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  • Hi, while I don’t have a direct suggestion for the engine to display the items, you might want to look at using my AWSOM News Anouncement plugin as the way to display the News/ticker. My plugin allows you to place a static area anywhere you want (by default it shows up on the index above your posts area, but it can be placed in sidebars or in posts/pages with a code) and it optionally allows php/javascript/code to run within it, so if you find a plugin that requires a theme code you can place that theme code into the news entry (which works like regular post entries) and have it work without needing to edit any theme files.

    I’ve seen numerous slideshow plugins that should work fine, plus any RSS readers would also work.

    You can find my plugin in the extend area or at my site . If you have any questions about setting it up contact me there or at my support forum.

    I have seen this same issue, with future posts being visible immediately, but not all future posts, just some. Jabecker, thanks for noting the time thing, which probably explains the situation and points to the bug issue. Has this been submitted to the bug tracker yet?

    You are hitting the global variable issue in WordPress 2.5. Add a line in the *main part* of your file stating “global $wpdb;”

    Weirdly they made their own global variables non-global in the activation function.

    I’ve found that this error sometimes has to do with a php memory issue. On a server I was installing 2.5 on I had to have the php.ini file updated to allow php to utilize 16mb instead of the default 8mb before it would let WordPress install and activate plugins. You might want to ask your server admin to do this for you and then try it out.

    Are you using any global variables in your activation function? if so you need to declare them as global *outside* of the function. They made any variables that exist in the activation function non-global (even if you call them as global) unles you specifically declared them as global in the main context of your file.

    So at the start of my plugin I globalize all of my global variables I use in my activation function.

    Hi, have you guys tried using either NextGen gallery, AWSOM Pixgallery, or any of the other galleries available? They all pretty much have what you want and will have more dedicated support and options since they are dedicated projects.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP2.5 Gallery pagination?

    Have you tried out any of the image gallery plugins that exist for WordPress? While the built in one is nice for a quick and dirty gallery, for anything really advanced you’ll want to look at a dedicated plugin. I doubt they’ll be really spending a ton of time developing the built in one.

    Hi, while individually these plugins may not cause an issue, obviously a combination of them do. Usually you’ll find that the ones that add in a bunch of javascript are the ones that cause these collision issues. You’ll have to go in and delete out the stuff in your plugins folder on the server to recover, then add them back in a turn them on one at a time and refresh the page until you see the same situation occur, then you’ll start to know which plugins are colliding and causing the issue. Ultimately you’ll need to contact the plugin developers of the plugins that are conflicting and see if they can fix things–or you’ll need to select a different plugin to get the same functionality that then doesn’t cause you to have an issue.

    If this is an issue for you I would suggest using the “classic” version like I do which is totally contained on your own server. I agree that It’s a risk–more so from if hackers were to get control of their site and could send malicious stuff out than they themselves doing it, but it’s still a risk when you give up control like this.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Lightbox 2 is trippin’

    Sounds like it’s conflicting with another plugin or is not fully compatible with your version of WordPress (are you using 2.5?). Check to see if there is a new version available, or deactivate all of your other plugins and switch to the default theme–if it works at that point then it’s a conflict–turn on other plugins one at at a time and see if it still works until it stops working.

    If you are using WordPress 2.5 then the most obvious thing that is causing these issues are your plugins not being compatible with WordPress 2.5 and causing the error. Do you have any admin plugins installed (things that add stuff to your admin area?) if so download any of them from your server then delete them off of the server and re-try logging in. With the move to 2.5 probably most plugins will not work correctly and will need to be specifically updated to be compatible.

    Hi, what pop up options are you referring to? Built into Pixgallery is either a individual freefloating pop up window option or a lightbox effect pop up option.

    Honestly though, as things are developing out there it’s actually a bit better to step out of the way and let other plugins add in their ability to add funky pop up effects to things. Many people actually prefer to use specific lightbox or other popup plugins across their entire site, so the next version of Pixgallery will add in the ability to specifically support any other pop up plugin by adding their rel or other class attribute directly to the images in your gallery. So you can have exactly what you want, either the built in or external ones, and not have a fight between them.

    Quick question: do you have any sidebar widgets installed as Plugins? What you might be seeing is an error in one of them which is causing things to fail. There are a number of major changes in how plugins work and are activated in 2.5, and many plugins will not work properly in 2.5 unless updated, so try disabling all of you plugins and see if this clears things up. Also, try switching to the default theme.

    (if you can’t actually get to the theme switching or plugin deactivation pages in the admin area, download all of your plugins and themes, then delete them all off the server except for the classic and default themes and then try to log in)



    You could utilize my AWSOM Archive plugin and add an archive to a page using the postbypost method, but instead of a drop down select the HTML method. This would give you a long list of articles which you could then limit by category or other limiters.



    Uh, quick question: What client would want to add “code” to a site but be unable to understand how to do HTML? I’m not trying to be a smart ass, but what types of stuff are they trying to add in? Yes Divs and other things get pulled out by the Visual Editor, but why are they trying to put that in in the first place if they don’t know how to use the stuff (and are incapable of using the Code editor)? Is it a case that they are writing things up in Word or DreamWeaver and want to export as HTML and copy and paste it into WordPress?

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