Hi Devon,
Even I am having the same issue here. It happens when we try to import directly from textarea (without selecting a file).
While going through the plugin code I came across the following code block, from which the error is originated from.
if ( ( ! empty( $_FILES ) ) && ( isset( $_FILES[ 'btnSubscriberFile' ] ) ) ) {
$file_contents = trim( file_get_contents( $_FILES['btnSubscriberFile']['tmp_name'] ) );
if ( ! empty( $file_contents ) ) {
// File IS populated and NOT empty
$subscriber_arr = explode( $row_delimiter, $file_contents );
The problem with this if statement is that it will always return true, regardless of the user selecting a file or not. isset only checks whether the attribute is present.
I think it’s better If we check whether the tmp_name is empty or not, instead of doing isset($_FILES).
I have managed to fix the error by replacing the If statement with the following:
if ( ( ! empty( $_files ) ) && ( !empty( $_files[ 'btnsubscriberfile' ]['tmp_name'] ) ) ) {
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by harisdozz.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by harisdozz.