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  • Absolutely, this is the sort of thing that can crash sites non-stop until fixed. Needs fixing ASAP by the plugin author definitely. Glad I could help.

    The code pasted is slightly different, it changes the scheduled task from hugeit_image-gallery_opt_in_cron to hugeit_image_gallery_opt_in_cron

    The issue here is the hyphen after hugeit_image, there should be an underscore.

    Hope that helps!


    So there’s a bug in the gallery-images.php file within the root of the plugin, on line 198 in the schedule_tracking function.

    Here’s the code from line 198 – 204:

    public function schedule_tracking()
                if (!wp_next_scheduled('hugeit_image_gallery_opt_in_cron')) {
                    wp_schedule_event(current_time('timestamp'), 'hugeit-image-gallery-weekly', 'hugeit_image-gallery_opt_in_cron');

    You’ll notice that the first part is checking if the cron job “hugeit_image_gallery_opt_in_cron” exists, and if it doesn’t exist, registering the cron job “hugeit_image-gallery_opt_in_cron”. This causes infinite cron jobs to be created and has caused client sites that are using this plugin to crawl to a stop and tank the server.

    I hope this is fixed soon, but for those of you wanting to get this sorted ASAP, replace the code above with the following:

    public function schedule_tracking()
                if (!wp_next_scheduled('hugeit_image_gallery_opt_in_cron')) {
                    wp_schedule_event(current_time('timestamp'), 'hugeit-image-gallery-weekly', 'hugeit_image_gallery_opt_in_cron');

    Hope that helps!

    Same as the rest – had to re-save, taxonomies were not pulling through, all working now though.

            $tax = 'topic-category';
            $terms = get_terms($tax);
            if ( $terms && !is_wp_error($terms) ){
                foreach ( $terms as $term ) :
                    $count = $term->count;
                    $name = $term->name;
                    $link = get_term_link($term, $tax);
                        <h2><a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo $name ?></a></h2>
                        <p><em><?php echo $count; ?> Topics</em></p>
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