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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Reviews] Excerpt function in review?I use the code like this
<code>[good-reviews category='mycat' excerpt=1 ]</code>
This is exactly the same as on the offline version of the same site (there it works nicely). I already compared the files and found no difference.
I can imagine your advice but this is a live site! So it is not convenient to switch to another theme and turn of all plug-ins…………..
I have to think about this…………
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Log Viewer] Plugin could not be loaded. Please try againI got exactly the same problem. Also turned out to be a too big of a log file to start with.
I would imagine the plug-in to point this out in stead of this message and a continuing running screen with text “Loading entries”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Reviews] Excerpt function in review?Just to be on the safe side I tested whether more tag is working properly within a regular post and it does. So why not on the reviews?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Reviews] Excerpt function in review?Forgot to update the status to set it to Not Resolved. Please look into my question.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Reviews] Excerpt function in review?Hi again! I changed the status to not resolved…….
I tried the more tag on my testsite (offline) and it works OK there.
Now I am using it on the live site and it hasn’t any effect?
I tried clearing the cache to no avail.Is there something that has to be set to make the more tag work in this plug-in?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Reviews] Excerpt function in review?Thanks for the elaborate answer.
I think the <!–more–> tag will do the trick for my request. That one had gone a bit to the background for me. I either use the excerpt or a more complicated script to generate my own excerpt based on certain settings in extra fields coming from the ACF plug-in.
Sometimes things can be more simple than you think!Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Reviews] Excerpt function in review?I should have posed my question in better detail.
When editing a regular post you get the option to input your own excerpt and if all is correct the theme will show that on web pages where such an excerpt is shown (like a search page).
This option is not available for the review.And can you also point out which excerpt length variable is used to create the review excerpt?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Reviews] Untranslated text stringsAlright I managed to get the string translated.
I created a pot file from the files and then a English po/mo file.
From there I created the desired Dutch po/mo and voilà the string was translated.Why did I miss this all?
Any way my problem is solved!
Thanks for the support!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Iframe from https site with http content?Thanks for the suggestion. I already changed those sites (I show my designs in an iframe) to just plain links that open up a new tab.
Maybe this code example can be used to add to Easy Fancybox instead?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Reviews] Untranslated text stringsOK. I will investigate and report back.
I didn’t see a translation prefix before the text Read More in the code.
Does this translation work in another way that I am used to?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Special chars displayed wrongly in captionI found the error! It was in Envira Gallery Lite.
I am using the envira_gallery_output_end hook to get the entire gallery.
I read the whole gallery as a DOM to add a css class and let only display the thumbnails for 1 horizontal line of the gallery. The rest can be seen through Fancybox display.
In that process I also remove the Envira script added to the footer.
That script currently contains a rewrite of the title from attribute data-envira-caption. So removing it gives me the output basically created by the plug-in i.e. a title with wrong special characters.
I now extended my PHP script to pick up the data-envira-caption attribute from each anchor and setting the title with it.
Problem solved!Sorry for the inconvenience as Easy Fancybox had nothing to do with it!
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Harm10.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Iframe from https site with http content?I tried the neat trick to no avail. Still a blank screen.
Console shows: Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://www.google.nl/search?q=%25https://myurl.nl&btnI=Mixed+Content&gws_rd=cr&ei=YwsWWeaYHaHEgAb1kYfoDQ does not permit cross-origin framing.In the description of that trick it is already stated that it doesn’t work in Chrome.
So I have to think of another solution. Something like not using Iframe but linking directly.
Even so wouldn’t this be a remark to add in the documentation of Easy Fancybox?
I guess showing some informational message in stead of the blank screen is too difficult to do?Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [SKT Full Width] Detail problems and bad supportFirst experience here is that you cannot access the forum to report as a free user?
You have to do your reporting through the contact form.
Hmmmm……Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Reviews] Untranslated text stringsWhenever a pot file is missing I try to generate it with POEdit.
This involves picking up text strings that have a specific structure like__('Text', 'text_domain_id')
Does this plug-in use a similar structure and if so what is the prefix?Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [SKT Full Width] Detail problems and bad supportThanks for replying but sorry I do not agree. According to WordPress this is the support forum for this theme: Support.
I know developers have sometimes hard times to follow all the platforms where problems can come in but I do not see any sticky that you rather want support questions elsewhere.
Just creating a sticky is simple and will redirect serious other developers to report a problem (or give a suggestion) on the proper platform of your desire.I will try to report my problem(s) on Your support and see what happens. Until then I leave my review untouched.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Harm10.