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  • vtxyzzy is correct about the PHP

    If you’re a beginner to javascript, probably the simplest way of output the current time on your site is:

    Simple Javascript Date

    Javascript as was mentioned runs in the browser, on the site visitors side of things. Above is not necessarily the cleanest way to do things but it’s definitely the easiest if you’re new to Javascript. Most JS Experts may bamboozle you with why you shouldn’t use ‘document.write’ etc.

    Good luck with your query, hope this helps.

    Do you have a link to where this is happening, I can suggest a better solution if I can see what the problem is.

    It’s pretty bad practice to have empty p tags to fix content layout issues. Ideally you should have something like this already in your CSS

    #content p { padding-bottom:10px }

    Well a normal return/enter in the WYSIWYG should just put in an empty P tag. So after an image in a post, hit enter a couple of times.

    Ideally there should be already some padding on your <p> tags by default in your CSS.

    In the small loop below, I’ve set $firstpost = ‘ first’, note the space if you’re using it along with other CSS classes.

    The first post has a class of first, and the remaining 4 posts in the loop have the class ‘second’ (before the endwhile call I set the $firstpost variable to second, which should allow you to style them differently while keeping the same overall format.

       'showposts' => 5,
       'cat' => $catid,
       'orderby' => 'date',
       'order' => 'DESC'
    $category_box = new WP_Query($postargs);
    	$firstpost = ' first';
    	while ($category_box->have_posts()) :
    <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?> " class="post-<?php the_ID(); ?> post hentry teaser<?php echo $firstpost; ?>">
    ..... POST FORMAT HERE .....
      $firstpost = ' second';
      endwhile; /* end while have_posts() */

    Hope this works for you or at least helps.

    The WYSIWYG auto removes <p> tags. I don’t think there is any way around this as far as I’m aware.

    Why do you specifically require P tags output? Do they have a particular CSS class? Or are they empty paragraphs with CSS to push content down?

    If you must hardcode HTML in the WYSIWYG, could you use a DIV or SPAN tag instead? I know span are not removed, as I’ve used them for image captions etc. on occasion. You can then style them with CSS.

    If they are both the same, Google may have made a mistake (I know, Google never mistakes mistake /sarcasm).

    It’s generally the language internationalisation, that’s what l10n usually is, perhaps it’s been corrupted.

    What you could do is download this file, download a fresh copy of the SAME VERSION of WordPress you currently have running, and compare the two files. Worst case scenario, the original may have been overwritten (this is an absolute worst case scenario). Just copy the fresh one from the wordpress zip and overwrite the file on your webserver.

    Not sure how to get un-blacklisted.

    Good luck.

    You can definitely inquire, and they should be pretty helpful, they may even help you get back up and running by importing the database for you.

    You’re welcome. Good luck!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: site URL help

    In your wp-admin backend: i.e.

    What is currently entered for the following fields:

    WordPress address (URL)
    Site address (URL)

    As it maybe set to this: which is why all of your links are being redirected.

    The hosting company have provided you with a way to override this by editing the config directly.

    NOTE: If this goes wrong, because I hate offering advice that might end up breaking a site on you, if you know any tech savvy friends, have one to hand in access it breaks the site, better yet, let them do this for you.

    It looks likely that your hosting company may have sent you a copy of your wordpress installation and shutdown your previous account, which expired. Looks like you’ll have to (find someone) reinstall it all again to get it up and running.

    I don’t think this is a problem with WordPress per se. Good luck.

    Was the hosting and domain with the same company? And if so, did your hosting plan expire also? If not, can you actually login to the FTP and confirm the wordpress files are still there? If you can login to your hosting’s control panel, there should be a link to your website on the hosting companies server, where you can confirm all is working before the domain name is relinked to your website.

    If anything, it may take a few hours (up to 24hrs) for the DNS to resolve your domain name again.

    It’s for older browsers, i.e. if you’re using IE7, or possibly IE6, which I think newer versions of WordPress have dropped support for. It’s kind of like you use them at your own peril. The Javascript used for the drag-drop functionality might not be optimised or working at all for the said older browsers.

    Only recognised the problem, as I had to use accessibility mode before, due to some other bug I encountered.

    All the best.

    Screen Options > Disable Accessibility Mode

    It somehow has turned this feature on I think.

    Thread Starter Harry


    Hi Obbie,

    I didn’t write a function to replace the output sadly, as I only need a very simple newsletter signup field. I simply saw where the script was posting to, and I used some PHP variables to build the URL to the post form, and I was able to customise this then.

    <form method="post" action="<?php echo 'https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>" id="constant-contact-signup" name="constant-contact-signup">
    <div id="mailingform">
    <input type="text" value="ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS" name="fields[email_address][value]" id="cc_email" onfocus="if(this.value=='ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS') this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS';" />
    <input type="hidden" name="cc_newsletter[]" id="cc_newsletter-4" value="4" /> 
    <input type="hidden" id="cc_referral_url" name="cc_referral_url" value="<?php echo bloginfo('siteurl').'/thank-you-for-subscribing/'?>" />
    <button id="mailingsubmit" name="constant-contact-signup-submit" value="Signup" class="button submit"></button>

    I’m sure from here you could incorporate your PayPal code, and expand on the fields being posted to Constant Contact.

    Good luck,


    Thread Starter Harry


    Cheers Zack,

    Thanks, I figured out a suitable workaround. Was just looking for the standard form the plugin generates so I’d know what to change. Unfortunately the form I was generating was part of a larger form, and I just needed to incorporate it into it.


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