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  • You have used the [kml] in the header where it would be parsed as html, right (not in the <head> tag)?

    Try using
    [kml_flashembed movie=”header_temp.swf” base=”https://www.your.path/to/swffile/&#8221; height=”150″ width=”970″ /]

    Hey, thank you all for the effort, I see that the the posts containing imgid are posted with an older version of WP. However, the id doesn’t show up in the attachment managing links lists.

    So I guess I’ll go through the source to remove the ids from the older content.

    Thanks again,
    – HM

    I actually changed the post pr page to 5, so that the same image is not shown twice at the moment. But here is the url:

    If you check the source for images, they are appear e.g as:
    <img align="left" alt="2rhozetweb.gif" id="image76" title="2rhozetweb.gif" src="" />

    Should the id of the image be parsed?

    – HM

    Of course!

    WP does this by it self, assuming the image only will be used once pr page. So when parsing the xhtml, WP assigns e.g. <img id="image67"... which is the attachment id of the uploaded file. So there is little the user can do about this.

    I can’t expect my users to actually go into code view to delete the id tag from the image.

    So, again, any ideas?

    – HM

    You mean what can be set in the admin panel? That is set to the standard wp-content/uploads.

    I need to modify the path of files uploaded before WP was moved to new server (and new URL). The files in posts have the correct url, since I replaced this. The Upload Browser, on the other hand, shows:

    • wrong (old) URL
    • wrong (old) preview of linked file, both href and img src
    • correct (new) thumbnail liked to page (href), but wrong (old) img src

    Not sure where I have missed, been browsing the db for a while…

    – HM

    Just a minor thing, but maybe the alpha value of the green background behind the page links could be just marginally higher? For readability…

    Other than that I think this blog is lacking something like Perfectly Medium Rare Organic Filet Mignon and so on ??

    – HM

    Try to add

    define(‘DISABLE_CACHE’, true);

    to your wp-config.php file, that worked for me.

    What worked for me in the end was to add this to wp-config.php

    define(‘DISABLE_CACHE’, true);

    Thread Starter Hans Magnus Mikalsen Nedreberg


    Must be some kind of permission issue, because when I use localhost or my usual ISPs everything works fine. However, when I upload (same ftp method) to the university server, I have no rights when it comes to permission setting.

    Makes sense?

    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: wont work…

    hey, does it look like the same problem as my previous post?

    ive installed again and again on different servers, creating different prefixes for the databases, but no luck. on my local host though everything works fine, and im even accessing the same database.

    I’m also fine running localhost (db remote though), but when I install WP 2.0.2 on server and log in, I first get redirected to profile.php which only states “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”. When I go to /wp-admin I get no options at all, only the Dashboard page is available. Logged in as admin.

    Any clues?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: using flv player

    has anybod had any problems when posting as Author, and having the flv code snippet disappear when clicking Save (or Save and Continue Editing)?

    Works fine when logged in as Admin or Editor though (regardless of using RTE or not, though i prefer not to).

    Hans Magnus

    want to provide a url?

    Escape the first ” after href= for flv files!
    For some reason this was not displayed in my previous post.

    Hans Magnus

    Hello again,
    made a quick n’ dirty hack for the code output issue, at least when it comes to the plugins specified here. Thought maybe this could be helpful to someone.

    What it does, is simply checking the filetype, and outputs the appropriate tags needed for the plugin used.

    The new code goes in the filosofo-old-style-upload.php file, near line 280, where it originally says
    if ( ereg('image/',$img1_type) )
    $piece_of_code = "<img src='" . $this->get_settings('fileupload_url') ."/$img1_name' alt='$imgdesc' />";
    $piece_of_code = "<a href='". $this->get_settings('fileupload_url') . "/$img1_name' title='$imgdesc'>$imgdesc</a>";
    $piece_of_code = htmlspecialchars( $piece_of_code );

    I replaced the code above with:
    if (ereg('image/',$img1_type)) {
    $piece_of_code = "<img src='". $this->get_settings('fileupload_url')."/$img1_name' alt='$imgdesc' />";

    //flv video (use with FLV-WP by Roel Meurders):
    } elseif (ereg('application/octet-stream',$img1_type)) {
    $piece_of_code = "<flv href="".$this->get_settings('fileupload_url')."/$img1_name" />";
    $piece_of_code = htmlspecialchars( $piece_of_code );

    //quicktime video (use with Fallen Media Filter by Fallen):
    } elseif (ereg('video/quicktime',$img1_type)) {
    $piece_of_code = "[act]". $this->get_settings('fileupload_url')."/$img1_name,320,250[/act]";
    $piece_of_code = htmlspecialchars( $piece_of_code );

    // mp3 to flash player (use with Audio player by Martin Laine):
    } elseif (ereg('audio/mpeg',$img1_type)) {
    $piece_of_code = "[audio:". $this->get_settings('fileupload_url')."/$img1_name]";
    $piece_of_code = htmlspecialchars( $piece_of_code );

    // wmv embedding in post:
    } elseif (ereg('video/wmv',$img1_type)) {
    $piece_of_code = "<embed src='". $this->get_settings('fileupload_url')."/$img1_name' width=320 height=240 autostart=false controller=true loop=false ></embed>";
    $piece_of_code = htmlspecialchars( $piece_of_code );

    Hope this helps,
    Hans Magnus

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