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  • Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    Hi Brian,

    I think I can answer your question here, it seems not to difficult to find, knowing it works for you and not for me. But to be sure, I’ve tested my hypothesis first and know now its like described hereunder…

    The action genesis_site_layout is removed by the new snippet that surpasses the genesis content handling. Since you don’t use that part of the code yourself because it’s use is only necessary when one wants to use the setting to limit content in archives (and apparently I’m the first that insists on using that feature in combination with TEC)

    If that new snippet is used and the actions ‘genesis_entry_content’ and ‘genesis_entry_content’, ‘genesis_do_post_content’ are removed and ‘genesis_entry_content’ is directly linked to ‘the_content’, then all other snippets can only control layout by using the general overrule hook in stead of the genesis_site_layout hook.

    I imagine you’ve choosen to use genesis_site_layout in the first place because it doesn’t force layout to an extend that it overrules the page-setting, and brian Gardner and Studiopress use ‘genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout’ in their snippet just because it overrules layout options completely.

    So in short, the tutorial should at the least be updated to say that the new snippet requires the use of genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout in snippets where otherwise genesis_site_layout is used.


    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    Hi Brian,

    Looking at the samples in

    I notice that the full width snippets often use add_filter( ‘genesis_site_layout’… in stead of add_filter( ‘genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout’

    Since the first won’t seem to work I started searching a bit and noticed that all samples to force layout in Genesis (from Brian Gardner and Studiopress) seem to use the action hook ‘genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout’. I wonder if the rest of the samples could better use that hook too. On my website they won’t work with ‘genesis_site_layout’.


    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    I’ve tried adding all the snippets you offered and all is now like it should, having no author-section, offering social share buttons and single events are displayed in full-width-content. For some reason of all the snippets to set display to full width, only the snippet you contributed to me, has done it for me. I haven’t analyzed why the others didn’t. I’m happy with it now and will leave it alone.


    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    Thanks, Brian, for the snippets and looking into the results of it. Good to know that if Simple share isn’t showing up, it’s unrelated to the new snippets or TEC. Thanks for all your help.

    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    Just one follow up. I noticed just that the genesis simple share buttons I use on my website are not showing, both in admin (the setting) and in the front. Can that have something to do with the new code?

    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    After a good night sleep, I found a working selection to set the single events to full-width-content. I just had to remove a ! from your if-statement.

    Still wondering a bit why the event edit page doesn’t show the layout options, but still: Case closed!

    Thank you, Brian. I can rest now.

    The working code (for whomever needs it too):

    //* Force full-width-content layout setting on single events
    add_filter( 'genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout', 'modernstudiopro_full_width_layout' );
    	if ( class_exists( 'Tribe__Events__Main' ) && tribe_is_event_query() && is_single() ) {
    		$opt = 'full-width-content';
    		return $opt;
    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    Brian, I could kiss you right now. You’re my new hero, and in saying that, I’m also happy persisting on this question.

    The result after selecting the default page template and the “Full styles” option is that now my layout is like all other pages (links and lists alike) and that I see the default genesis layout (content-sidebar on my installation).

    The only remaining problem now seems to be (and I probably have to further examine that) that the event edit page doesn’t show the usual genesis layout icons, so I’m stuck with the default. Trying to manipulate layout from within functions.php has until now only worked when done generic without a condition (see code). So that will probably take some puzzling.

    A condition selecting the ‘tribe_events’ post-type has failed and copying the selection used in your own function also failed. Only the code as followed worked, indicating that it can be done if the right selection criteria is found.

    add_filter( 'genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout', themename_full_width_layout' );
    function themename_full_width_layout( $opt ) {
    	$opt = 'full-width-content';
    	return $opt;

    If you have a suggestion on this, I would appreciate it, but I can search for it some mor too.

    All in all not to bad, and thanks a lot for keeping with it too. Perhaps this alternative can be part of the solutions you advice in the pages you shared about integrating TEC in genesis?

    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    I understand your position, and I’m sure genesis will say the same the other way around. It’ just that none of you offer a solution, and as a user I have to choose whether I use a plugin that has a problem with genesis (regardless of who will take responsibility for it) or one of the many others that haven’t.

    Perhaps I still will find a solution myself, since I’m sure there will be one whatever choices of both development teams (tec and genesis). It’s just a matter of finding it.

    Thank you for your response, and have a nice day.


    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    Hi Brian,

    Thank for your response to my question. I’ve read the pages you linked, but on the point of my main concern it doesn’t add new information. I had already read some pages I found that said the same and viewed the videos on youtube (although they cover older versions).

    It still only says I can’t use the content limiter for archive settings. That seems like a functional change to the rest of my system, since with no alternative I would have to manually put a more-tag in all articles and I don’t like having to do that. It would have been better if you would have given a solution for that, and I can’t imagine there not being one, even if genesis itself has no special filter for it.

