understand how to make it works !
The plugin’s creator says :
Instead of the above string, a term object can also be passed as the $post_id parameter as of ACF v4.3.3. You can get a term object via many of WP’s functions such as get_term.
So I understand I can’t just use <?php the_field(‘field_name’, $term); ?> as is, like any custom field code.
I’ve tried something like :
<?php $term = get_term( $term_id, $taxonomy ); ?>
<p><?php the_field('price', $term); ?></p>
But as a beginner in php, I don’t really understand what is $term_id and $ taxonomy in my case…
Thank for your help.