    After some further searching I found that I can limit the length of my except by adding in functions.php a the_excerpt filter and using substr($excerpt, 0, 270). But then the read more link isn’t generated then, and for my users I want that link too. Perhaps some cleaver programmer can give me a solution that also gives me a the read more button back (please?), then there would be no further extra work in it and the solution would be the same. I can use conditions to set that filter to only the necessary archives, so problem solved.

    All in all it seems to me I have to do a lot of work to correct the fact that TEC doesn’t really play nice with the genesis framework. If it’s not by the fact that most genesis framework-users are willing to code or have someone code for them… Well, mature technology would probably no longer ask that of their users.

    I will read the info about widgets and shortcodes with some more attention, but it at this time I’m not sure that in that case I can solve my functional need without coding something. I just want to show all future events of a certain category below the content, so visitors see the planning of a course. Perhaps a widget will do that, we’ll see. In most alternative plugins that stuf is considered basic enough to put in the free version.

    No need to complain about free versions though, because its a gift and I thank you for the effort en the richness. I understand it’s a business.

    Thanks again,


    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    Okay thanks Nick, one would think that a missing declaration of something would not be that difficult to fix, but I guess there will be reasons. Thanks for the explanation. I will wait for now. Kind regards, Hans

    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    Thanks. Yust changing that line to
    load_plugin_textdomain( 'tedtalks', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/locale' );
    seems to do the trick. I’ve done it here already and my translations are loaded flawlessly.

    Thanks for reporting this and posting a sollution, I found it when Updraftplus Backup plugin reported (in various websites of mine) that I had scheduled tasks with a date in the past. When looking into it, I eventually stumbled on this bug-report.

    I’ve corrected line 4448 in wp-includes/taxonomy.php and deleted the events used a cron manager plugin to delete the ‘wp_batch_split_terms’ entries, but that only corrects part of my problem, since there are also (and still) about 590 entries that don’t show in any of the cron plugins because they don’t have a hook (or any data) in it. I don’t know how to change the code mentioned above to delete those entries.

    When I echo the output of _get_cron_array() it starts out with a lot of entries like this, before showing entries with hooks and args. It might be because some other (previous?) bug, but I don’t like having this in my db.

    Can anybody please advice on how to delete these entries?

        [1430901747] => Array
        [1430901752] => Array
        [1430901757] => Array

    Thanks, Hans

    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    My pleasure. I just reckoned that when I ask, it’s only fair to give some back too. ?? Hopefully the problem isn’t discovered much because most people notice the small message and know that their website or plugin is in test-modus.

    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    I experimented some more and tried another plugin too, and shared the link next to a picture. The picture was visible, and was shown, tough the links didn’t and also the other social share plugin showed the same problem, so it had to be something in Facebook itself connecting to my website.

    After digging some more I found that the cause was that for some other plugin I previously had defined an app to get an APP-ID in Facebook had interpreted my whole website as an app because of that (although I haven’t installed that plugin and don’t use the App-ID in a plugin). Near the app-ID it was written that the app was still in developer mode and only I could see it. And that was indeed the problem, because when I opened the app for the general public, all links where shown again.

    The problem is solved now. Tricky that nowhere in the Facebook messages it is visible that the message is a test-message that is limited, so it seems when you look there that the message is open to the general public. Glad that it is solved now, and I’ve learned something about fb. ??

    Thread Starter Hans Schuijff


    Thank you for your feedback on the issues I raised. You’re right that a developer would be the best qualified to build and install plugins and set options. But perhaps it is also the power of wordpress and open source to enable lots of people to use and learn to support and develop this technology. Lots of people don’t have much money to pay for developers, but have time and are willing to learn some. Democracy in software development. ??

    I was a software developer at some point, but that was a long time ago (in the age of mainframes and large computers and the start of the Internet). I’m now learning about this (for me) new technology to be able to understand it better. I thank you for your offer helping me creating a filter, and will come to you if and when I decide thats what I need.

    When I spoke of control, I meant control on a picture by picture basis. The general logic is sufficient to do the bulk of the work. I just want also the Control to enable me to input exceptions to the rule for specific pictures. A simple entry field to just enter a name would suffice. And I believe that is an option that you’ve already enabled in the pro-version, so its not a problem.

    You warned about the danger of this kind of plugin, so there is no blame here, just a recognition of what happened.

    I use at the moment a Studiopress Genesis child theme (Modern Studio Pro) out of the box, and believe it to be solid programming. By just trying al options, I found out that the problem was indeed the child theme (other child themes worked alright, just this one seemed corrupted in some way), and not the featured image itself. It is corrected now.

    In the end I needed to delete and reinstall the child theme to correct it. Just before I noticed the problem I had installed 4 updates, so perhaps in that proces something got corrupted. It was just unfortunate that it happened at a time that I was also checking your plugin, so that it seemed that had something to do with it. How the child theme was corrupted I don’t know. I’m just happy it is back to normal now.

    Thanks again, and keep up the good work your doing. I will by the pro versions of both your plugins soon. I’m happy you build them so well, and want to support your effort for our mutual advantage. ??

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